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some guy edited himself into that video where tom plays with the drummer


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AHAHAHAH!!! OMG!! That is sooooo the kinda thing Phudoshin would try and do. It's amazing some of the crazy ideas these fanboys get.

he needs to fix the lighting

I think thats gotta be the understatement of the century.

He could at least use a green screen and chroma key himself into SQ studio

At the very least! Was expecting him to have chroma keyed his face onto the drummers body or something, so was ulimately let down by his lame attempt of editing and as someone mentioned, the lighting was fucked. So overall a failed enterprise.

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Guest Sarnath

This guy is pretty f'n good, appears to be semi-professional from descriptions. The video is OK (he even notes that this video's quality is lacking) but it's the playing skill that counts. I give him credit for being able to play by ear and improvise to something this difficult.




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Right, I mean his guitar line is on top of the original audio, and that actually sounded really great. It's not like he's just trying to fag himself into the video for no reason...


EDIT: I don't think he was trying to "fool" anyone... It says right in the description that the video is edited. =/

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