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Guest abusivegeorge

Hi dude, has anyone mentioned the rules? Welcome to watmm, you'll be hated like every other mother fucker on here but thats why I come. I feel at home with cunts, and spend much time in fertile hostility with them, join me in watmm congress.


I fuck most of the guys here so don't be shy, I got your back son.

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Forum Rules




As with any community, there are rules which ensure that everything runs as

smoothly as possible, and that everyone gets along peacefully. These forums

are no different. We recognize that not everyone gets along, but we also know

that this doesn't mean that the world should stop turning. This page of rules

gives you the boundaries to work within. These aren't the default rules that

come with the boards software, these are written by the administrators and moderators

who deal with people on a daily basis. We would appreciate it if you could read

through this page and absorb as much as humanly possible before posting.





These rules are also in a constant state of flux. Stay tuned for further episodes.








This board has been around for a while. There are literally thousands of topics

here. Some topics could have been avoided simply by using the search function

on this board. As much as we'd love to see you post questions about 'the kick-ass

outside violin solo' or 'old tunes', we recommend that you search first and be





General Post Content



Most stuff can be posted in the general section of this board. However, if you

are a musician/composer with questions, or require a critique, hop on over to

the Expert Knob Twiddlers section. Posts will be moved by moderators/administrators

if they feel something has been posted in the wrong place, with or sometimes

without a link from the original forum. The occasional announcement regarding a new

album or an event you'r involved with is alright, but if you make a regular habit of

it, then you'll be asked to take your spam elsewhere.







You will not violate anyone's privacy. This includes anything about people

on, or off the board. Violating this rule will result in the instant removal

of your account, without any prior warning. Posting of personal information

(whether publically available or not) is not allowed, as while you might not

stalk someone to their place of residence, the weirdo who never posts but is

always in threads just might, so keep that in mind.




Posting of personal information regarding any artists we cover on WATMM is

expressly forbidden, as we're here to admire their work, not hunt them down or

invade their privacy.




Multiple Accounts



No sir, we don't like it. We can detect it.

We know who you are.

We will remove extra accounts.

We occasionally audit the member records as well.





Post Pumping



Each member account has a post count, this is the number of threads you have

contributed to during your existence on this board. We do not give out prizes

for high post counts.





Cross Posting



Cross posting is when you post the same information in more than one

forum on this board. Violating this rule will result in a private message

and a warning and one of the posts removed.








This is a big no-no. Violate this rule and we'll send you a private message,

warn and or ban you from this board. Racial discussions tend to start off innocently,

but tend to degenerate into the wrong kind of talk. Please be respectful of

the fact that many people from many countries and nationalities visit the site.

Just because somebody doesn't "act" like a certain ethnic group doesn't mean

they are not part of one. Use of ethnic slurs or epiteths are also

frowned upon, even when used in a non-confrontational manner.







We couldn't give a flying fucking rats cunt if you

use any sort of profanity on this board. It's not the language you use,

it's the subject you're talking about that concerns us. However,

just like you don't curse like a sailor in front of your mother or in public,

those general rules of etiquitte apply here as well.

Think of profanity as seasoning - a dash here and there is fine

for spicing things up from time to time.





Warez (Illegal Software)



You cannot advertise, or discuss any type of warez (illegal software) on this

board. This includes requests for warez, gamez, appz, cracks or keygens. We tend

to frown on links to warez sites as well.




Digital Media Files/Links



Since this a website about music, it's natural to want to post stuff you find

off Soulseek, Kazaa, or the P2P de jour. If it's your own music, fine,

go ahead. We even suggest you get a Knob

Twiddler account to allow larger uploads and other handy features other

board members don't have. However, if the music is not yours, we kindly ask

that you respect the artist's wishes and not post entire soundfiles. 30 second

to 1 minute clips are fine, and this generally does not apply to bootleg concerts

or links to live performances or videos, assuming they are not commercially

available or are available online elsewhere. We reserve the right to remove

any digital files we feel are a violation of this policy.

Links to Bittorrents, YouSendIt, FileShare, etc. are also a

violation if linked to copyrighted or commercially available material.




