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Oh, and if I hear one more "Dances with Wolves" joke I'm gonna throw up in my mouth. Has no one seen DUNE? Because this was DUNE. Inagoodway


-Anticool news


wait, like, david lynch dune? so this is like one of the worst science fiction movies ever made?

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Empire Review 5/5


But it’s hard to imagine even the most jaded and cynical having any issues with the last forty minutes, in which Cameron uncorks the action and shows all the young pretenders – the Bays and the Emmerichs and the Von Triers – how it’s done.




From the TimesUK review:


It’s a world that takes a little getting used to. Cameron’s vision owes something to Hayao Miyazaki’s meticulous fantasies





Basically Fox just lifted the embargos because of all the positive feedback thats coming out... the floodgates are opening.




Oh, and if I hear one more "Dances with Wolves" joke I'm gonna throw up in my mouth. Has no one seen DUNE? Because this was DUNE. Inagoodway


-Anticool news


wait, like, david lynch dune? so this is like one of the worst science fiction movies ever made?


Note: "inagoodway" ... probably referring the amazing set designs and art direction in DUNE, not the boring/confusing plot/story.

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DUNE looked like shit.


also lol at how quickly you're able to respond to a post in this thread. you're sure you aren't being paid?

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im getting distinct twinges of joyrex and his ps3, your completely unexplained and insistent enthusiasm is actually making me hate the film before ive even not bothered to go and see it.

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Empire Review 5/5


But it’s hard to imagine even the most jaded and cynical having any issues with the last forty minutes, in which Cameron uncorks the action and shows all the young pretenders – the Bays and the Emmerichs and the Von Triers – how it’s done.




From the TimesUK review:


It’s a world that takes a little getting used to. Cameron’s vision owes something to Hayao Miyazaki’s meticulous fantasies





Basically Fox just lifted the embargos because of all the positive feedback thats coming out... the floodgates are opening.




Oh, and if I hear one more "Dances with Wolves" joke I'm gonna throw up in my mouth. Has no one seen DUNE? Because this was DUNE. Inagoodway


-Anticool news


wait, like, david lynch dune? so this is like one of the worst science fiction movies ever made?


Note: "inagoodway" ... probably referring the amazing set designs and art direction in DUNE, not the boring/confusing plot/story.



i was going to say the same.. the set design and story are legendary.

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i ain't gonna believe shit until it's released.


Why? I mean I always reserve judgement on shit until I see it, but if there was to be a film that critics would love to give backlash and cynical hate towards... it would be this movie. The fact that its getting this great of reviews while also having all the hype it had going into it... says something imo

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im getting distinct twinges of joyrex and his ps3, your completely unexplained and insistent enthusiasm is actually making me hate the film before ive even not bothered to go and see it.


I know I am coming off as quite the asshole/annoying twat in this thread. But honestly at this point, for all the arguing and discussing that has commenced over the past months on why I thought the trailers were a bad representation of the film and why you shouldn't write it off because of advertising... I'm just having my own bit of fun now.






"New "Avatar" movie & James Cameron will go to the Oscars as nominees"


London --- Just left the 'World Premiere' of "Avatar," and while the standing ovation the film received at its conclusion is probably just the requisite politeness; I can report that this is another rare example where the quality of the movie does indeed exceed the hype and "Avatar" will most certainly be among the 10 'Best Picture' nominees for the Oscars; and James Cameron will also be a Best Director nominee. I think it is also possible that actress Zoe Saldana, who has the most challenging of roles in the film, may rack up an additional acting nomination as well.


The movie may owe more than a few plot points to the story of Pocahontas, and there may be some grousing at a fairly heavy-handed treatment of corporate greed and our lack of American energy independence; but the key question, is Cameron able to deliver a movie that packs the entertainment value and emotional punch of 'Titanic.' The clear answer is 'Yes.' The Oscars will not ignore this film.

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i ain't gonna believe shit until it's released.


Why? I mean I always reserve judgement on shit until I see it, but if there was to be a film that critics would love to give backlash and cynical hate towards... it would be this movie. The fact that its getting this great of reviews while also having all the hype it had going into it... says something imo


i generally don't put much salt into reviews. i mean, halo 3 got a bunch of 10/10 just for being halo 3. maybe this is just getting good reviews because it's james cameron's big comeback?

