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how do you deal with people who believe in batshit insane conspiracy theories?

Guest chax

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Guest abusivegeorge

I just cannot believe I found out today that all Americans are Jews it's just crazy.



Kick em in the cunt and then ask them why you did it. Explain the theory behind it. Turn it into Science for them. When you don't like the answer kick em in the cunt again. Keep doing it untill they can explain the theory behind your cunt kicking.



*Remembers to wank*





I have a opinions

you have opinions

mine are mine

yours are yours

whats that you say?

well that could be true

heres what i think

don't believe it

then fuck you.


LOL I actually really love you now.



How do you deal with people, Period


I hand them a Tampon.





I fuck em up.



I fist em in the anus.



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Always question people's logic when they attempt to describe their views on a historical event which is considered to have "conspiratorial" theories involved. I'd never dismiss anything just because the majority of society believe that a certain theory or opinion is insane. People often make uneducated opinions so that they fall in line and fit in with the majority or established point of view. You can only look to make judgments based on evidence and probabilities. The amount of people who declare that it's idiotic to consider that something different to what the mainstream news reported on 9/11 hardly ever seem to look at the opposing views and weigh up the evidence (based on personal experience anyway). However, talking about so-called conspiracy theories do not get you any where, it's a pointless and wasteful discussion about nothing that holds any relevancy to moving forward.


As for news - to be honest, I don't find myself watching mainstream news anymore. Although I try to check out independent websites, there will always be a certain bias of some kind, which is practically inescapable e.g. I regularly go on rawstory.com for some US news (I am not from the US) - however I know that it advocates a certain agenda judging by how the articles are written.

It's important to point out problems and corruption within society but as most of you have probably heard me say, these are symptoms of a pathetic social system which we still live by - it's not capitalism, it's money.

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i believe computer games such as "call of duty" are training tools.

designed to prepare western teenagers for future military activity.


The US military released the FPS "Area 51" as freeware a while back. Good game, but wtf?


errr what about America's Army?? They don't even try and hide that shit.


Also, troon...you're still posting. This whole forum is only made possible by an exchange of money. Doesn't that go against your principles?

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i believe computer games such as "call of duty" are training tools.

designed to prepare western teenagers for future military activity.


The US military released the FPS "Area 51" as freeware a while back. Good game, but wtf?


errr what about America's Army?? They don't even try and hide that shit.


Also, troon...you're still posting. This whole forum is only made possible by an exchange of money. Doesn't that go against your principles?




there is a difference between something actually being in play and the right that

they can never take away from us to choose what we want in our hearts.


one must interact with sickness to cure it. it's not about escapism at this stage.


it's not what is happening now that we should wallow in, instead we should be

dreaming for the future.


"we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of a dream"


what do you want when you look in your heart?

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Yes good. Don't bother answering the question with anything concrete that can actually be implemented to further your vision of the future. Just dream about it, and everything will be a-ok!!

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Yes good. Don't bother answering the question with anything concrete that can actually be implemented to further your vision of the future. Just dream about it, and everything will be a-ok!!



i tried that concrete thing earlier last month and it didn't have much effect.

i instead cast nets to see what is in the water :smile:

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Bollocks you tried the concrete approach. All you've done since you've been here is spout semi-mystical rubbish.

Whilst a healthy sense of wonderment about the spirit is necessary for personal growth, dreaming of a future based on traditional mythos won't achieve much at all.


Again, I reiterate - if you are a man of principle, and you are against the exchange of money in all definitions, how do you justify having a computer, posting on a forum hosted on a non-free resource, owning purchased music and reading printed materials sold by a publisher?

All of those things require an exchange of money. Since those go against your principles, shouldn't you lead by example and rid yourself of those things as they are products of means that go against your principles (regardless of the method of how you acquired them, they could not have been produced without the exchange of currency).

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Bollocks you tried the concrete approach. All you've done since you've been here is spout semi-mystical rubbish.

Whilst a healthy sense of wonderment about the spirit is necessary for personal growth, dreaming of a future based on traditional mythos won't achieve much at all.


Again, I reiterate - if you are a man of principle, and you are against the exchange of money in all definitions, how do you justify having a computer, posting on a forum hosted on a non-free resource, owning purchased music and reading printed materials sold by a publisher?

All of those things require an exchange of money. Since those go against your principles, shouldn't you lead by example and rid yourself of those things as they are products of means that go against your principles (regardless of the method of how you acquired them, they could not have been produced without the exchange of currency).



it all depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.

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so basically, you have no idea what you want, and you want people to give up their goods obtained through monetary exchange but aren't willing to do so yourself.


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i believe computer games such as "call of duty" are training tools.

designed to prepare western teenagers for future military activity.


The US military released the FPS "Area 51" as freeware a while back. Good game, but wtf?

surely not this one?


yes, exactly that one. wild eh?


EDIT: It's in that article man!