Sharing Music



Along the same lines above, asking for copyrighted music in a thread is generally frowned upon, as it does infringe upon the rights of the copyright holder. There's always exceptions to the rule, and if for any reason you are unsure about whether something is suitable to posting on the board and you are not the copyright holder, it's best to either ask a Mod or Administrator for advice. Don't assume that if something is out of print that it's alright to post; the copyright on that music still exists, and should be respected. Of course, if it's your own music, then fine, go right ahead, as long as you're not overly spamming your music and it's done in the appropriate forum/subforum.




Asking for copyrighted music is generally a no-no as well, for the reasons stated above, as well as it's basically making the forum a P2P site or a links site, facilitating piracy of copyrighted material. Being slick about it and not directly asking for the music, but still obviously implying you'd like someone to send you a copy is also frowned upon. Keep such discussions to PMs (Private Messages) or outside the forums. We can't stop you pirating music, but we do need to ensure that the forums don't get shut down over the overt sharing of copyrighted material.







We don't like to see links to direct files on other sites, so please, if you

must direct your mates to something on the forum, post a link to the forum

thread instead. That goes the same for sites that host content. Respect their

content and link to the page whenever possible.







A lot of users of this board read posts at work, so please consider what you post - be sure to mark threads clearly with NSFW indicators. Additionally,

posting pornographic material in the forum in the spoiler tags will cause

those images to get cached on the user's machine even if he or she doesn't

open the spoiler tag - this can end up getting people in trouble at home or

work, so please consider before posting NSFW material in threads initially not marked NSFW. However, we do allow occasional links offsite, PROVIDING THE LINK


this rule will result in a private message and a warning.




It is also important to note that while we do hold forum members to the above rules, we cannot guarantee that none of the material an employer or spouse might find objectionable will not end up in your browser's cache - If a thread is entitled "Alien Sex Donkeys", then it's a safe assumption that the thread contains NSFW material and you should avoid it until after working hours or altogether. In some cases we cannot help if a thread devolves into NSFW discussion or material contained within, so use your best judgement in those cases, or use some browser's "Private Browsing" or "Incognito Mode" settings so that material doesn't get cached. Keep in mind though, your ISP/place of employment do have records of what gets transmitted to your browser, so that's not always a safe alternative.





One further thing to note, some websites, such as SomethingAwful.com

have a mechanism to stop people from directly linking images from their

site. These images clearly violate both the porn and also the gore rule

below. Please check this out before linking pictures from elsewhere.





Gore (Not Al)



The same rule for porn is to be applied to gore. Think before you post.





Blind links



Blind linking is where you hide the real destination of a link with a different

address. For example, linking to goatse.cx. Doing this will result

in a private message, a warning and the post being edited to correct the link.








We allow some advertising under certain conditions:




You are a posting bot from an established label, such as Warp, or Planet-mu

You are a well-known regular on this board, who posts often



If you advertise on this board by setting up an account with no intention

on joining the community (i.e., advertising is your first and only post) then

your post will be locked, and you will receive a private message.








Although some posters should see this coming (see flame-baiting), the general

rule is not to totally shoot someone down over a post. If the argument gets

out of control then the moderators and administrators will step in and provide

a more Draconian solution to the argument.





Flame Baiting



Don't do it. You will get warned. See the section on "The warning system" below.





Bumping/Resurrecting Dead Threads



This is the act of posting in a thread to simply keep the thread at the top

of the forum. We don't like it. If you do this often you will get warned.

Resurrecting dead/closed threads is also not allowed - if the thread was

closed by a Moderator or Admin, there was a reason behind it. DO NOT reopen

threads that were closed unless you have permission from a Moderator or Admin

first. Failure to do so can result in your thread locking/opening abilities

suspended or removed.








If you have committed a serious offense, we will ban your account from this board.

This means that we will remove your account from the system, record your IP address

and stop you from using it again, and we will add your e-mail address to the

list of banned addresses. There are only a couple of offenses that will immediately

get you banned without warning. Banning is permanent. If you decide to come back

under a different account and we find out, don't be surprised if you suddenly

can't log in anymore.




