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Guest Wall Bird

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Guest Wall Bird

Tonight IFC was had a showing of 'Cube' and as I watched it for the second time I sat in awe of it's brilliant premise and execution.


More movies should be made this well. I think it is an incredible achievement in how this movie manages to expertly convey such a unique, and original premise, while turning what at first seems to be cookie-cutter characterizations on their head while doing it all for a ridiculously cheap budget. The level of refinement in the details is pretty outstanding as well. I wasn't aware of this, but, according to the Wiki entry, each of the characters are named after a particular prison and their personalities each reflect certain qualities of said prisons. I love how the entire setting is confined to the cube and that the outside is only referred to and never seen.


All in all, I would say it's a damn-near flawless film. I just wanted to make sure that it has gotten the recognition it deserves.


So I wonder, what do the rest of you think?

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Guest spike

funny that you mention it! i saw this movie around five years ago and just yesterday was reading an article about how some government's space agency has been hiring people to live in an isolated and confined space for the purposes of deep space voyage, to examine pyschological endurance and etc. and this movie was the first thing i thought of. so recommend to anyone,,. also of interest would be Jim Henson's early film ,, The Cube <<< watch. wiki

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Guest Adjective

i remember this showing on sci-fi channel a long time ago, a few times i think. it didn't grab me at all, but everytime i hear someone talk about it they seem to praise it. i'll have to give it another go one of these days.

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Guest abracadabra

I loved this film. There is somewhat horrible acting, but overall I loved it. Have and still would recommend it.

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hellz yeah - great example of how to make a film interesting with limited budget and some not so great actors. I, too, actually really enjoyed Hypercube - though as modey says, we're probably in the minority there.

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Enjoyed it, though found myself getting irritated by the angry guy who started beating the others up. But then I get the same reaction watching Lost, when instead of rationally questioning folks, people fly off the handle and start slinging bullets/torturing at each other instead.

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Guest Glass Plate

god damn IFC is so gay now. Playing Fargo, Cube, Robocop, Life Aquatic etc. Totally not indie any more. bleh.



Also cube 2 is better, then 3 and 0 are the BEST.

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Yeah, Cube is one of those movies where you are like, "what the fuck is this, why is it here, Cube? looks like some shit horror movie". It goes to show that if you can create the air of something greater and amazing going on, something believable, then you don't really need a big budget to create the movie. I guess at some point in the movie, you do see the outside of the cube right? But for the most part, they are just using a tiny little set and changing the lighting. Its not a GREAT movie, but it is a great example of how to use ingenuity to make a decent movie within extreme constraints.

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Guest lands end road

A pretty good film indeed. Strangely enough, I think this film would have suffered from a larger budget. I think the small budget intensified the creepy claustrophobic atmosphere this movie has.


Although I'm not claustrophobic, movies that are shot in such confined spaces disturb the hell out of me. This one did an especially good.

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Guest analogue wings

thers a couple actors who are a bit too "local theatre group", but other than that its all good

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thers a couple actors who are a bit too "local theatre group", but other than that its all good


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head there. I was searching for those words.

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