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Russian Woman Butchers Her Own Dog


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fucking cunt. she deserves death


LOL, I love it when people get all animal welfare if it's a cute dog or something. Bring back hanging! Hanging's too good for 'em!


The dog was evidently already dead, this is no worse than taxidermy. Go have a burger or something you hypocrite.



seriously though, it's a fucking pet, it is supposed to be your friend, why fucking butchering it like it's just a fucking piece of meat with no feeling and stuff + why the need to take pictures of the scene, someone obviously witnessed the whole thing and participated by taking pictures - and why fucking posting these pics on the net? a fucking cunt that's what she is.

lol @ hanging though hahaha!

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Guest Iain C

fucking cunt. she deserves death


LOL, I love it when people get all animal welfare if it's a cute dog or something. Bring back hanging! Hanging's too good for 'em!


The dog was evidently already dead, this is no worse than taxidermy. Go have a burger or something you hypocrite.



seriously though, it's a fucking pet, it is supposed to be your friend, why fucking butchering it like it's just a fucking piece of meat with no feeling and stuff + why the need to take pictures of the scene, someone obviously witnessed the whole thing and participated by taking pictures - and why fucking posting these pics on the net? a fucking cunt that's what she is.

lol @ hanging though hahaha!


Your pets aren't your friends. They're exploiting you for food and shelter, and at the very most they're adhering (faultily, as you're human) to some kind of instinctive pack mentality. Stop anthropomorphising, it's dumb. You're just weepy because someone cut up a cute little doggy - you don't even know how it died!

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Granted, without knowing the whole 'story' behind these pictures, it's a bit hard to pass judgement whether this woman is some sick individual, or this was an elaborate hoax to illicit reactions like the ones in this thread.


But, I do take exception with the whole 'well, tonnes of animals get slaughtered each day, and you don't seem to mind' argument - those animals are raised for a purpose - food. In this case with the dog, it appears (again, lack of background info) that this woman is butchering her dog for internet publicity or to satisfy some sick compulsion. Unlike this woman and her dog, I don't become best friends with a cow, treat it as a pet, and gain it's trust, then kill it because I want a burger or a steak.

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Guest joshier

re lain ; I think you'll find dogs are particularly loyal to their owners. Cats on the other hand are less so


The most disturbing thing is that she's smiling and joking with it but until we know the full story behind it we just don't know. Either way, she's smiling and being very comfortable around that kind of thing which isn't very normal.

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To be fair, whatever the background and motive, it's basically a bit bloody weird to be dicking around doing that sort of shit in your living room. I would personally have a hard time explaining that one to my housemates

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lol whatever. ppls reactions are extremely hypocritical, i go by what iain c said.


updated: apparently one of the girls is a vet student and it was her homework..big deal.


Where did you find this out?

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i too am skeptical of reacting so strongly by this (because it may be a hoax or context different than what's presented) but i get a kick out of the contrarianism on this forum as well.

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hmm, ok apparently she's a vet i was mistaken by the way the guy who wrote the blog presented things. i bet the dog cadaver in the cooking-pot also has nothing to do with all that. yeah, well, proof that you can manipulate people by grabbing visual material and placing them into the context that you want. FUCKING CUNT MUST DIE (the blogger)

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I can hear Yegg's stomach growling from thousands of miles away

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proof that you can manipulate people by grabbing visual material and placing them into the context that you want. FUCKING CUNT MUST DIE (the thread starter)

The pictures are some twisted, sick ass shit, its a slight bit of relief to hear that the dog wasn't a pet but a vet students subject. That girl is still a fuck up to pose with the corpse like that though. And the first pic (the one where the dog is alive) is a different girl. Thats probably why the blogger shrunk it smaller than the rest, to make it less obvious that its fake. Probably a different dog aswell. But the same breed.


To summarize: FAKE.

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Guest Adjective

posing playfully with a corpse is poor taste, no matter what the story, unless they are bachelor party pictures.

are these bachelor party pictures?

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