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Switzerland votes to ban Mosque Towers


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Guest Conor74

panz0r, you are a rascist, unpleasant fuck.


hahaha, racist, that was a good one.


The correct word may be 'sectarian' rather than 'racist'.


Either way I'm not sure it's meant as a comment to be laughed off.

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Guest Conor74

just look what the muslims did with the coptic christians in egypt.


Ohhhh we'll have a compare and contrast!


Just look at what them Christians are doing in Iraq. Now I'm not one of these anti-US types. Gimme Dubya and Starbucks and the Land of the Free over Saddam any day. On the other hand death tolls of one million are not to be ignored either.


Anyway, what's your Coptic Christian story and does it involve over 1,000,000 dead? You have made a lot of comments about the inate violence of the Muslims. What's the body count in Egypt and we'll see if they even come close to matching us Christians/atheists/whatever of the Western World in the barbaric stakes.

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it's also happening in the united states.


The United States started out as a hodgepodge of cultures coming together and has remained that way ever since. We are a constant stream of immigrants. We are all immigrants here. So which of these cultures is the one that is taking over the U.S.? Whites were at around 75% in 2008.


Sigh. I read these types of threads pretty thoroughly and would like to give some sort of intelligent and well reasoned response but by the end of it I realise that I just want the world to tear itself apart. The motivation of the people destroying the planet (not muslims - just violent, manipulative, shitty people of humanity in general) is far greater than anyone who wants a peaceful planet with freedom of religion. They have more incentive in their minds. The people who get in power are never benevolent, they got there out of sheer greed and aggressiveness - no way are they ever passive, nice people. They're highly ambitious and that's more often than not a negative trait.


Fucking people will kill themselves in the end. In the meantime I'm going to sit back and comment on it on a music discussion board and enjoy a good burger every once in a while. Happy trails.




Come on Conor74, do they really do those things like Iraq, Afganistan whatever in the name of christianity?


If by Christianity you mean money, then yes.

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Guest Conor74

Come on Conor74, do they really do those things like Iraq, Afganistan whatever in the name of christianity?


Well Bush said he was carrying out God's work, it was God who made him President and God who told him to end the tyranny in Iran. I think that's as clear as one can get. He also appointed evangelists like William Boykin to lead the search for Bin Laden. Blair's religious faith is well known, though he was smart enough not to wear it on his sleeve.


Anyway, one million dead is one million dead. I'm not sure it's in our religion, maybe it's our genes. Tack on stuff like Germany's repeated attempts to take over the world at the cost of tens of millions of lives, Vietnam, genocide in the Balkans (on Muslims, ironically) etc. and I just think we're on thin ice making comments about the natural tendency to violence of other peoples or religions. I'm beating no drum for Muslims by the way, I think they are just as good, or bad, as the Irish (we had our own bout of violence on this island of course), Europeans who are not Muslims, Americans etc. etc.

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the coptic rise to power was accompanied by a purge of the local polytheistic traditions and it's adherents .. they then had a big internal struggle between diverging branches of coptic doctrine .. last they persecuted the byzantine christians.


It's just part of some proportion of humanity's nature, to be cunts in the name of taking other people's shit and whilst claiming that it was done to you feel more secure ...

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here is two graphs i crawled out of two search engines, respectively google and exalead.

It features the growth(%) of the number of indexed french(language) pages over time by two search engines, respectively google and exalead for two terms


"ami arabe" = "arabian friend"

"sale arabe"(a very common collocation in french) = (roughly) "you filthy Arab"






don't pay much attention to the negative numbers nor the far-right dot.

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it sucks that what radical muslim do impacts the way normal muslims are treated.

What's normal about *any* religious person? Last I checked, they were *all* delusional.

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here is two graphs i crawled out of two search engines, respectively google and exalead.

It features the growth(%) of the number of indexed french(language) pages over time by two search engines, respectively google and exalead for two terms


"ami arabe" = "arabian friend"

"sale arabe"(a very common collocation in french) = (roughly) "you filthy Arab"






don't pay much attention to the negative numbers nor the far-right dot.



Be intresting to know what events the peaks in sale arabe corresponded to, sarkozy riots etcetera. Cheers for the graphs by the way. Cool idea, making a thread better.

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Youths riot in Paris suburb, attack police station

Monday, November 26, 2007

In six hours, dozens of young people(Babar's note : a lot of them were "Arabs") in Sarcelles and Villiers-le-Bel, a suburb of Paris, France, attacked a police station, burned cars and broke into shops after two teenagers were killed in a car crash with a police vehicle. The station was pelted with Molotov cocktails and guns were fired at officers inside the station.


seems to explain the sudden burst of "sale arabe" use after 2008.





SEs can ellicit strong relations between related terms (and i've got some more examples)


this graph has been normed between -100 and 100.

(Jean Sarkozy is French president sarkozy's son, pushed by his father into politics, hence the nepotism)

For instance compare with google insight for search results :



lil' reminder : Insights show what people are searching for into google.

My graphs show what is linguistically produced by internet actors/users.


So i'm quite confident about the fact they can show actual trends/tendencies (although they're quite jumpy and noisy about their numbers).

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it sucks that what radical muslim do impacts the way normal muslims are treated.

What's normal about *any* religious person? Last I checked, they were *all* delusional.


i don't mind the ones that keep their religion to themselves. but good point!

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pff, that shows only the underdevelopment of pornographic culture in those countries. i mean, who googles for sex? (in the free world that is :wang: )

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Guest Conor74

And Uganda bans homosexuality...though they do have a pretty blunt newspaper headline writer...


2. The offence of homosexuality.

(1) A person commits the offence of homosexuality if-


(a) he penetrates the anus or mouth of another person of the same sex with his penis or any other sexual contraption;


(b) he or she uses any object or sexual contraption to penetrate or stimulate sexual organ of a person of the same sex;


(e) he or she touches another person with the intention of committing the act of homosexuality.


(2) A person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for life.


If you're found guilty, it's life imprisonment. If you do it and have AIDS or HIV, it's the death penalty.





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