Those Who Have Been Banned



From time to time, people do get banned, usually due to their own actions, or being part of a larger issue that warrants their removal for the better of the community. When someone is banned, it's natural to start a "Why was [insert banned member's name here] banned?" thread - while this is not a violation of the rules, multiple threads of this nature (especially when either there is an existing thread already addressing the matter or an official thread from a Mod or Admin regarding the matter) are considered inflammatory and counterproductive, and will be removed. Willful re-posting of such threads may result in your warning, suspension, or banning if the severity warrants it. Any greviences you have with a member being banned should be PMed or emailed to Joyrex.




The Warning System



When posting, you will notice a small line underneath your information reading "Warn:

(0%)". This is the warning system on this board. It is used by moderators and

administrators to keep track of users actions. Everyone starts with 0%. Each

warning will step things up 10% at a time. Reaching 100% will result in your

account being banned. Please remember that more serious infractions may result

in instant banning or suspension.




What To I Do If I See Something/Someone That Breaks These Rules?



If you see something on this board that is questionable or violates the above

rules, you can report it using the "Report" button on each post. This will send

an alert to all moderators and administrators about where the violation occurs.

Please include a reason for why you're reporting it and if it's a specific member's

post, please mention who it is and/or the post # (located in the upper right

corner of each post). We will try to ensure your anonymity, as

nobody likes a snitch, but we appreciate it as we can't be everywhere at once.




Avatars And Signatures



Avatars are the little pictures underneath your member name in each post. There

is a fixed size for each avatar. The content of these avatars must comply with

the rules above, including the porn and gore rules. Same with the signatures.

The maximum size (in pixels) for avatars is 150x300. Anything smaller or irregularly

shaped should have the pixel values manually input on the page in your Control

Panel. If you use Flash avatars, please be mindful of CPU performance on other user's machines.




Signature Size



You can edit your own signature for your posts through the "My Controls" section

of the board. The signature should be no taller than 200 pixels, and no wider

than 500 pixels. Taller or wider signatures will result in a private message

requesting it to be cut down. Failure to comply will result in your signature

being edited or removed outright. Any sort of scripting code that, innocently or not inserted into your signature that causes any manner of board performance issues or disruption, will result in immediate suspension and/or banning from the forums.




Member Status



Underneath your member name on each post is a brief description of who you are.





Member Powers



You can post in both the General Forum and the Expert Knob Twiddlers Forum and their various subforums.

You can search all forums

You can send private message other members of the forum

You can report posts to moderators and administrators

You can reply to other posts

You can edit your post within a certain time after you posted it

You can view other members public profiles

Moderator Powers



The ability to close threads

The ability to warn members

The ability to manage parts of the forums

The ability to track members IP addresses

The ability to edit certain members information

Administrator Powers



Anything and everything. We also reserve the right to bend or modify the rules

on a case-by-case basis. You want a democracy, go run for President.




Kicking Yo' Ass



This comes in different forms, from warning you in a thread, posting you a

private message, increasing your warning percentage, placing your account on

hold or banning your account outright.





Sound In Avatars



This board allows you to use Flash animations within your avatars. Flash also

allows the avatars to make sounds. This sounds nice, but it's damn annoying

every time a page loads. Don't do it, otherwise someone will edit your account.





Posting Polls



Moderators and members of the subscription-only Knob Twiddlers group can post

polls. If this privilege is abused, it will be revoked, possibly on a permanent

basis. For information on how to join the Knob Twiddlers group and the other

benefits that come with it, see this





IP Addresses/Email Addresses



We track IP addresses. We know where you are.




Spoofing of IPs, if found, will result in account removal.




Don't bother using a fake email address for registering - you won't get the

validation email. Also, changing your email to a nonexistant one after successfully

registering only prevents people from contacting you - you can choose to have your

email private via your Control Panel if you are concerned about your privacy.




'Hello' Posts



It seems to be natural to post something to announce who you are when you

join the board. This is fine. However, you should be treating your audience

with a little respect first. Making a first post like "hello you fuckers" will

be treated as flame-baiting (see above). Don't be surprised if you get repeated "read

the rules" comments. Just our way of saying "hi".