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so basically, you have no idea what you want, and you want people to give up their goods obtained through monetary exchange but aren't willing to do so yourself.




ask me about my lifestyle. ask me about what it takes to kick the subtler addictions of this world.

ask me who i was told by that i should start the process and what kind of computer it was using :smile:


ask me how many miles i walk barefoot everyday or how much of my water i gather in the woods.


ask me if i am part of the underground rebellion.


if i was not involved in both, how would i have the chance to talk with you chen? :smile:


at this point, in this particular season it is necessary for me to stay somewhat connected to the beast.


i would like to go, but it's just not time yet.

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Guest Lube Saibot

so basically, you have no idea what you want, and you want people to give up their goods obtained through monetary exchange but aren't willing to do so yourself.



Sick burn. Though, why are you even bothering? I mean, sure, i'm the last person to ask this question, i got two warns off messing with that moron, but seriously? You think exposure to critical thought and objective reasoning has any effect on what is basically a brainless cultist?

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so basically, you have no idea what you want, and you want people to give up their goods obtained through monetary exchange but aren't willing to do so yourself.




ask me about my lifestyle. ask me about what it takes to kick the subtler addictions of this world.

ask me who i was told by that i should start the process and what kind of computer it was using :smile:


ask me how many miles i walk barefoot everyday or how much of my water i gather in the woods.


ask me if i am part of the underground rebellion.


if i was not involved in both, how would i have the chance to talk with you chen? :smile:


at this point, in this particular season it is necessary for me to stay somewhat connected to the beast.


i would like to go, but it's just not time yet.


Lead by example, like the man in your avatar did. (And you do know of course that Bible stories are just a repositioning of pagan myths to fit the socio-political climate of the time, right?)

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so basically, you have no idea what you want, and you want people to give up their goods obtained through monetary exchange but aren't willing to do so yourself.




ask me about my lifestyle. ask me about what it takes to kick the subtler addictions of this world.

ask me who i was told by that i should start the process and what kind of computer it was using :smile:


ask me how many miles i walk barefoot everyday or how much of my water i gather in the woods.


ask me if i am part of the underground rebellion.


if i was not involved in both, how would i have the chance to talk with you chen? :smile:


at this point, in this particular season it is necessary for me to stay somewhat connected to the beast.


i would like to go, but it's just not time yet.


Lead by example, like the man in your avatar did. (And you do know of course that Bible stories are just a repositioning of pagan myths to fit the socio-political climate of the time, right?)


myths can be useful depending on how deeply we understand them (i know the Bible to be both, it's a coded message within a story, it's all in how we understand things, not how they seem to be).


it gives us a glimpse of the construct in the beginning and then its basically a documentation of how we went wrong and then directions

again on how we can become right. people get stuck on the events, but they miss the bigger picture. you really have to read the

thing to see what it will tell you and you have to want to read it and want certain things with your heart when you do.


it is coded and thats the only way it still exists, if everything the Bible was trying to say was just spelled out line by line, we wouldn't

even be having this conversation right now. there would be no Bible.


troon is a twin

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if i could show you a theory regarding a prophecy, would you be interested in knowing what it was?


it might be batshit insane but then again maybe not who knows.

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Man it's pretty useless arguing with someone as indoctrinated as you are troon.


Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Campbell#The_Masks_of_God


Go get those books and read them. after you've read them, if you still don't think the Bible is just a recontextualisation of older myths, then you're the one with eyes wide shut.

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how do you deal with people who believe in batshit insane conspiracy theories?

I stare intently, listening to every word I can hear when I'm not chewing on a Dorito. Between the times that all I can hear is crunching, I squint my eyes and tilt my head to indicate that I comprehend what they are talking about, and would like to interrupt, but I am too polite to do so at the moment. I wait until the screaming insanity and rapid arm flailing and table punching has come to it's conclusion (or a passable facsimile of a finish), and if I don't think it's worth discussing further:


I tell them, "Nope, Go Fish."

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Man it's pretty useless arguing with someone as indoctrinated as you are troon.


Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Campbell#The_Masks_of_God


Go get those books and read them. after you've read them, if you still don't think the Bible is just a recontextualisation of older myths, then you're the one with eyes wide shut.




i don't contest that they are older myths, these stories have been circulating for tens

of thousands of years in many cultures. at this point in time we are talking about

'accuracy of versions' and the Bible just happens to be a very powerful and accurate version

of this mythos that is specific for our season (2009). its what we understand about the stories that is the point.

how to read them and how to see the patterns in them, the code. (not the 'da vinci code' or the 'bible code' like in the mainstream shit books)

this is different, much simpler.... its in the reoccurring themes and relationships between the characters.

they are there and we must take advantage of them to see certain truths clearly.


(reading old king james versions is important to, through simplifying the language into

new 'easier to understand' language, alot of the code has been lost. pre 1950 Bibles

are usually safe, an authorized king james version. except no substitute :smile:


let's all just be open minded to one another and bag on scientology instead.




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I like to see if they're so unhinged that I can convince them that I totally agree. Then I usually add my own on top of it to take it out even further into left field, just to see if they actually buy it or not. It's good fun!

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