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Guest idrn

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4 is by far the best, due to it being easy to reproduce in 1 colour or full colour formats, no gradients (again for ease of reproduction), and no gimmicks like #5 has.


Would make a good sticker; I'd get one to put on a laptop or other surface.

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final year assignment to make water-tight business plan. me and a mate are doing web/graphic design/development company which we could conceivably start when we graduate.


4 is by far the best, due to it being easy to reproduce in 1 colour or full colour formats, no gradients (again for ease of reproduction), and no gimmicks like #5 has.


Would make a good sticker; I'd get one to put on a laptop or other surface.


these are really good points, thanks.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Can you post them here? After I voted it doesn't let you look at them again.


Yeah that is a bit of a shitter, would be nice to see them again from joyrex's perspective.

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personally i'm now thinking we shouldn't go with #4 or #5 (despite it coming out top). stylistically something like that could date quite quickly and isn't very adaptable. by contrast, #1 can be changed or adapted whilst keeping the core design (ie. those basic swirly lines). we could tailor it to the aesthetics of each specific project we do too...

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personally i'm now thinking we shouldn't go with #4 or #5 (despite it coming out top). stylistically something like that could date quite quickly and isn't very adaptable. by contrast, #1 can be changed or adapted whilst keeping the core design (ie. those basic swirly lines). we could tailor it to the aesthetics of each specific project we do too...


Speaking professionally, I think #4 has more positive aspects in terms of good logo design - #1 is nice, but is unreadable, which, depending on it's application, might make it ineffective in conveying it's message or brand recognition.

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#2 is definitely the most aesthetically pleasing.


i would possibly have gone with 3, as geometrically, its probably slighty more balanced than 2 but i didn't like the gradients, partly because of the complications they bring with printing etc.



actuallt i'd go with a hybrid of 2 and 3, but all in flat blue....


something like this



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Obama must resign to save his people from his catastrophe.

SUN power will not allow any

Black Skin power to rule over its Light Domain.

Hell cometh to the dumb, ignorant, educated

stupid "Worshippers of ONE", for Creation

is of OPPOSITES. Born Cubed I defy God of

ONE, for I have a Yes and No mentality

necessary for cubed intelligence -no Cyclopic

educator can allow. Obama must resign or

Doomsday,for only Light can rule over Earth.

No ONEistic god possesses Cubed Wisdom.

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Guest Adjective

1 - 3 are neat looking but I don't think they immediately project meaning like 4 -5


4 is more quirky than 5, having the tilt, and so i think it's less likely to be accidentally copied by someone else


for clarity, then 4

for beauty and mystery, i would choose 1

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