Acting Like An AOL Child (aka AOLHole™)



Not really a rule, but it'll make a dent in your respect-o-meter if you start

posting "asl?"...




You don't need to use "1337 5P34K" (elite speak, or "hacker speak") excessively.

A few 'OMG" and "WTF" and "LOLs" are OK, but like salt or pepper, too much

just ruins the whole experience.







Use common sense. Anything that you say or do carries consequences with it. If you find yourself questioning the nature of what you’re going to post, then it’s probably not safe to post it. Save yourself trouble and ourselves time, think before you post.

Always be civil and courteous. This forum is visited by people from all over the world of different ages, genders, and races. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, see Flaming, Privacy, and Racism.

Make sure that your message topics fit the topic description of the forum that you are posting in. This is for your own benefit.

Use the search function before posting.

Make sure that you have followed #1 and #4 before posting

Read the sticky threads at the top of each forum - they are there for a reason, and generally contain information relevant to the forum that they are in.

Don't quote the entire message that you're responding to, only the pertinent passage. This makes it easier to read for other users.






If you feel that this list of rules is missing something. Let us know.





The "Mad-Dogs And Englishmen" Clause



Glad you've read this far. As a knock-over from the previous rules of this board,

there is a way to 'stop the world, I want to get off', or in other words, a way

to get your account suspended if you feel you've had enough. We do not remove accounts,

as your posts then have a non-registered user attached to them, and it gives people

the potential to come back and impersonate someone who's left. Ask a moderator/administrator

if you'd like to leave.

We can also suspend your account for a period of time if you wish to take a break

but not lose your hard-earned post count, member number, etc.



AKA: Utter Wank.

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Forum Rules




As with any community, there are rules which ensure that everything runs as

smoothly as possible, and that everyone gets along peacefully. These forums

are no different. We recognize that not everyone gets along, but we also know

that this doesn't mean that the world should stop turning. This page of rules

gives you the boundaries to work within. These aren't the default rules that

come with the boards software, these are written by the administrators and moderators

who deal with people on a daily basis. We would appreciate it if you could read

through this page and absorb as much as humanly possible before posting.





These rules are also in a constant state of flux. Stay tuned for further episodes.








This board has been around for a while. There are literally thousands of topics

here. Some topics could have been avoided simply by using the search function

on this board. As much as we'd love to see you post questions about 'the kick-ass

outside violin solo' or 'old tunes', we recommend that you search first and be





General Post Content



Most stuff can be posted in the general section of this board. However, if you

are a musician/composer with questions, or require a critique, hop on over to

the Expert Knob Twiddlers section. Posts will be moved by moderators/administrators

if they feel something has been posted in the wrong place, with or sometimes

without a link from the original forum. The occasional announcement regarding a new

album or an event you'r involved with is alright, but if you make a regular habit of

it, then you'll be asked to take your spam elsewhere.







You will not violate anyone's privacy. This includes anything about people

on, or off the board. Violating this rule will result in the instant removal

of your account, without any prior warning. Posting of personal information

(whether publically available or not) is not allowed, as while you might not

stalk someone to their place of residence, the weirdo who never posts but is

always in threads just might, so keep that in mind.




Posting of personal information regarding any artists we cover on WATMM is

expressly forbidden, as we're here to admire their work, not hunt them down or

invade their privacy.




Multiple Accounts



No sir, we don't like it. We can detect it.

We know who you are.

We will remove extra accounts.

We occasionally audit the member records as well.





Post Pumping



Each member account has a post count, this is the number of threads you have

contributed to during your existence on this board. We do not give out prizes

for high post counts.





Cross Posting



Cross posting is when you post the same information in more than one

forum on this board. Violating this rule will result in a private message

and a warning and one of the posts removed.








This is a big no-no. Violate this rule and we'll send you a private message,

warn and or ban you from this board. Racial discussions tend to start off innocently,

but tend to degenerate into the wrong kind of talk. Please be respectful of

the fact that many people from many countries and nationalities visit the site.

