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today is going to be a good day

Fred McGriff

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actually my skills have come quite a ways, I've lowered my look sensitivy to 2 since getting my big screen tv and i've made some key tactical adjustments that keep my K/D spread positive almost every match


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

*pops a collar*



*pops a boner*



*poops a boner*



*copies into the funny quotes thread*

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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError * 1000 = bad day


Set rsData= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rsSQLData = "SELECT * FROM days WHERE good=true ORDER BY weather ASC;"

rsData.open rsSQLData, getConnection(), adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic


if rsData.recordcount=0 then


end if

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does anybody have the latest mousepad protocols upped to an ltf that I can snag real quick? i spent all last night trying to save the proxy overruns before my PT9 crapped out completely. I just dusted off my keyboard too, so I figured all my attachments and bookmarks would be safe. but these fucking computers cause me so much grief.

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today is a good day! it's raining and i'm working on my 'post-rock opus' and i just ate a nice homemade jaffa muffin and i bought penumbra on steam lastnight for $$5 so i might play that soon!

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went to work and had a decent day except for the fact that my boss called me to inform me that he'd like me to come in at 6am for the next three days and open shop. plus side is i get off at 2pm and probably won't have to work this weekend.

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