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health care in Europe and Asia


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To my European and Asian friends. Is it really that bad? I realize most people here are young with few health issues, but how about your grandparents? Are they giving them pills to "go to sleep"? Is there long waiting lists? Do they sometimes come here to the usa for their health care to preempt waiting for care in their country? What is the real story here? There is so much bulshit to wade through. Thanks

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Lots of Americans fly to "Asia" to get procedures done, as many of the doctors have studied at American schools and it's cheaper to fly and have the procedure done in Asia than it is to get it done in America.

Google medical tourism.


Oh and Canada's health care system is in pretty decent shape...it would be better if Harper and his gang of fucking crooks would stop swallowing all that corporate semen.

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i have a hereditary blood clotting disorder and spent a fair share of time in the ER when i was a young kid, sprained ankles, nosebleeds and cuts and bruises, and always got prompt and professional care. i also needed to get a special medicine injected in me with clotting factors to stop the bleeding. had we lived in america, i am pretty sure the health insurance company wouldn't have covered shit since it's a pre-existing condition and the medicine is very expensive. i'd be pretty sure my family would have been bankcrupt before i was 10 years old.

it's just hilarious how people are so against UHC in america. continue to pay thousands of dollars yearly to the private health insurance industry for the small chance that they would actually cover some of the expenses if you get sick or injured. i mean, it must be better to have a private corporation look after your health than the big evil government.

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Guest analogue wings

lol, wtf no. that's just some insane republican scaremongering with no ties to reality.

enjoy your shit third world healthcare system. haha


seriously. OP must have been watching fox or some shit. this is like pre 2004 election when americans thought the rest of the world was in love with Bush

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This made me laugh. Number 4 is definetly my favourite


And here's tonight's Top Ten of Stupid Things Republicans Believe In...


Number 10, The Second Amendment makes perfect sense and means you can go grab a burger while toting an antitank grenade launcher

Number 9, God

Number 8, Sarah Palin

Number 7, There is no contradiciton in being Pro-Life and pro-death penalty

Number 6, "Mission Accomplished"

Number 5, "The existence of mobile production facilities used to make biological agents"

Number 4, Affordable healthcare for everyone is "socialism"

Number 3, Maintaining the embargo on Cuba is an example of justice in the face of an evil Communist dictator; extensive trading with the Peoples' Republic of China however is helping them forward on the path towards capitalism

Number 2, The current financial crisis is the result of too much market regulation

And the Number One in tonight's Top Ten of Stupid Things Republicans Believe In... Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States of America



I'm not American, but for interest decided to give this a read. Maybe you should too (link below).



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The second comment in the comments page is great also:


[Palin] "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down's syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of healthcare."


How does she think medical insurance companies decide on whether or not to fund treatment?


Surely they form a "death panel" too, "so bureaucrats can decide, based on an objective judgement of whether they can wheedle out of their responsibilities in order to make more profit and earn the bureaucrat a higher bonus, whether they are worthy of healthcare".


Maybe a "death panel" motivated by profit is best though?


I guess at least the US healthcare system at least spares 47 million people the prospect of "death panels" though by not covering their healthcare costs and letting them die unless they can find charity.

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The second comment in the comments page is great also:


[Palin] "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down's syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of healthcare."


How does she think medical insurance companies decide on whether or not to fund treatment?


Surely they form a "death panel" too, "so bureaucrats can decide, based on an objective judgement of whether they can wheedle out of their responsibilities in order to make more profit and earn the bureaucrat a higher bonus, whether they are worthy of healthcare".


Maybe a "death panel" motivated by profit is best though?


I guess at least the US healthcare system at least spares 47 million people the prospect of "death panels" though by not covering their healthcare costs and letting them die unless they can find charity.


the cognitive dissonance in americans is sometimes staggering. the priorities in that country are seriously fucked up. 3000 americans die in the 9/11 attack, start a couple of multibillion dollar wars to kill brown people, meanwhile 20000 americans die yearly due to lack of healthcare, no sorry, can't help you out, socialism you know. they would just need to take a couple of percent from the massively overinflated defense budget and get affordable healthcare to everyone and probably have change over to spend on something like education.

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the cognitive dissonance in americans is sometimes staggering. the priorities in that country are seriously fucked up. 3000 americans die in the 9/11 attack, start a couple of multibillion dollar wars to kill brown people, meanwhile 20000 americans die yearly due to lack of healthcare, no sorry, can't help you out, socialism you know. they would just need to take a couple of percent from the massively overinflated defense budget and get affordable healthcare to everyone and probably have change over to spend on something like education.


THe problem is though, an educated population wouldn't stand for all the bullshit.

