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french telecom employees suicides wtf??


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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

same things happened in a town in wales. something like 16 suicide hangings in a year or something like that.

16 < 23



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It's the "system" which creates this. Profit before human concern, as I keep addressing on this forum. Where there is money, there is no emotional concern for the employees as the main priority for the company is to maintain customers and gain new ones by driving the whole corporate bullshit into the minds of these human beings - who have a limit, you could describe it as an emotional threshold. I am very surprised that this doesn't happen more often in society. If anyone has worked in a call centre or a corporate-driven environment, you'll probably understand me a little bit more. You feel like shit - same goes for anyone who works in such a mundane, repetitive, monotonous job position which is insulting to you everyday.

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It's the "system" which creates this. Profit before human concern, as I keep addressing on this forum. Where there is money, there is no emotional concern for the employees as the main priority for the company is to maintain customers and gain new ones by driving the whole corporate bullshit into the minds of these human beings - who have a limit, you could describe it as an emotional threshold. I am very surprised that this doesn't happen more often in society. If anyone has worked in a call centre or a corporate-driven environment, you'll probably understand me a little bit more. You feel like shit - same goes for anyone who works in such a mundane, repetitive, monotonous job position which is insulting to you everyday.


actually the cause has already been explained:


they've suddenly realised that they're french

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Bread, the world over works under those circumstances. How about the little Thai girl shucking 2,000 shrimp per hour at $1 a day? But, no one's taking headers en masse like that and people don't do that unless they have a suicide pact or fall victim of the "catchiness" of suicide i.e. shitload of people in grim situation, one offs it, winds up looking like a good idea, more do it, before you know it, you have an epidemic on your hands.

Good point, though I am not saying that "people who work in call centre environments have it worse off than the Thai girl"

What are you saying? That the world over works and we should just get on with it..?


It's the "system" which creates this. Profit before human concern, as I keep addressing on this forum. Where there is money, there is no emotional concern for the employees as the main priority for the company is to maintain customers and gain new ones by driving the whole corporate bullshit into the minds of these human beings - who have a limit, you could describe it as an emotional threshold. I am very surprised that this doesn't happen more often in society. If anyone has worked in a call centre or a corporate-driven environment, you'll probably understand me a little bit more. You feel like shit - same goes for anyone who works in such a mundane, repetitive, monotonous job position which is insulting to you everyday.


actually the cause has already been explained:


they've suddenly realised that they're french

nice one, I should have saw that coming

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Guest badgermeat



Bread, the world over works under those circumstances. How about the little Thai girl shucking 2,000 shrimp per hour at $1 a day? But, no one's taking headers en masse like that and people don't do that unless they have a suicide pact or fall victim of the "catchiness" of suicide i.e. shitload of people in grim situation, one offs it, winds up looking like a good idea, more do it, before you know it, you have an epidemic on your hands.

Good point, though I am not saying that "people who work in call centre environments have it worse off than the Thai girl"

What are you saying? That the world over works and we should just get on with it..?


It's the "system" which creates this. Profit before human concern, as I keep addressing on this forum. Where there is money, there is no emotional concern for the employees as the main priority for the company is to maintain customers and gain new ones by driving the whole corporate bullshit into the minds of these human beings - who have a limit, you could describe it as an emotional threshold. I am very surprised that this doesn't happen more often in society. If anyone has worked in a call centre or a corporate-driven environment, you'll probably understand me a little bit more. You feel like shit - same goes for anyone who works in such a mundane, repetitive, monotonous job position which is insulting to you everyday.


actually the cause has already been explained:


they've suddenly realised that they're french

nice one, I should have saw that coming


That's the problem Bread, you've hit the nail on the head though not everyone will see things that way. We replaced physical slavery with wage slavery; I think there is something fundementally wrong with this idea of renting one's body for someone else's profit. We could indeed be entering the final phase of human history if Capitalism is not defeated, and suicides in the workplace is simply another symptom of this grossly oppressive system that we are brow beaten into accepting.

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Guest ezkerraldean


That's the problem Bread, you've hit the nail on the head though not everyone will see things that way. We replaced physical slavery with wage slavery; I think there is something fundementally wrong with this idea of renting one's body for someone else's profit. We could indeed be entering the final phase of human history if Capitalism is not defeated, and suicides in the workplace is simply another symptom of this grossly oppressive system that we are brow beaten into accepting.


only really if you work in a bullshit office or mcdonalds though. 

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That's the problem Bread, you've hit the nail on the head though not everyone will see things that way. We replaced physical slavery with wage slavery; I think there is something fundementally wrong with this idea of renting one's body for someone else's profit. We could indeed be entering the final phase of human history if Capitalism is not defeated, and suicides in the workplace is simply another symptom of this grossly oppressive system that we are brow beaten into accepting.


only really if you work in a bullshit office or mcdonalds though. 

but when you know that office work and a night shift at mcdonalds can be replaced by automation, it pisses you off a little bit to know that this system holds back such technological enhancements to free us up from boring jobs. The three enemies of money are efficiency, abundance and sustainability.

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Guest ezkerraldean


but when you know that office work and a night shift at mcdonalds can be replaced by automation, it pisses you off a little bit to know that this system holds back such technological enhancements to free us up from boring jobs. The three enemies of money are efficiency, abundance and sustainability.


