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Phone Upgrade Time

Tessier Ashpool

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Alright WATMM gurus, need some advice on what to upgrade to. Before anyone says anything, although my penis says yes, my girlfriend says "no" to the iPhone because of the prohibitive cost (yes, it's only another 30 bucks a months for the data plan, but with our income - that's prohibitive). If I could buy an iPhone WITHOUT the data plan (using my upgrade) I'd do it in a heartbeat - but I can't so on to plan B.


What is Plan B? I have no fucking clue. I want something that has a qwerty keyboard because I text a lot, and something which has a decent camera on it. Finally, and most importantly, a good music player. Everything else is extraneous - if I'm not going full-force w/an iPhone I don't need crazy apps, or GPS wizardy, or any of that (totally awesome I WANT) crap.


Oh, and I'm on AT&T so no Android for me :-(


Any suggestions?

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Guest Helper ET

cell phones bad


Health study links mobile phone use to four kinds of cancer





By Susie Boniface; Adrian Butler 25/10/2009


10-year research shows higher risk of tumours

Mobile Phone


A major international health study has shown that excessive mobile phone use can be linked to four different kinds of cancer.


The research, which has taken 10 years and cost £20million, found that heavy mobile users suffered up to 50 per cent more tumours.


Scientists now say there is a "significantly increased risk" of people developing three different kinds of brain tumour and one of the salivary gland. News of the findings, which are to be published within the next eight weeks, has led to calls for mobiles to carry health warnings.


Alasdair Philips, of campaign group Powerwatch, said: "Mobile companies hide the figures on how much radiation they give off in the back of manuals.


"But modern phones give out 217 electromagnetic pulses every minute into your head. Primary school children should not have them, secondary school children should be encouraged to text rather than call, and males should not keep them in a pocket because they drastically affect fertility."


The research has been done by the Interphone project, funded by the World Health Organisation and mobile phone companies.


Previous studies have been inconclusive, but Interphone draws together the most recent research from 13 countries and involved interviewing 12,800 people.


Dr Elisabeth Cardis, head of the study, said: "I am globally in agreement with the idea of restricting the use by children, though I would not go as far as banning mobiles."


The Department of Health has not updated its guidance in four years, saying only children should be "discouraged" from too many calls.


What you need to know


Is it safe to use my mobile?


Studies of people who have been using them for 10 years or more are coming out, showing worrying trends that heavy users are more likely to get brain tumours, so try to restrict calls or use hands-free.


Why do our bodies absorb phone rays?


Mobile phones transmit rays in all directions because the nearest mast could be anywhere.


Why are children more at risk?


They have thinner skulls and smaller brains, which absorb more radiation.


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Will a mobile in my pocket damage sperm?


Yes. One study shows heavy use lowers sperm count by 30 per cent.


Should my child sleep with his mobile under his pillow?


No. Phones should be kept at least a metre away, where the radiation they give off drops dramatically.


What about keeping a mobile by my bed as an alarm clock?


It is best to switch it off completely. Even just sitting there, it sends a signal to the nearest mast every few minutes.


Would a hands-free kit make my phone safer?


Most Bluetooth kits cut radiation by up to 90 per cent. But check first - some handsets have HIGHER levels.


What about phone masts?


Scientists think they are a much lower risk than handsets - radiation is around 1,000 times smaller, the World Health Organisation says.


Is texting safe?


Texting is much safer than making phone calls.


What other countries do


In France, operators must offer parents text message-only models and advertising mobiles to under-12s is banned.


Australia's children are advised to use mobiles only in "extreme emergencies" and to turn them off at night.


Israel's government discourages the use of mobiles on public transport. And in Germany, low-emission phones have a "blue angel" mark, making it easier to choose safer models.

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I just picked up a MotoDroid. It's awesome.

You lucky sum'a'bitch... Ive been using/tweaking/hacking my HTC Dream since day one to get it run like the phone I always wanted, and that phone is the Droid.

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You cannot buy an Iphone from an authorized dealer without a data plan... it's just the way they have it set up. You can, however, find an unlocked/jailbreak 3g phone which should work without data plan... just make sure to disable all data services because the iphone will use them by default.

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Yeah - you HAVE to have a data plan, otherwise you can't even use the phone as a phone. It's a total ripoff - I would gladly pay the discounted price for an iPhone if I didn't have the monthy fee for the data plan - then maybe upgrade later when I could afford it.


BTW, to re-iterate AT&T doesn't have any Android based phones (that I know of). So I'm kind of limited in my options.


I was looking at the LG Vu - no physical qwerty but it looks like a decent amount of options - still hard to decide if it's worth dropping any money at all on a new phone (even with the upgrade discount) or just waiting until something total necessary and awesome comes along. . . or I win the lottery.


edit: @ET - yeah, although from working at a Cancer Center for 3+ years, I can safely say that a)everything causes cancer b)don't ever go on a clinical trial cause it's not worth your time.

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why the hell would anybody want to have an iphone, now that android platform has finally taken off? (or even before android happened) - iphone is just ridiculously limited, it's like... a retarded version of android.

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Android is just as limited in the wrong hands... the hoi polloi just want something that works and the Iphone does just that, and quite well. My girlfriend just grabbed the 3Gs and I tried my hardest to crash that thing and I couldn't... it's a great phone just not my type. I like being able to take control of the OS and tweak it to my liking which is why I'm using Android, and WM prior. Although, a jailbroken Iphone opens up a whole new world to the device... still not as far-flung as Android but it's better.

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How's the keyboard on that Droid? Been waiting for a nice Android phone and that's the one I'm interested in as well.


Also, can I buy it without some bullshit contract? (when it's out in Europe) We used to have a law against these tying sales. But Apple and the European court reversed that. Cunts.

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have you looked into all those free xbox/ps3/sex with a tranny deals? i lost my phone at glade so quickly got a new cheap one, but contract. the phone sounded good but turns out to be a piece of shit; stupid flashy graphical interface which means every button press has a 1 second lag, stupid 'camera' which takes 10 seconds to boot up and always comes out blurry and stupid little fucking buttons. now i realise that for £2 extra a month i could've gotten a simple little nokia but WITH A FREE XBOX.


:facepalm:2 x 17

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Nokia N900


as soon as that is available on O2 i'm getting it. and i used to have an Android handset too, ditched that.

it's an interesting phone, yes, except for the fact that it's not really a phone. and it's huge.

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Hmmm - both of those phones are pretty sex - neither one is available at AT&T though - WTF!!!??


@idiron - I had no idea about those sorts of deals - though, if free sex with a tranny is involved, I'm SOLD!!!


edit: OK SERIOUSLY WTF AT&T. Was looking at smartphones and read the fine print:


Smartphone Plan Requirements

Because smartphone users tend to consume a higher amount of data services – for activities such as advanced email, mobile Web, games, and applications – smartphone customers will be required to subscribe to a data plan. With a data plan smartphone customers can take full advantage of their device features without worrying about a fluctuating or unusually high bill.



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Nokia N900


as soon as that is available on O2 i'm getting it. and i used to have an Android handset too, ditched that.

it's an interesting phone, yes, except for the fact that it's not really a phone. and it's huge.


it's not huge actually. unless you're actually used to Zoolander's phone

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