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I got mugged


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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


synthesize it using common household cleaning products


this isn't funny BCM. I'm in serious pain here.

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Guest melotronic

ah man, sounds really unfortunate :ohmy:


good luck scraping something together to ease the pain... could you borrow a bit of cash and run out to score street pain pills?

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ah man, sounds really unfortunate :ohmy:


good luck scraping something together to ease the pain... could you borrow a bit of cash and run out to score street pain pills?


maybe if I knew where to look....


but i don't.

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i had a grands worth of green mugged off me by a gang of scallies in balaclavas who pulled a gun on me right outside my house a few weeks back.

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in fact ive had the shittest month ever i think, mugged, arrested, got jibbed by a girl i quite liked by her simply ignoring me cos she didnt even have the balls to tell me, ive got to have 4 fillings, and ive got a really unpleasant random pain in my stomach. roll on june.

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in fact ive had the shittest month ever i think, mugged, arrested, got jibbed by a girl i quite liked by her simply ignoring me cos she didnt even have the balls to tell me, ive got to have 4 fillings, and ive got a really unpleasant random pain in my stomach. roll on june.


what were you arrested for (missed the thread if there was one)

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dealing. although that was entirely for being a stupid fuck.


oh i think i do remember that thread

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i deleted it. im back in the police station to be officially charged on the 15th, maybe karma will take pity on me for may and help me out. more than likely its going to go horribly wrong though.

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i'd be fucked because i always carry my wallet in my front right pocket and they'd think i was going for a blade

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so who's going to get me painkillers asap?


Dunno if this helps but you can get Tyleonol1's with Codeine over the counter at most drug stores, meaning you have to ask for it but it is fine without a prescription. I think you can get T2's without as well.


If you have visible scars like bruises, gashes, etc from the mugging, you could probably just go into your local pharmacy and explain the situation, you didn't get any prescriptions, what is the strongest thing they have available for pain relief?


Also if you get the the T1's or 2's or w/e, you can do a cold water extraction that is really simple and takes about half an hour to do, where you end up with a very concentrated dose of codeine.


Best advice I can think of, message me if your interested in my methods.

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so who's going to get me painkillers asap?


Dunno if this helps but you can get Tyleonol1's with Codeine over the counter at most drug stores, meaning you have to ask for it but it is fine without a prescription. I think you can get T2's without as well.


If you have visible scars like bruises, gashes, etc from the mugging, you could probably just go into your local pharmacy and explain the situation, you didn't get any prescriptions, what is the strongest thing they have available for pain relief?


Also if you get the the T1's or 2's or w/e, you can do a cold water extraction that is really simple and takes about half an hour to do, where you end up with a very concentrated dose of codeine.


Best advice I can think of, message me if your interested in my methods.


codiene is controlled in the US

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I dunno man go ask the pharmacies to be sure, I know its controlled in Canada as well but I can also vouch that I went into a pharmacy without a prescription and bought a bottle of Tylenol with codeine which i proceded to extract from the tylenol and then dose on.


I'm pretty sure its controlled but small amounts are permitted with behind-the-counter medication in certain cases.


edit: quick search on erowid:

Products such as Tylenol II-IV, which contain less than 90 mg codeine per dosage unit, are Schedule III.
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either way the pharmacist probably has something stored behind the counter thats alot stronger than what you can find on the shelves so even if you don't get T1's, you will probably get something semi-decent

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otherwise if you can suggest some reasonable way that i can ship them to you from up here in Canada


how about the mail, no?


i've mailed capsules of 2c-e internationally before... put the pills in a bubble mailer, not too many or it will feel obvious

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fuck those dudes. I hope you feel better.




































...pics please

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