Just because somebody doesn't "act" like a certain ethnic group doesn't mean

they are not part of one. Use of ethnic slurs or epiteths are also

frowned upon, even when used in a non-confrontational manner.







We couldn't give a flying fucking rats cunt if you

use any sort of profanity on this board. It's not the language you use,

it's the subject you're talking about that concerns us. However,

just like you don't curse like a sailor in front of your mother or in public,

those general rules of etiquitte apply here as well.

Think of profanity as seasoning - a dash here and there is fine

for spicing things up from time to time.





Warez (Illegal Software)



You cannot advertise, or discuss any type of warez (illegal software) on this

board. This includes requests for warez, gamez, appz, cracks or keygens. We tend

to frown on links to warez sites as well.




Digital Media Files/Links



Since this a website about music, it's natural to want to post stuff you find

off Soulseek, Kazaa, or the P2P de jour. If it's your own music, fine,

go ahead. We even suggest you get a Knob

Twiddler account to allow larger uploads and other handy features other

board members don't have. However, if the music is not yours, we kindly ask

that you respect the artist's wishes and not post entire soundfiles. 30 second

to 1 minute clips are fine, and this generally does not apply to bootleg concerts

or links to live performances or videos, assuming they are not commercially

available or are available online elsewhere. We reserve the right to remove

any digital files we feel are a violation of this policy.

Links to Bittorrents, YouSendIt, FileShare, etc. are also a

violation if linked to copyrighted or commercially available material.




Sharing Music



Along the same lines above, asking for copyrighted music in a thread is generally frowned upon, as it does infringe upon the rights of the copyright holder. There's always exceptions to the rule, and if for any reason you are unsure about whether something is suitable to posting on the board and you are not the copyright holder, it's best to either ask a Mod or Administrator for advice. Don't assume that if something is out of print that it's alright to post; the copyright on that music still exists, and should be respected. Of course, if it's your own music, then fine, go right ahead, as long as you're not overly spamming your music and it's done in the appropriate forum/subforum.




Asking for copyrighted music is generally a no-no as well, for the reasons stated above, as well as it's basically making the forum a P2P site or a links site, facilitating piracy of copyrighted material. Being slick about it and not directly asking for the music, but still obviously implying you'd like someone to send you a copy is also frowned upon. Keep such discussions to PMs (Private Messages) or outside the forums. We can't stop you pirating music, but we do need to ensure that the forums don't get shut down over the overt sharing of copyrighted material.







We don't like to see links to direct files on other sites, so please, if you

must direct your mates to something on the forum, post a link to the forum

thread instead. That goes the same for sites that host content. Respect their

content and link to the page whenever possible.







A lot of users of this board read posts at work, so please consider what you post - be sure to mark threads clearly with NSFW indicators. Additionally,

posting pornographic material in the forum in the spoiler tags will cause

those images to get cached on the user's machine even if he or she doesn't

open the spoiler tag - this can end up getting people in trouble at home or

work, so please consider before posting NSFW material in threads initially not marked NSFW. However, we do allow occasional links offsite, PROVIDING THE LINK


this rule will result in a private message and a warning.




It is also important to note that while we do hold forum members to the above rules, we cannot guarantee that none of the material an employer or spouse might find objectionable will not end up in your browser's cache - If a thread is entitled "Alien Sex Donkeys", then it's a safe assumption that the thread contains NSFW material and you should avoid it until after working hours or altogether. In some cases we cannot help if a thread devolves into NSFW discussion or material contained within, so use your best judgement in those cases, or use some browser's "Private Browsing" or "Incognito Mode" settings so that material doesn't get cached. Keep in mind though, your ISP/place of employment do have records of what gets transmitted to your browser, so that's not always a safe alternative.





One further thing to note, some websites, such as SomethingAwful.com

have a mechanism to stop people from directly linking images from their

site. These images clearly violate both the porn and also the gore rule

below. Please check this out before linking pictures from elsewhere.





Gore (Not Al)



The same rule for porn is to be applied to gore. Think before you post.





