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never move to california

Guest weed

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so its time for a weed venting thread.



here's a story for you kids:


i live in this complex in faggotvile...and i guess since they think you can just pay some ridiculous amount in rent..that you can pay to get your car towed every few months. right when i met my boyfriend i told him to park at the local market across the street(not knowing they'd tow because my other friends have parked there overnight)... and BAM the next morning we were joking that it was going to be towed...then 5 minutes after he left he called me and actually told me it got towed. (MY FAULT) anyways we walked to the tow yard (not even a mile away, what fags) and get his car out..which in total cost 283 or some bullshit number. anyways we've been dating for more than a few months and last night...around 3 am we finally start going to bed..then we hear..CLICK Click...(starting up engine) i don't even know why i went to go look outside..but i go look up outside and he joins and :( the tone in his voice killed me. he was in so much shock that it was his car, YET AGAIN! yet this time in my GATED motherfucking parking lot with a fucking pass on the dash! ahhhh so we run down to the fucking security guard and hes like "oh derka derka there was no pass visible, derka derka" "but sir the pass was right fucking there, the most that could have happen is when we parked it fell off onto the seat or floor" "i cant derka do derka derka anything, call the tow company" so we call them and they have no idea what car we are talking about because they literally were still on their way of driving over there. finally they received the car and said its 300 to come get it now and 231 to come get it at 8 am. WHAT IF SOMEONE HAS TO BE AT WORK BY 8 AM?! so pretty much Brian and I are planing a national tow attack..but on another note..i pretty much have the coolest neighbor in the whole world. hes poor like all of us but i told him the story and bluntly asked to borrow 200 dollars, and hes like "oh forsure, ill just put it on my card."


-FUCKING SWEET (now how to get 200 dollars cash without anything i'm sure you fags are thinking)



ps. i took my first drug test ever. used the synthetic piss, i hope i got the job.


-end vent-


ahhh that felt good

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Guest abusivegeorge

when parked somewhere where towing is a danger, remove all the wheels on the car and lock them in the boot.


Don't we have to do this in London anyway? My cars are great, they all have removable steering wheels, yes I have modified them so this is so, I remove the steering wheel everytime I park up and lock it in the boot. Problem solved. Originally this is a concept that came as standard on 1980's BMW's, it's extremely effective.

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zelah, sometimes i wonder if you are a highly elaborate dupe account that has been unleashed upon us to elevate the art of caricature and self-parody to the next level


p.s. i love you now

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that was a rather long post just to prove you have a boyfriend.


i believe no such proof was given!


weed, from the bottom of my heart, this blunt is for you.

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Guest ezkerraldean
Don't we have to do this in London anyway? My cars are great, they all have removable steering wheels, yes I have modified them so this is so, I remove the steering wheel everytime I park up and lock it in the boot. Problem solved. Originally this is a concept that came as standard on 1980's BMW's, it's extremely effective.

one of my mates made himself a push-button ignition for his mitsu colt, and put the button inside the glovebox. pretty nifty but you could still hotwire it lol

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