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Chris Moss Acid

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i read/heard that the new greenday album was the hardest album they've ever made. it almost pushed the guy over the top.


i caught a glimpse of greenday playing one of their new songs on tv a few days ago.


WTF!?! it sounds EXACTLY like the rest of their shit, same everything.



i am so fucking glad im not a greenday fan. i feel great not being a greenday fan. fuck yeah!




EDIT: i might as well add, that even bands who do the same songs all their career, like the ramones or status quo are fucking cool, because they are just cool, and least they accept that fact they did.

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I feel that way when I read interviews or articles about a lot of mainstream acts. They start talking about pushing their limits and experimenting a lot and so forth, and it just never shows in the final product.

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Guest petr

green day is really good for karaoke i sang it a lot in japan. also nirvana. everyone knows the lyrics!!! :rolleyes:

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the article in rolling stone (i get it free in the post for unknown reasons) was so horrible.


"most ambitious rock band on the planet"


i heard the new single and its really boring.


thus rolling stone sucks and doesnt deserve to be named after a great band

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Guest theSun

rolling stone is terrible.


green day is even worse.


i wonder if they ever practice their instruments or if they just play when they need another few million.

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Guest theSun

yeah! fuck that censorship bullshit. good to see they're fighting the good fight for all of us.

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Guest Wall Bird
they're sticking it to the man by not providing a cleaned up version of their album to wal-mart.


That's great.


It's nice to see a band with some commercial clout stand up against censoring by Wal Mart. With a little bit of luck this will hopefully set a precedent for other artists in a similar position and will, ultimately, help smaller artists to overcome the problem of censorship by such a company. Though why anyone who's remotely aware of Wal Mart's practices would choose to be involved with them is beyond me...

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i have to stare at this shit on the front page of bestbuy.ca until they decide to change it.


fuck this band, and to think this is the same band that made dookie with longview and basket case and fuckin the ENTIRE insomniac CD, and then they go on to make this trash

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Insomniac lol, basically after dookie they have made the same songs over and over. Well other that that time of your life song that every fucking graduation since plays... ya that and dookie = greendays catalogue

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Guest Pilcat

green day were the first band i ever loved.

6th grade, got myself a cd player and dookie and insomniac and nimrod...

kinda grew out of it by high school, stopped listening before the previous album.


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Guest assegai

I choose to believe Green Day (like Weezer) broke up after their second album. Works better that way.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i walked into our local independent record shop when dookie first came out and asked the hipster indie dude for "dorkie".


then about 3 years later i pissed myself whilst browsing the new releases.



no wonder left legged pineapple shut down

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hmm, i wonder what could've happened to green day after dookie to make them change into an assembly line of essinestially-identical songs?! for what reason could they possibly want to make the same songs over and over and over and over and over again?!@ what were they getting out of it?! wouldn't they know that people on messageboards with vastly superior tastes in music to that of the average peasant would be ripping them down, even mocking their diners?!@ why would they do it?!@


oh yeah. a complete fucking assload of money. not just one assload, but at least 6-10 asses figure for the 3 dudes in the band and their 3-4 girlfriends/mistresses/whatever. and that's just all the money they can fit in their asses, as obviously their bank accounts are nicely filled.


i understand what happens to groups like this, or even rappers like eminem... tho with greenday they just happened to fill a post-nirvana vacuum where pop was looking to move on from moody smackhead rock and they got onto greenday's vibe and that album was so huge they could never do anything like that again. i'll give them that they tried to reposition themselves as some sort of "anti-establishment establishment act" with the whole american idiot thing and evidently i think they wanna keep that vibe alive with this know your enemy shit, which i first heard of when my 50something longtime pop/rock-guy uncle wanted to hear the song and was telling me i couldnt download it and rah rah... and i download it and it's like... that. and then whenever i turn on my tv there it is, whether it's univerwise premieres or even at the end of a colbert report.


and well, i get what tehy're doing and understand it and all that, but really, there is no point anymore. i almost shed a tear when i saw eminem's new "we made you" video cuz like, man, you figure after a few years away maybe he comes back and is like "fuck it. i'm rich. i'm going to rap about something real now" but nope, instead, we get some cliche video with him in 37 costumes parodying today's pop culture as if to say "HEY LOOK I'M NOT DEAD I'M STILL HERE!!@#$" and... yeargh. there is no hope. i was about to ask a question here but i'll make a thread for it

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