Blind links



Blind linking is where you hide the real destination of a link with a different

address. For example, linking to goatse.cx. Doing this will result

in a private message, a warning and the post being edited to correct the link.








We allow some advertising under certain conditions:




You are a posting bot from an established label, such as Warp, or Planet-mu

You are a well-known regular on this board, who posts often



If you advertise on this board by setting up an account with no intention

on joining the community (i.e., advertising is your first and only post) then

your post will be locked, and you will receive a private message.








Although some posters should see this coming (see flame-baiting), the general

rule is not to totally shoot someone down over a post. If the argument gets

out of control then the moderators and administrators will step in and provide

a more Draconian solution to the argument.





Flame Baiting



Don't do it. You will get warned. See the section on "The warning system" below.





Bumping/Resurrecting Dead Threads



This is the act of posting in a thread to simply keep the thread at the top

of the forum. We don't like it. If you do this often you will get warned.

Resurrecting dead/closed threads is also not allowed - if the thread was

closed by a Moderator or Admin, there was a reason behind it. DO NOT reopen

threads that were closed unless you have permission from a Moderator or Admin

first. Failure to do so can result in your thread locking/opening abilities

suspended or removed.








If you have committed a serious offense, we will ban your account from this board.

This means that we will remove your account from the system, record your IP address

and stop you from using it again, and we will add your e-mail address to the

list of banned addresses. There are only a couple of offenses that will immediately

get you banned without warning. Banning is permanent. If you decide to come back

under a different account and we find out, don't be surprised if you suddenly

can't log in anymore.




Those Who Have Been Banned



From time to time, people do get banned, usually due to their own actions, or being part of a larger issue that warrants their removal for the better of the community. When someone is banned, it's natural to start a "Why was [insert banned member's name here] banned?" thread - while this is not a violation of the rules, multiple threads of this nature (especially when either there is an existing thread already addressing the matter or an official thread from a Mod or Admin regarding the matter) are considered inflammatory and counterproductive, and will be removed. Willful re-posting of such threads may result in your warning, suspension, or banning if the severity warrants it. Any greviences you have with a member being banned should be PMed or emailed to Joyrex.




The Warning System



When posting, you will notice a small line underneath your information reading "Warn:

(0%)". This is the warning system on this board. It is used by moderators and

administrators to keep track of users actions. Everyone starts with 0%. Each

warning will step things up 10% at a time. Reaching 100% will result in your

account being banned. Please remember that more serious infractions may result

in instant banning or suspension.




What To I Do If I See Something/Someone That Breaks These Rules?



If you see something on this board that is questionable or violates the above

rules, you can report it using the "Report" button on each post. This will send

an alert to all moderators and administrators about where the violation occurs.

Please include a reason for why you're reporting it and if it's a specific member's

post, please mention who it is and/or the post # (located in the upper right

corner of each post). We will try to ensure your anonymity, as

nobody likes a snitch, but we appreciate it as we can't be everywhere at once.




Avatars And Signatures



Avatars are the little pictures underneath your member name in each post. There

is a fixed size for each avatar. The content of these avatars must comply with

the rules above, including the porn and gore rules. Same with the signatures.

The maximum size (in pixels) for avatars is 150x300. Anything smaller or irregularly

shaped should have the pixel values manually input on the page in your Control

Panel. If you use Flash avatars, please be mindful of CPU performance on other user's machines.




Signature Size



You can edit your own signature for your posts through the "My Controls" section

of the board. The signature should be no taller than 200 pixels, and no wider

than 500 pixels. Taller or wider signatures will result in a private message

requesting it to be cut down. Failure to comply will result in your signature

being edited or removed outright. Any sort of scripting code that, innocently or not inserted into your signature that causes any manner of board performance issues or disruption, will result in immediate suspension and/or banning from the forums.




Member Status



Underneath your member name on each post is a brief description of who you are.





Member Powers



You can post in both the General Forum and the Expert Knob Twiddlers Forum and their various subforums.