(i detect a Zeitgeistian...)



people being served at mcdonalds want to be served by a human. as do people who ring up call centres. regardless of machine efficiency, and regardless of the System, the customer prefers a person.

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Guest badgermeat

That's the problem Bread, you've hit the nail on the head though not everyone will see things that way. We replaced physical slavery with wage slavery; I think there is something fundementally wrong with this idea of renting one's body for someone else's profit. We could indeed be entering the final phase of human history if Capitalism is not defeated, and suicides in the workplace is simply another symptom of this grossly oppressive system that we are brow beaten into accepting.


only really if you work in a bullshit office or mcdonalds though.


I have to disagree with you here, there is a multitude of jobs and roles that ultimately wear down the people that are performing them. The system is designed in a certain way, it doesn't take into account human individuality and most roles are not about developing your potential but simply to take what it can from you to fulfill a specific role. The system is alive in its own way, it constantly seduces the priviliged few with it's alluring advertisments that constantly portray life as it is NOT lived. Most people struggle to make ends meet; I am lucky to have had the chance of an education, and two parents to nurture and raise me, most folk in this world get nothing but abuse and exploitation, and it is the elite minority that maintain the status quo at the cost of savage foreign wars that are purely about resources.

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but when you know that office work and a night shift at mcdonalds can be replaced by automation, it pisses you off a little bit to know that this system holds back such technological enhancements to free us up from boring jobs. The three enemies of money are efficiency, abundance and sustainability.

people being served at mcdonalds want to be served by a human. as do people who ring up call centres. regardless of machine efficiency, and regardless of the System, the customer prefers a person.

Wouldn't you agree that this is a selfish way of looking at employment? Why not free up that person serving you at mcdonalds with machinery? Why should that person have to slave over a hot grill for you when their job can easily be done by automated technology? It's nothing to do with people wanting humans to do things, it's just we are so used to seeing people doing these mundane activities for us that it is totally out of your frame of reference that something else can be replacing that individual serving you a meal at mcdonalds. It's a sad state of affairs.


Do you really think that such machinery will be held back just because of your statement regarding "customers preferring a person". Were you born to be a customer, a consumer?


Check out these robots serving food in Japan, there's no reason why this sort of technology can not be optimized:


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Guest inteeliguntdesign

It's the "system" which creates this. Profit before human concern, as I keep addressing on this forum. Where there is money, there is no emotional concern for the employees as the main priority for the company is to maintain customers and gain new ones by driving the whole corporate bullshit into the minds of these human beings - who have a limit, you could describe it as an emotional threshold. I am very surprised that this doesn't happen more often in society. If anyone has worked in a call centre or a corporate-driven environment, you'll probably understand me a little bit more. You feel like shit - same goes for anyone who works in such a mundane, repetitive, monotonous job position which is insulting to you everyday.


1. write post about profit before the human concern

2. ???

3. profit!!!



they've just about automated the check-outs in the supermarkets in the uk. some of the employees do seem to stand there and direct people to the machines, though, which is a bit odd. most companies would use robots to do the task if it'd save them money and it wouldn't put customers off; that'd increase their profits, the central motivation behind capitalism.

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That's the problem Bread, you've hit the nail on the head though not everyone will see things that way. We replaced physical slavery with wage slavery; I think there is something fundementally wrong with this idea of renting one's body for someone else's profit. We could indeed be entering the final phase of human history if Capitalism is not defeated, and suicides in the workplace is simply another symptom of this grossly oppressive system that we are brow beaten into accepting.


only really if you work in a bullshit office or mcdonalds though.


I have to disagree with you here, there is a multitude of jobs and roles that ultimately wear down the people that are performing them. The system is designed in a certain way, it doesn't take into account human individuality and most roles are not about developing your potential but simply to take what it can from you to fulfill a specific role. The system is alive in its own way, it constantly seduces the priviliged few with it's alluring advertisments that constantly portray life as it is NOT lived. Most people struggle to make ends meet; I am lucky to have had the chance of an education, and two parents to nurture and raise me, most folk in this world get nothing but abuse and exploitation, and it is the elite minority that maintain the status quo at the cost of savage foreign wars that are purely about resources.



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well, they do have 100,000 employees. I don't have 100,000 close friends but I know a couple who have killed themselves. Seems like a pretty reasonable number after scaling up that high.

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I think it's some tone in their headsets that drove them to suicide :fear:


i was leaning towards the 'x-files' explanation myself


there was actually an x-files episode relating to call centre work. the bad guy, who works in a call centre, is convinced his boss is actually a giant soul-sucking insect that only he knows about, and is turning all the employees into mindless zombies. he ends up losing it and takes the call centre hostage with an assault rifle, killing one of his co-workers he is convinced has been turned into a zombie.


when this happens to me, I'm using this as my defense.

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Guest hahathhat

I think it's some tone in their headsets that drove them to suicide :fear:


i was leaning towards the 'x-files' explanation myself


there was actually an x-files episode relating to call centre work. the bad guy, who works in a call centre, is convinced his boss is actually a giant soul-sucking insect that only he knows about, and is turning all the employees into mindless zombies. he ends up losing it and takes the call centre hostage with an assault rifle, killing one of his co-workers he is convinced has been turned into a zombie.


when this happens to me, I'm using this as my defense.


that is exactly the episode i was thinking of.

there's also a good CSI episode about call centers that i got the same fucked-up vibe from.

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