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Dune did not 'look like shit' it has some of the most hard worked on an large scale set design and costumes for that era of science fiction. If you did not like the aesthetics of it, its your loss. But for someone who appreciates Aliens im surprised to hear you say that. I love Dune and i'm not ashamed to say it, but i still have huge doubts about Avatar.


the visual look of scenes like the above, i miss this amount of effort put into practical effects and sets in today's movies

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fuck me, i know how this is gonna end. i'm going to get tricked into going to watch this movie with some friends and then later i'll spend all night complaining on how i could've spent those ten dollars on like 20 bottles of soda (i'm really into soda).



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im getting distinct twinges of joyrex and his ps3, your completely unexplained and insistent enthusiasm is actually making me hate the film before ive even not bothered to go and see it.


I know I am coming off as quite the asshole/annoying twat in this thread. But honestly at this point, for all the arguing and discussing that has commenced over the past months on why I thought the trailers were a bad representation of the film and why you shouldn't write it off because of advertising... I'm just having my own bit of fun now.


i don't think after seeing 20 minutes of the film in 3d that the trailer is a bad representation at all. I have no problems with the trailer, i have issues with the footage i already saw.

You're assuming that the trailer is 'not a good representation' how do you really know this? you did not go to Avatar day nor have you seen the actual film.

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im getting distinct twinges of joyrex and his ps3, your completely unexplained and insistent enthusiasm is actually making me hate the film before ive even not bothered to go and see it.


I know I am coming off as quite the asshole/annoying twat in this thread. But honestly at this point, for all the arguing and discussing that has commenced over the past months on why I thought the trailers were a bad representation of the film and why you shouldn't write it off because of advertising... I'm just having my own bit of fun now.


i don't think after seeing 20 minutes of the film in 3d that the trailer is a bad representation at all. I have no problems with the trailer, i have issues with the footage i already saw.

You're assuming that the trailer is 'not a good representation' how do you really know this? you did not go to Avatar day nor have you seen the actual film.


I will tell you why... this article - http://www.hollywood.com/feature/Avatars_Marketing_What_were_they_thinking/6349091


Read that, and it will explain why the marketing is a bad representation of the film... but is also brilliant at the same time. Fox was pretty clever with this.

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dune is a complete and utter failure of a movie and one of the more overrated sci fi novels as well. talk about dry, lifeless writing. i know i won't win anyone over with that opinion, but i HATE that movie.

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i don't know if reading someone elses opinion on what i've seen with my own eyes is going to change much.


Your one of the few people I talked to who was not impressed with the preview... my point was specifically geared towards the 95% of Watmm who hasn't seen the preview and only the trailers and other advertising. That article clearly demonstrates why you should not take the advertising seriously.


And yes I will get to the "surge" thread eventually... I feel like ever since I hadn't replied you've been on my ass in most threads. Wtf mate?

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those are all very valid criticisms, but you did say it looked like shit. I just think for my money it's one of the best examples of practical set design and costumes for a science fiction movie of that time. there are a few movies that reach that level for me visually, Empire strikes back, Alien, aliens to name a few.

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i don't know if reading someone elses opinion on what i've seen with my own eyes is going to change much.


Your one of the few people I talked to who was not impressed with the preview... my point was specifically geared towards the 95% of Watmm who hasn't seen the preview and only the trailers and other advertising. That article clearly demonstrates why you should not take the advertising seriously.


And yes I will get to the "surge" thread eventually... I feel like ever since I hadn't replied you've been on my ass in most threads. Wtf mate?


did i say i was not impressed? i think you need to differentiate fully blown ' i absolutely love this film, and its going to rock my world' Vs 'it looks beautiful, but whats with the dialogue? the guy says bitch and kick ass several times in the span of 20 minutes' . You seem to take a very defensive position as if any criticism voiced towards the film could make the house of cards collapse.

