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what evidence do you have of the US planning it? Surely they welcome the idea of the current president being removed from power...but I fail to see how it was "manufactured" if most of the Iranian public wanted this done years ago.


what evidence do you have that 'most' of the iranian public wanted this done years ago ... this country regularly has elections .. and a wide swath of it's public has a long history of animosity to US meddling in it's affairs ... so regularly they vote in people that stand for iranian independence in the world ...


as for trying to prove what i say to you .. i don't feel like writing up the encyclopedia of knowledge into a thread that would be necessary to convince you of US machinations in the affairs of other countries .. if you haven't noticed that already .. great ... have fun with that ... but really .. i'm way beyond bothering with the justifications ...


maybe there needs to be a leftwing factbook generated .. like the cia one .. it would save us the hours involved correcting the world of it's ignorance having a searchable url to point to ...


heh ...

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what i like about the current situation is that barack forced benjamin to publicly state his conditions. So that instead of negotiating/bickering behind closed doors, everybody gets to see the conditions that have been stated and the promises that have been made. it opens the discussion to critique, and makes people accountable. ..and best of all, allows everyone to make up their own directly informed opinion.

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what evidence do you have of the US planning it? Surely they welcome the idea of the current president being removed from power...but I fail to see how it was "manufactured" if most of the Iranian public wanted this done years ago.


what evidence do you have that 'most' of the iranian public wanted this done years ago ... this country regularly has elections .. and a wide swath of it's public has a long history of animosity to US meddling in it's affairs ... so regularly they vote in people that stand for iranian independence in the world ...


as for trying to prove what i say to you .. i don't feel like writing up the encyclopedia of knowledge into a thread that would be necessary to convince you of US machinations in the affairs of other countries .. if you haven't noticed that already .. great ... have fun with that ... but really .. i'm way beyond bothering with the justifications ...


maybe there needs to be a leftwing factbook generated .. like the cia one .. it would save us the hours involved correcting the world of it's ignorance having a searchable url to point to ...


heh ...



i love your condescending snarky attitude as of late Dleet.


open any news mag, journal, or search nexis-lexis database for leftist or democratic movements in Iran, they didn't just spring up now, they have been fermenting for the past twenty years if not longer... the reason they are coming to full fervor is if anything, their current president is attracting more attention towards the nation...thus giving him and the Ayatollah excuse to ramp up national security and quash the socialist labor movements(these having been a HUGE part of Iranian society before and during the Islamic Revolution). Compare the images and stories of those older Iranians with horror stories brought on by the Shah, burning American flags and taking hostages, to rioting against their own people because of a blatantly rigged election. its because there is a change in the generational thinking. Iranians by and large are starting to realize that with their previous Islamist leaders pulling for a jihad in the West with little to no resources, millions of Iranians lose their jobs, wars over waterways are fought all for nothing. The younger, more culturally open-minded and educated are finally old enough to at least try to change the way their government has worked.


don't pull the "blame US" card. I know history, Ive read the books, I understand they have a heavy hand in current affairs in the Middle East...that's pretty obvious to anyone with a mind...but to belittle a genuine backlash against an all but dictatorial regime in name by simply saying "The US manufactured it", and then to not even post one source affirming your belief shows you are more apt to condemn 10% of the story that gets you all emotional than focus on the whole story at large.


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i love how fucking one sided and jingoistic Americans Ukers talk about Iran


its like 'dude can you believe Ahmadinejad won that shit must be staged' is mainstream idea pushed by entire mainstream western media


then in 2004 if anyone from another country or inside our own suggested

'dude can you believe bush won they totally rigged the votes in Ohio' you are perceived as a conspiracy theory wacko who doesn't respect america. its like not even remotely acceptable to say that American elections could be rigged. We like to think of ourselves as some sort of exception to every form of corruption.


it makes me sad to think of how fucking stupid our country is, even intelligent people get wrapped up into these manufactured debates. Its like come on man Iran in a lot of ways is not really that much more fucked up than a lot of the world and to single it out as some sort of 'scary dictatorship' is just blatantly retarded.

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fuck it.


Im glad the Iranians are pissed off.


end of story.


now lemme go masturbate in my crude oil cauldron to my 120x150 Skull n' Bones poster.

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Guest zaphod

iran is a big part of my master's program and i'm planning on going there next year, should be interesting.

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the 'israelis' in that video are all americans


ahmedinajad was going to win anyway


They're all American Jews for sure. But if they're Israeli citizens, it means they've done their stint in the Israeli military. And just because they're Americans doesn't mean that they are any less representative of Israeli thought.

And regardless, they were a bunch of fucking idiots. The poli-sci girl who doesn't know who Benjamin Netanahyu is? The idiot who said he was gonna teabag Obama and put it on youtube (somebody submit his face to the no-fly list...)? I didn't watch to the end cause it was pretty fucking depressing.

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I'm so glad China in its infinite wisdom has prevented me from seeing youtube videos. If you guys can imagine what watmm looks like without youtube, it's fields and fields of unblemished, tranquil white. Iran what?

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I'm so glad China in its infinite wisdom has prevented me from seeing youtube videos. If you guys can imagine what watmm looks like without youtube, it's fields and fields of unblemished, tranquil white. Iran what?







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Guest zaphod

lol i was actually using tor for quite a while back when beno and i were sharing accounts. didn't work that well!

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that's weird ... when i was waiting for my post edit to be uploaded .. a message appeared on the cursor stating .. "if you don't like it kindly fuck off" ..


may i inquire wtf .. ??



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Guest ezkerraldean
fucking hell



man, i hate zionism. expansive uber-nationalism? hatred of your neighbours? sounds like nazism to me.


and im allowed to say that cos im jew lol

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fucking hell



man, i hate zionism. expansive uber-nationalism? hatred of your neighbours? sounds like nazism to me.


and im allowed to say that cos im jew lol


you know Ezkerraldean, for a Jew, you're pretty cool

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Guest Iain C
lol i was actually using tor for quite a while back when beno and i were sharing accounts. didn't work that well!


I also used Tor to dupe once or twice when I was on suspension, until I realised that it wasn't really worth the effort!

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They're all American Jews for sure. But if they're Israeli citizens, it means they've done their stint in the Israeli military. And just because they're Americans doesn't mean that they are any less representative of Israeli thought.


the american immigration to israel is the most ideologically motivated, most zionist.

anyone with half a clue would know what kind of answers he would get from such crowd with such questions

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