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I got mugged


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I was waiting for the bus, when 2 black dudes asked for my wallet. I said no, and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital with 7 stitches above my right eye and my right eye is still swollen shut. Motherfuckers stole over 200 bucks, my ID, my bus pass, a shitload of phone numbers, etc. Worst of all, they didn't even give me any painkillers.





Fuck my Life

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i was told a story from an acquaintance. his friend had a similar thing happen to him, he was a tall guy and he got off his bike, said no", and karate kicked the guys ass


edit:L fuck your life



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That sucks, man. A friend of mine got mugged a few years ago and now has a metal plate in his forehead from where they bashed him with the butt of gun.

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Guest placidburp

I heard if you pretend/actually puke near them they run off....I have never tried this out. I would like to.

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sorry to hear that mate


i guess not knowing if they're gonna beat you or not the best thing to do is just give it up


they might still fuck you up even if you hand it over, you never know it with assholes like that

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i almost got my head bashed in with a crowbar one night when i was with friends,very drunk, and threw candy at a car. the car stopped and two angry black guys were in it. we ran away( to safety). i think i learnt a lesson though

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sorry to hear that mate


i guess not knowing if they're gonna beat you or not the best thing to do is just give it up


they might still fuck you up even if you hand it over, you never know it with assholes like that


yeah but i think they're less likely to if you give it to them, maybe just punch you in the face once or twice

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sorry to hear that mate


i guess not knowing if they're gonna beat you or not the best thing to do is just give it up


they might still fuck you up even if you hand it over, you never know it with assholes like that


yeah but i think they're less likely to if you give it to them, maybe just punch you in the face once or twice


lol fair enough

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If ever there was a thread that playbynumbers should vent his spleen into, this is it.


There's nothing that bothers me more about the collapse of the inner-city society than kids mugging and stealing from people. It's one of the reasons I enjoy living in China; there's some theft but very little violent crime.

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My buddy beat some guys in poker at a casino and they didn't take to kindly to it. They waited for him outside to get there money back. What they didn't know is that he had a gun. It can be a great equalizer at times. They got scared and took the fuck off.



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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


do you have medical insurance? could you go back to a hospital and tell them your situation?

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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


do you have medical insurance? could you go back to a hospital and tell them your situation?


no insurance..... another ER visit would cost about 800$

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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


do you have medical insurance? could you go back to a hospital and tell them your situation?


no insurance..... another ER visit would cost about 800$


sorry yeah i forgot they took your bus pass too :sad:

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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


do you have medical insurance? could you go back to a hospital and tell them your situation?


no insurance..... another ER visit would cost about 800$


sorry yeah i forgot they took your bus pass too :sad:


and i can't buy any pain pills off the street either cuz they stole ma skrilla

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man you need some Vicodin or some shit.


NO SHIT!!!!!! I don't know how to get any!!!!


synthesize it using common household cleaning products

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