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To my European and Asian friends. Is it really that bad? I realize most people here are young with few health issues, but how about your grandparents? Are they giving them pills to "go to sleep"? Is there long waiting lists? Do they sometimes come here to the usa for their health care to preempt waiting for care in their country? What is the real story here? There is so much bulshit to wade through. Thanks


this must be a joke.

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To my European and Asian friends. Is it really that bad? I realize most people here are young with few health issues, but how about your grandparents? Are they giving them pills to "go to sleep"? Is there long waiting lists? Do they sometimes come here to the usa for their health care to preempt waiting for care in their country? What is the real story here? There is so much bulshit to wade through. Thanks


this must be a joke.


reading what goes on in the states in regards to the healtcare reform, i am afraid it's not. this is actually what is spouted out as facts and the stupid retards are lapping that bullshit up.

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Guest Hanratty

yeah, it's not a joke. Many people believe it. But what is also happening is that special interest groups with big money are doing their best to spread disinformation and make it look like people are not in support of a government health care system. There's a lot of bad information around in the U.S., in newspapers, TV news, etc. Bad shit.

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Guest Hanratty

yeah, it's not a joke. Many people believe it. But what is also happening is that special interest groups with big money are doing their best to spread disinformation and make it look like people are not in support of a government health care system. There's a lot of bad information around in the U.S., in newspapers, TV news, etc. Bad shit.



real life example: when my wife and I went to the doctor and dentist in Japan we waited about 25 minutes to see them. Ooooh, we better not get a system like that!


the Japanese doctor and dentist used voodoo magic instead of medicine. Go tell the NY Post, they'll publish it!

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About socialism...we switched to democracy in 1991, before that Slovenia was a part of the federated Yugoslavia. And we had everything worked out, health care for everybody and everything free, and you didn't have to wait for like two years to get, say, your dentist check. Today, everything is different. Just about averyone pays for urgent checkups, because it's not taken care of, and your avarage tax payer has got some more paying to do to get his teeth fixed. I'm not sure about the rest of Europe but over here everyone says "that's America for you". lol, but it's true.


It gets me pretty excited whenever I hear any new story about american folk asking how we manage here. Some asked my girlfriend if we had internet here for Christ's sake... Let's compare school programs and see which is more demanding, your random Europe countries' or America's. The stories you hear, damn...

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Guest ezkerraldean

About socialism...we switched to democracy in 1991, before that Slovenia was a part of the federated Yugoslavia. And we had everything worked out, health care for everybody and everything free, and you didn't have to wait for like two years to get, say, your dentist check. Today, everything is different. Just about averyone pays for urgent checkups, because it's not taken care of, and your avarage tax payer has got some more paying to do to get his teeth fixed. I'm not sure about the rest of Europe but over here everyone says "that's America for you". lol, but it's true.


It gets me pretty excited whenever I hear any new story about american folk asking how we manage here. Some asked my girlfriend if we had internet here for Christ's sake... Let's compare school programs and see which is more demanding, your random Europe countries' or America's. The stories you hear, damn...


totally off-topic - how well do you slovenians get on with other ex-yugoslav countries?

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When you undergo a health check or receive medical treatment, you are obliged to pay a ‘user fee’ (in Norwegian = egenandel). This fee is paid directly to the health institution that has treated you. A standard consultation with a GP doctor costs NOK 130(20.8024 USD) during the day and NOK 220(35.2265 USD) for an evening appointment.


Anyone who has been legally living and working in Norway for at least twelve months is normally a member of the National Insurance Scheme. National insurance contributions are deducted from your salary/pension and entitle you to social security and health treatment under Norwegian law.


When you are admitted to hospital and are a member of the National Insurance Scheme, you do not pay for treatment, medication or hospital accommodation. Expectant mothers do not pay for any pregnancy check-ups. Children under the age of 12 do not pay any medical user fees, and anyone under the age of 18 who requires psychological help does not have to pay any treatment fees.

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Guest theSun

the cable news propaganda machines are pretty much in complete control of public opinion here in the us of a. people say fox news is terrible, but they neglect that cnn and msnbc are just as fucking stupid, just not so upfront about it.


a lot of the dissent from americans comes from the opinion that any government program is overreaching, slow reacting, and burdensome. they completely fucked up social security, there's no way anyone under 40 is going to see a penny of that shit, no matter how much they pay in, it's basically just a tax now. and just look how they're addressing the recession, "let's throw more money at all these private entities and continue to not regulate them! then when the companies fail again the government can give them a few more hundred billion in interest free loans! hooray capitalism!"


i would guess that at least 95% of americans (no joke) have no idea what cognitive dissonance is.

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