I think it's probably going to be a flawed movie overall, but extremely breathtaking and amazing visual experience. IF i see some other reviewers voicing valid criticims about the script and story while at the same time saying how awesome it looks i would be more inclined to read that type of review. 100% praise is suspicious to me on multiple levels, on one level i suspect payola, on another level i suspect the reviewer himself may have a ceaselessly positive or knee jerkish reaction to the backlash this film has gotten and omits speaking about genuine flaws in the movie for whatever reason.


Obama war surge & Avatar, two threads i was already active in before you came into the Obama thread. And maybe i am a little bit on your ass lately because you seem to have a completely unshakable positivity about the film Avatar and president. Both when taken individually is not that notable, but combined i find it strange to be this defensive about a film you have not seen and a man you do not know. and i will not stop posting or trying to crack away at that! don't take offense to it, its just my way.


edit: im probably just as excited about you to see Avatar, but i can say things about it that don't look so hot without it detracting from my enjoyment f it. like why does the font look so cheesy and shit? While the font does look atrocious, i can still fully enjoy the movie and be excited about it.

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i don't know if reading someone elses opinion on what i've seen with my own eyes is going to change much.


Your one of the few people I talked to who was not impressed with the preview... my point was specifically geared towards the 95% of Watmm who hasn't seen the preview and only the trailers and other advertising. That article clearly demonstrates why you should not take the advertising seriously.


And yes I will get to the "surge" thread eventually... I feel like ever since I hadn't replied you've been on my ass in most threads. Wtf mate?


did i say i was not impressed? i think you need to differentiate fully blown ' i absolutely love this film, and its going to rock my world' Vs 'it looks beautiful, but whats with the dialogue? the guy says bitch and kick ass several times in the span of 20 minutes' . You seem to take a very defensive position as if any criticism voiced towards the film could make the house of cards collapse.

I think it's probably going to be a flawed movie overall, but extremely breathtaking and amazing visual experience. IF i see some other reviewers voicing valid criticims about the script and story while at the same time saying how awesome it looks i would be more inclined to read that type of review. 100% praise is suspicious to me on multiple levels, on one level i suspect payola, on another level i suspect the reviewer himself may have a ceaselessly positive or knee jerkish reaction to the backlash this film has gotten and omits speaking about genuine flaws in the movie for whatever reason.


Obama war surge & Avatar, two threads i was already active in before you came into the Obama thread. And maybe i am a little bit on your ass lately because you seem to have a completely unshakable positivity about the film Avatar and president. Both when taken individually is not that notable, but combined i find it strange to be this defensive about a film you have not seen and a man you do not know. and i will not stop posting or trying to crack away at that! don't take offense to it, its just my way.


"i don't know if reading someone elses opinion on what i've seen with my own eyes is going to change much. "


This quote led me to believe you weren't impressed... my mistake.


And yeah maybe I am a bit defensive, but thats only because I am genuinely pumped to see this movie. This is what I want to do with my life, make movies... and James Cameron represents a form of film-making that has been dead to me since I guess the LOTR movies. Sure I like the more artsy dramatic atmospheric movies too (No Country, There Will Be Blood, Diving Bell & The Butterfly etc..) but fuck science fiction films specifically 2001 is what I live for. Its what made me want to get into the film industry.


I have been absolutely obsessed with this movie, not just on this forum... but everywhere. Its been on my mind a shit ton... I am probably a little crazy now, and I can see why my behavior is weird for some. But it has nothing to do with some financial Joyrex fanboyism or something. I just want this to be a really really fucking awesome movie. This industry needs something like this, to get the studios away from the current remake/sequel trend. Corporatism has fucking destroyed mainstream movies and mainstream music these days, and it would just be awesome for someone like Cameron to show the studios to take risks.

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As long as you're quoting all the gushing parts of the reviews, I'll take up the task of quoting the funny parts:


but there’s a fair amount of unintentional laughter to be had from watching hundreds of Na’vi, swaying like extras from the Zion rave scene in The Matrix Reloaded, surrounding something called The Tree Of Souls and banging on about becoming one with Mother Eywo. If there’s one element of Avatar that the made-their-mind-up brigade will use to mercilessly beat the film with, even more so than the somewhat prosaic plot, it’s this.
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