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Sleep deprivation thread


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ive always had sleep issues, but now its really getting to me.


fucking stress, anxiety, i gotta take this simply sleep pills to literally knock me out, its the only way ive managed to get an hour or two of sleep.


i know other people here must have problems sleeping.


i just worked an intensive 14-15 hour workday, and all i wanted to do was sleep....now im finally home and i have too much energy from running around...FUCKIGN CRAZYY

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I am sleep deprived a lot (chronic insomnia sucks).


The worst part about it for me is that I get extremely hungry and end up eating more than my sleep-deprived body can digest. I shit out undigested food 3-4 times a day. Eventually my ass gets so bloody that I have to start wearing cologne-soaked diapers, which hurts my already low self esteem like nothing else could. And if I ignore the hunger and don't eat then I get horrible stomach cramps and end up curling up in the middle of the street like a holocaust victim.

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i hear you, and have definitely been there


remember that sleep deprivation is a form of torture, and you cannot make rational or clear decisions when you haven't slept. i've gone so far where i've actually started to hallucinate, by having the shadow people start to jump out and attack me.


Generally, lack of sleep may result in


* aching muscles[5]

* dizzyness and nausea

* headaches

* hallucinations[6]

* hand tremors[7]

* irritability[3]

* memory lapses or loss[8]

* yawning[3]

* temper tantrums in children[3]

* dry mouth[citation needed]

* symptoms similar to:

o Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder[3] (ADHD)

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i have problems sleeping. it's been a long while since i've gotten a good 6-8 hours. the thing before that knocked me out was alcohol, but i'm cutting back on that, and it never gives a restful slumber.. i think that will help me in the long run. but i've noticed irritability and the ADHD thing cause i can't concentrate on anything. it messes with you and i've noticed my brain just doesn't quite function as well as it used to.

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ill have days when im on top of the world, but every now and then i just lie there for hours, begging any deity in existance to knock me out for a few hours.



im having 2 or 3 beers tonight, lets see if that does the trick.

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the only problem i have with sleeping is that left to my own devices i sleep for 15-18 hours straight. i have to alarm myself even on the weekend to make sure i dont exceed 9 or 10, cos im sure 16 hours sleep a night isnt healthy.


unless of course i drink a bottle of vodka, in which case i dont sleep long atall.

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the only problem i have with sleeping is that left to my own devices i sleep for 15-18 hours straight. i have to alarm myself even on the weekend to make sure i dont exceed 9 or 10, cos im sure 16 hours sleep a night isnt healthy.


unless of course i drink a bottle of vodka, in which case i dont sleep long atall.



i occasionally have a problem with is.


if i have a day off, im often tempted to go to sleep until 3 or 4 pm, wake up, feel depressed that the day is shot, and lay around some more.

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Smettingham Rutherford IV stare at this image until you feel sleepy























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i often have the same problem after a really long day. i usually take a while to stretch out and read and listen to music. it's the stretching/one or two yoga positions i know that really ease my body down after all that effort. then i sleep like a child who was given whiskey, for great sleeping.


internet doesn't help me btw, usually gets my brain all stupid and worked up

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back in '07 when I was withdrawing from methadone, I didn't sleep for 22 days straight. no bullshit! I would close my eyes and have all sorts of crazy visions, like my brain was awake but dreaming. After that, it was an hour or 2 a night for a good long time. I'm still not right from that shit.

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you slept, by the sounds of it you lasted 22 days because you were experiencing microsleeps; otherwise 22 days is extremely doubtful.


binaural sounds always helped me to fall asleep in some rough times.

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trust me man, there is nothing i would love more than a joint and go to sleep, but because i have a job at a state college, i dont want to fuck that up.


christ im still awake.

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yeah, not humanly possible....although you may have experienced what scientists are calling "microsleep" and you wouldn't even have known.

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i dig on the whole "microsleep" thing, it might finally explain why some yogi claim to never have slept.


its the brain's way of coping with sleep deprivation by literally shutting down for seconds at a time


at least, thats my understanding of it.

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I have this happen alot, but I'm not sure it qualifies as microsleep - if I'm really sleep deprived my brain will just turn off for a moment, but it's not unnoticeable, think it usually lasts a minute or two, where I just "nod out". Maybe it's better described as "old man syndrome."

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I used to have pretty bad insomnia in my early adolescent years, where I laid in bed 2-3 hours sometimes and just could not sleep. I would get up and watch TV until it was time for school (got in trouble for this many a time haha). The good thing about that is it really developed my hearing, because I would be listening to the cracks and creaks of the house and always thought that it was a burglar/murderer/green monster. Now I have super good hearing, I can hear stuff that most people either block out or just can't hear without focusing strongly on it. Kinda cool :D


Now my problem w/sleep is that I can't sleep past 8 hours, really. If I go to bed at 2 am and have class at 11, I will not set my alarm because I know I will never sleep 9 hours 95% of the time. It's very very rare for me to sleep that long. Which I guess is a blessing and a curse in some ways.

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I have this happen alot, but I'm not sure it qualifies as microsleep - if I'm really sleep deprived my brain will just turn off for a moment, but it's not unnoticeable, think it usually lasts a minute or two, where I just "nod out". Maybe it's better described as "old man syndrome."


Do you get this kind of distant sound, like a whirring or something which gradually gets louder as if you're getting closer to sleep? Then suddenly disappears as you snap out of it?


I get that. I kind of love it, but it only happens in situations where I can't sleep under any circumstance, like in the office surrounded by people.


I'm so grateful I don't suffer any kind of sleep deprivation unless I have to wake up early or something. I struggle to get to sleep before midnight, but that's more out of not wanting to. Same as Messaien though, I could just carry on sleeping forever. I don't struggle with getting back to sleep after being woken up either, I just nod back off instantly.


Sleep is a very important part of my life and my favourite activity apart from gaming, paintballing and casual murder.

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Guest Calx Sherbet




trust me man, there is nothing i would love more than a joint and go to sleep, but because i have a job at a state college, i dont want to fuck that up.


christ im still awake.


he meant the person, weed

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I have this happen alot, but I'm not sure it qualifies as microsleep - if I'm really sleep deprived my brain will just turn off for a moment, but it's not unnoticeable, think it usually lasts a minute or two, where I just "nod out". Maybe it's better described as "old man syndrome."


Do you get this kind of distant sound, like a whirring or something which gradually gets louder as if you're getting closer to sleep? Then suddenly disappears as you snap out of it?



i usually sleep with a high velocity fan on and get that all the time. it's like you can hear your mind trying to shut your consciousness off.. in waves of some sort. sleep is weird.. it's like a third of our life and we don't even know why we do it.

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