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Mel Gibson


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Collected Gibsonisms


Lethal Weapon 2 director Richard Donner was shocked when Gibson confided that he was drinking five pints of beer for breakfast.


On August 17, 2006, Gibson pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge and was sentenced to three years on probation.[103] He was ordered to attend self-help meetings five times a week for four and a half months and three times a week for the remainder of the first year of his probation. He was also ordered to attend a First Offenders Program, was fined $1,300, and his license was restricted for 90 days.[103] He also volunteered to record a public service announcement.


Asked what he thought of gay people, he said, "They take it up the ass." Gibson then proceeded to point at his posterior and said: "This is only for taking a shit."


In 1999 when asked about the comments to El País (above), Gibson said, "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."[78]


." When asked for an example, he responded "I had a female business partner once. Didn't work." When asked why, he said that "she was a cunt."



"I might go and go somewhere no-one can find me. You know where that is? You know where the place is no-one can find you? I was thinking of pitching my tent right next to the weapons of mass destruction. Then no-one would find me."


high five Mr. Gibson

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Collected Gibsonisms


Lethal Weapon 2 director Richard Donner was shocked when Gibson confided that he was drinking five pints of beer for breakfast.


On August 17, 2006, Gibson pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge and was sentenced to three years on probation.[103] He was ordered to attend self-help meetings five times a week for four and a half months and three times a week for the remainder of the first year of his probation. He was also ordered to attend a First Offenders Program, was fined $1,300, and his license was restricted for 90 days.[103] He also volunteered to record a public service announcement.


Asked what he thought of gay people, he said, "They take it up the ass." Gibson then proceeded to point at his posterior and said: "This is only for taking a shit."


In 1999 when asked about the comments to El País (above), Gibson said, "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."[78]


." When asked for an example, he responded "I had a female business partner once. Didn't work." When asked why, he said that "she was a cunt."



"I might go and go somewhere no-one can find me. You know where that is? You know where the place is no-one can find you? I was thinking of pitching my tent right next to the weapons of mass destruction. Then no-one would find me."


high five Mr. Gibson


lol where'd you find these? i want moar!

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Guest abusivegeorge

Collected Gibsonisms


Lethal Weapon 2 director Richard Donner was shocked when Gibson confided that he was drinking five pints of beer for breakfast.


On August 17, 2006, Gibson pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge and was sentenced to three years on probation.[103] He was ordered to attend self-help meetings five times a week for four and a half months and three times a week for the remainder of the first year of his probation. He was also ordered to attend a First Offenders Program, was fined $1,300, and his license was restricted for 90 days.[103] He also volunteered to record a public service announcement.


Asked what he thought of gay people, he said, "They take it up the ass." Gibson then proceeded to point at his posterior and said: "This is only for taking a shit."


In 1999 when asked about the comments to El País (above), Gibson said, "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."[78]


." When asked for an example, he responded "I had a female business partner once. Didn't work." When asked why, he said that "she was a cunt."



"I might go and go somewhere no-one can find me. You know where that is? You know where the place is no-one can find you? I was thinking of pitching my tent right next to the weapons of mass destruction. Then no-one would find me."


high five Mr. Gibson


lol where'd you find these? i want moar!


LOL all the hallmarks of an angry drunk, fantastic.

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Asked what he thought of gay people, he said, "They take it up the ass." Gibson then proceeded to point at his posterior and said: "This is only for taking a shit."


In 1999 when asked about the comments to El País (above), Gibson said, "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."[78]


So, Arses are also for biting, are they not, by your own admission Mr. Gibson. Perhaps then you will allow the court the possibility that there may be still further uses for ones rectum.


"You can use if for a farking pencil case for all I care love."

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm really looking forward to the viking movie he's making. he's batshit insane but he's also a fantastic director. apocalypto's city sequence was mindblowing.

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something about leonardo dicaprio playing a viking strikes me as very unbelievable, i'd be more interested in the film if he wasn't the lead role


this is true, but...vikings

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I'm looking forward to seeing it. After going into "Gibson mode" recently I have vowed to watch The Passion (and try not to think of the South Park episode The Passion Of The Jew xD) and also Apocalypto. I just wish DeCraprio wasn't in his upcoming Viking romp.

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Coming to a shite forum near you, it's more important than YOUR thread and you might feel baffled



Answer: He is his own assistant! Mel now also clones himself. Double mel!




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