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Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No

Guest chax

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In celebration of the greatest athletic achievement by a man on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter. In the past few years weve heard all too much about performance enhancing drugs from greenies to tetrahydrogestrinone, and not enough about performance inhibiting drugs. If our evaluation of the records of athletes like Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, Marion Jones, and Barry Bonds needs to be revised downwards with an asterisk, we submit that that Dock Ellis record deserves a giant exclamation point. Of the 263 no-hitters ever thrown in the Big Leagues, we can only guess how many were aided by steroids, but we can say without question that only one was ever thrown on acid.


Sadly, the great Dock Ellis died last December at 63. A year before, radio producers Donnell Alexander and Neille Ilel, had recorded an interview with Ellis in which the former Pirate right hander gave a moment by moment account of June 12, 1970, the day he no-hit the San Diego Padres. Alexander and Ilels original four minute piece appeared March 29, 2008 on NPRs Weekend America. When we stumbled across that piece this past June, Blagden and Isenberg were inspired to create a short animated film around the original audio.

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I think this is a misapplication of jazz here..cause really..who the fuck looks at all the videos in that thread? And the time difference is minimal...


Anyways, quality video.

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does anyone even venture into that thread? It scares me... :sad:



yeah it scared me too... i have no idea what the blues band thing is all about but willemjam's Flim link is great, so based on my fear of that thread, i made a new one in the AFX forum called Lunapark Ensemble

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does anyone even venture into that thread? It scares me... :sad:

Yeah, I haven't been in there for months and months and months. I think people's quality control is set a little too low if we've managed to hit 150 pages worth of 'favourite' youtube videos.

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its been a constantly bumped thread for almost 3 years now. You dont have to watch every video. Just make an effort


if that COD knife throw thread was jazz, this is too.

the jazz stands.

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As a member of the Lobbyists for a Jazz-free Watmm im going to press charges and call for an investigation into the jazz in question. So help you god if we find enough evidence to convict.

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does anyone even venture into that thread? It scares me... :sad:

Yeah, I haven't been in there for months and months and months. I think people's quality control is set a little too low if we've managed to hit 150 pages worth of 'favourite' youtube videos.




i thought Dr Lopez was talking about the Blues Band thread.....



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As a member of the Lobbyists for a Jazz-free Watmm im going to press charges and call for an investigation into the jazz in question. So help you god if we find enough evidence to convict.


i have full confidence in the capabilities of my defense lawyer thatt all jazz-related charges will be dropped :mellow:

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Guest Franklin

excellent video.


watched the fuck out of it in BOTH threads.


You'll all be hearing from my attorney for wasting my time with bullshit bickering.

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