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On the subject of the Salvinorin Continuum


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The process of entering the continuum happens usually so abruptly that its hard to know that it is even happening when it is. One minute you are sitting there in the moss, and the next, you are being plastered onto the grid. Now once you fuze into the grid, you are catapulted into its forward motion (one unit at a time), creating a synchronized unification with its rhythm. In some experiences, the motion has been outward from a focus point, but sometimes it can be shown as moving sideways above you (I think this may be representative of forces in the magnetosphere). As you becomes aware of your assumption into the gridflow, you may realize that you are expelling air out of your lungs, through your voicebox, creating short exclamations in time with the grid's movement (laughter, in other words). I have come to believe that this laughter is the physical response to the hyperdimension's deconstruction of self; a warning call, so to speak, because if you recognize it quick enough, and are able to stop, you have now gained access to the other world's lobby with your ego intact. At this point you should give yourself a pat on the back, because you have just made the journey through the wormhole.


So to outline the first steps:


1. Assumption into the Grid: your whole brain (and body in some cases) is literally smacked onto the "grid" [which I can only say is some kind of schematic that conscious energy flows through, its like graph paper, and every unit is a simplified rosetta stone explaining the fractalline interconnectedness of law between every aspect of the universe's inner workings (geometry and particle physics); moving along it is jerky and rhythmic, causing all the Human's sense to react accordingly to its pounding beat]

2. Realization of the Grid: First there is confusion and disbelief (a completely chaotic mindstate that isn't absorbing any information; to put it simply: you don't know what the hell is going on), but this non-conscious state is quickly broken by the physical affect of laughing, which, once you recognize is coming out of your mouth (you actually see the soundwaves come out of your face as triangles which are placed into their respective place in the continuum's movement), one can attempt to disconnect the stealing of ego which is going on by putting your hand over your mouth to silence it. This act of realization puts you in control of your movement through the grid.

3. Enter the Matrix(lol): With your ego intact, you enter a massively proportioned area which I think should be recognized as the fourth dimension, for the obvious reasons that one can move along the w axis, the space in between space.

•I have learned that there are two ways to navigate these realms...one of which going to sound unorthodox...

•The first way is the obvious and recommended astral projection (ie. sitting in a pitch-black room and traversing this space with the mind, letting the realm assert itself in the darkness). This way lends a lot to visionary detail, and to understand the second method, exploring and getting a knack for the architecture of hyperdimensional space is a necessary step.

•The second method of traversing these realms may just be the underlying key behind building temples, holy plazas, sacred cities...it is the exploring of the hyperspacial realm...in 3-dimensional space. What I have found is that if one breaks the dissolution of ego by asserting the presence of your physical body (stopping your laughing), the body is actually given access to the realm. What I think happens is that hyperspace is laid onto the physical world, like saran wrap over a sandwich, allowing for you to walk through this place, physically! (albeit a bit oddly, given the amount of physical discoordination that one experiences). The trick is to do this in chaotic space, space unorganized by human hands, the wilderness. Somehow, through the fractal logic that nature uses in its formation of its forests, it has come to reflect the structure of hyperspace, and hyperspace to reflect the structure of nature, so there is a natural bridge between both dimensions there at all time. But I also think that given a broader and more researched mapping of the hyperdimension, one could actually find that most religious sites are organized to function also as bridges between both worlds. My Haven is gradually becoming that, as I and others come to agree on the distinct "architecture" of hyperdimensional space.


I will continue but I need to get a Dr. Pepper.

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Guest Babar

Awsome. I love you man ! We should be tripping together !


However i have an objection. Why stop to the fourth dimension ? i've been experimenting up to seven dimension (once). it was pretty intense. (lsa)


Oh and i've recently discovered a new kind of fractals among linguistic data (serious). language is fractal, that's what i said, am saying, and will ever say.

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Guest hahathhat

salvia asked if i wanted to be a parking garage,

i said, why would i want that?

then i fell asleep for two hours


am i doing it wrong??




on another note -- mixing salvia and weed in the same bowl, how's that work out?

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1. Took a hit. Sat back. In this moment I immediately became the existence described in the next sentence, as there was no me, no anything:

Blasting through a portal with scraggly trees climbing up, cactuses, a chorus of infinite angels singing through a never-ending wormhole, cascading canyons of water bottles.


Then I think, I, me. Where am I? Who am I? I am he. He who smoked the salvia. Gigantic baseball field, I am at the center, the angels are laughing. Why did I feel uneasy at their laughter? Spinning vortex of kangaroos, my friend's face at my left, laughing. "Holy mother of God."


