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Borderlands (game)

Tessier Ashpool

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I have a hard time understanding how anyone could like this game.


Do you like loot?


If not.. chances of you liking this game are very slim.


that's the reason i didn't like this game (the original). i love loot, i played WoW for 5 years because of loot, but when it's all randomized it takes all the fun out of it imo, just like diablo 3.


People seem to have very divided opinions of the series. Either you love it or hate it.


The game's greatest strength was the many guns, which managed to keep it fresh for me throughout. I also liked the kind of arcade feel the game had. I was personally kind of addicted to it for a while.


My biggest complaint about the first one was the lack story/dialogue. Beacause some of the dialogue in the 'Secret Armory of General Knox actually' DLC was actually funny (and very silly). I wished the original had more of it.


But from what I've read from reviews, the sequel has alot more of it. Which makes me very excited. Most shooters takes themselves to seriously. It's nice with something a little more over the top and silly for a change.

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I bought the first game in a Steam sale a few weeks ago. It was fun for a couple of nights but ultimately I found the combat repetitive and unsatisfying. I'm not really into grindy experiences or FPS games though - and this was both, in spades. It does them well, I'm sure, but it's not for Iain C.

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I know this sounds crazy but I heard borderlands 2 has colours?! Like blue and green and stuff... lol



edit: I found the colours on borderlands 1 very samey and bland/1 note. Though I love the animation.

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Played Borderlands 2 for 5 hours today. It's really fun.


But I'm a little disappointed, there's a lot of things that hasen't been improved from the first game. One major thing is that the vehicle controls are still shit, they couldn't have made that a bit better in the 3 years it took to make the game?


It's the original on steroids, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But there's just not much new stuff to speak of. They haven't taken any risks, and there's no real innovation.


But Gearbox has never been a top-class developer in my opinion. Hopefully this game be successful so they can expand a bit, hire some more talent. because I always loved some the ideas the studio has, but they are not always that well executed.

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borderlands (1) was extremely addicting for a few weeks. I got to lvl 49 or something and then i just stopped. overall the game was very lacking in retrospect, but it was a typical grind/rinse/repeat/farm items type of fps with vehicles that weren't fun to drive


i did like the elemental effects on the guns, but it was so basic that it left me quite disappointed


not sure why i'm posting this but probably won't get borderlands 2

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i got it for pc last night, even though i never intended to, and i've been playing it all day today. much better than the first game so far imo. also, it seems like it actually has a story and interesting characters this time around. i can't remember if the first game even had voice actors except from a line or two by claptrap? i dunno, it just feels like a solid fun game so far. the fact that there are around 18 million (yup) randomized weapons doesn't even bother me much.

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It kind of annoys me that most the dialouge is mid-combat. I don't catch half of there is being said because of it. There's also alot of dialouge that just skips because another one starts over it. It pulls me out the experience. And the game has gotten a lot of praise from critics because of the improved story etc.


What I've seen of it so far, the story is still just as awful as the first one.


But I'm enjoying the gameplay quite a bit.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Been playing Borderlands 2 all morning and loving it. I had trouble killing Boom and Bewm but go there in the end! Definitely going to enjoy this and looking forward to getting on with some co-op tonight.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Gunzerker here! I went from level 4 to level 18 in like 2 hours today, playing with some higher level friends in co-op, this has to be the best co-op game I've played so far.

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what classes are people playing on BL2?


I've started a Commando and a Ninja, will see which one shakes out.


Goin' Commando.


I discovered a TMNT reference in one of the side missions BTW.

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i've no idea if i'll finish it or not (for some reason i tend to just stop playing games all of a sudden for no reason), but right now im having a ton of fun. i think one of the reasons i didn't have as much fun with the first borderlands was because i treated it like fallout 3 almost, taking it slow and tried to play it strategic etc, but i don't think that's how this game's supposed to be played. now i just run in guns blazing like crazy and im having a lot more fun with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest abusivegeorge

Nope, level 12 on my Mechromancer right now, no problems to report. Although if you do notice, they have removed how much the shield takes away from your health in the stats!


Unless that's one of the glitches?

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