2. Took a hit. Saw myself in the sky. I was in the sky looking down on myself. I was part of a timeline. The trees were God, and I was an atheist. I was a fool. I needed to open up my mind. I apologized to the trees. The timeline in the sky. "GUYS!" I shout to my friends. I told them to leave me alone, I didn't want to be watched while on Salvia this time (my friend's laughter during the first trip bothered me somewhat). The moment is in the sky, a timeline spanning the horizon. Everything that happens joins the timeline, with past, present, and future. It's constantly moving. I turn to the trees once more. They punish me:


It starts to pour, the hardest rainfall possible. I am drenched within seconds. I do not move, for it feels so good. I vow to be more open minded about spirituality, as during that trip I became convinced quite strongly of a higher power.




I can't wait to do this again, unfortunately that day may never come, as it is illegal in my parts. It is my favorite drug, by far, and provides me with the most intense, mindblowing, beautiful, mysterious, fantastic, indescribably huge experiences (un)imaginable.

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Guest 277: 930-933

The fourth dimension is time, the fifth is thought.



The sixth dimension is WATMM.

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Shit guys, I was just thinking about how overwhelmingly sad and tragic the world is. I much prefer your take on things. Wish i could be there. Energy fields sound neat and fun. Well when I'm done riding this wavelength perhaps I'll rebound to the one you've caught.

Good night.

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So upon my last assumption into the grid, I encountered an alien force which my aesthetic senses warped into a kind of corporate firm. Of course, this is a malleable take, because a shaman might see it as a pantheon of spirits. But no, what was implied to me was shady corporate businessmen, their will being to employ me in their firm. And so employed I was, as a guinea pig to their strange experiments. I performed many in a short period of time, but the one that stuck out to me the most was one that involved a kind of glossolalia. I found myself crawling in time with gridflow, through a series of short trees, a kind of tunnel; I noticed that within each cell that I crawled in there was a new symbol, and somehow, I knew the corresponding syllable. My job was to speak this glossolalic language as it came, and that I did. I am still astonished at how this happened, but somehow, when I finished, a weight was lifted off of me, as if to say, "your job for today is done, go home to your family." So I did, and found my wife and children (polygons to the right of me) ready at home.

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you should try it again. read up on it.


the thing that sets it apart from other, less powerful hallucinogens is this:


you become the drug. that is, you literally become something else, a separate consciousness/existence. you aren't seeing things morph, you are experiencing the physical act of morphing. in other words, the things "you" are "seeing" are literally there, right before your eyes, happening at infinity miles per hour. and every time you do it, the experience will be completely different. it's like a piece of software that generates avant-garde art inside your brain and projects it onto your visual/audio consciousness. that is, if you smoke it correctly and have powerful enough extract.

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it's like a piece of software that generates avant-garde art inside your brain and projects it onto your visual/audio consciousness. that is, if you smoke it correctly and have powerful enough extract.


This is the way I feel as well, I can hardly consider it a drug, its more or less a vehicle into another world, some kind of construct, that in a very much digital way, runs an orientation program (into hyperspace) for your brain.

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Oh no, not another Salvatorin thread that will be bumped for the following years..

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Salvia is great, but just wait until some stupid ass kid dies by jumping off a building on it, then it will quickly become illegal in the united states due to a media shit storm on Fox news and CNN

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most kids are too stupid to actually implement ingesting it properly


this is true, but some people are extra sensitive to it's effects like myself. even using a normal pipe with no water chamber with a tiny pinch of 10x will totally destroy my universe

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i find it interesting that Pure Salvinorin A from any american distributor is impossible to find (most people keep their sources secret)


most of these so-called 'extracts' that people can buy now are actually not an extract at all but pure salvinorin chemical redeposited back onto some dried leaf crumblings.


it's really only 1 tiny step away from just selling in mass to the public pure salvinorin A crystals which if that was done would instantaneously cause deaths of stupid people.


.The primary danger in using refined salvinorin A is overdose. It can only be used safely if the dose has been measured precisely. It is active in extremely minute quantities - so small in fact that a dose could easily fit on the head of a pin. Quantities this small can only be accurately measured using an analytical balance. Such weighing equipment usually costs two or three thousand dollars. NEVER ESTIMATE A DOSE OF Salvinorin A VISUALY. IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE WEIGHED.



the same guy who wrote this claimed when he first did Salvinorin A he assumed the product he purified was inactive because he tasted zero smoke or vapor but 10 seconds later was fully tripping at level 5-6

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most of these so-called 'extracts' that people can buy now are actually not an extract at all but pure salvinorin chemical redeposited back onto some dried leaf crumblings.


i get the impression this is done in order to give the end-user something tangible to work with and for sheer convenience; compare say $50 of salv in this preparation vs a pure extract. one is a bag of leaf, the other would be a miniscule amount of crystal that would be difficult to use. of course it also makes testing the strength of a preparation a bit tougher.

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i find it interesting that Pure Salvinorin A from any american distributor is impossible to find (most people keep their sources secret)



Well actually you can make a liquid solution, and ingest it in the style of a quid, holding it in your mouth (and of course, the effects are massively drawn out in comparison to smoked).

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