You can search all forums

You can send private message other members of the forum

You can report posts to moderators and administrators

You can reply to other posts

You can edit your post within a certain time after you posted it

You can view other members public profiles

Moderator Powers



The ability to close threads

The ability to warn members

The ability to manage parts of the forums

The ability to track members IP addresses

The ability to edit certain members information

Administrator Powers



Anything and everything. We also reserve the right to bend or modify the rules

on a case-by-case basis. You want a democracy, go run for President.




Kicking Yo' Ass



This comes in different forms, from warning you in a thread, posting you a

private message, increasing your warning percentage, placing your account on

hold or banning your account outright.





Sound In Avatars



This board allows you to use Flash animations within your avatars. Flash also

allows the avatars to make sounds. This sounds nice, but it's damn annoying

every time a page loads. Don't do it, otherwise someone will edit your account.





Posting Polls



Moderators and members of the subscription-only Knob Twiddlers group can post

polls. If this privilege is abused, it will be revoked, possibly on a permanent

basis. For information on how to join the Knob Twiddlers group and the other

benefits that come with it, see this





IP Addresses/Email Addresses



We track IP addresses. We know where you are.




Spoofing of IPs, if found, will result in account removal.




Don't bother using a fake email address for registering - you won't get the

validation email. Also, changing your email to a nonexistant one after successfully

registering only prevents people from contacting you - you can choose to have your

email private via your Control Panel if you are concerned about your privacy.




'Hello' Posts



It seems to be natural to post something to announce who you are when you

join the board. This is fine. However, you should be treating your audience

with a little respect first. Making a first post like "hello you fuckers" will

be treated as flame-baiting (see above). Don't be surprised if you get repeated "read

the rules" comments. Just our way of saying "hi".




Acting Like An AOL Child (aka AOLHole™)



Not really a rule, but it'll make a dent in your respect-o-meter if you start

posting "asl?"...




You don't need to use "1337 5P34K" (elite speak, or "hacker speak") excessively.

A few 'OMG" and "WTF" and "LOLs" are OK, but like salt or pepper, too much

just ruins the whole experience.







Use common sense. Anything that you say or do carries consequences with it. If you find yourself questioning the nature of what you’re going to post, then it’s probably not safe to post it. Save yourself trouble and ourselves time, think before you post.

Always be civil and courteous. This forum is visited by people from all over the world of different ages, genders, and races. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, see Flaming, Privacy, and Racism.

Make sure that your message topics fit the topic description of the forum that you are posting in. This is for your own benefit.

Use the search function before posting.

Make sure that you have followed #1 and #4 before posting

Read the sticky threads at the top of each forum - they are there for a reason, and generally contain information relevant to the forum that they are in.

Don't quote the entire message that you're responding to, only the pertinent passage. This makes it easier to read for other users.






If you feel that this list of rules is missing something. Let us know.





The "Mad-Dogs And Englishmen" Clause



Glad you've read this far. As a knock-over from the previous rules of this board,

there is a way to 'stop the world, I want to get off', or in other words, a way

to get your account suspended if you feel you've had enough. We do not remove accounts,

as your posts then have a non-registered user attached to them, and it gives people

the potential to come back and impersonate someone who's left. Ask a moderator/administrator

if you'd like to leave.

We can also suspend your account for a period of time if you wish to take a break

but not lose your hard-earned post count, member number, etc.



AKA: Utter Wank.


ban this guy!

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Forum Rules




As with any community, there are rules which ensure that everything runs as

smoothly as possible, and that everyone gets along peacefully. These forums

are no different. We recognize that not everyone gets along, but we also know

that this doesn't mean that the world should stop turning. This page of rules

gives you the boundaries to work within. These aren't the default rules that

come with the boards software, these are written by the administrators and moderators

who deal with people on a daily basis. We would appreciate it if you could read

through this page and absorb as much as humanly possible before posting.





These rules are also in a constant state of flux. Stay tuned for further episodes.








This board has been around for a while. There are literally thousands of topics

here. Some topics could have been avoided simply by using the search function

on this board. As much as we'd love to see you post questions about 'the kick-ass

outside violin solo' or 'old tunes', we recommend that you search first and be





General Post Content



Most stuff can be posted in the general section of this board. However, if you

are a musician/composer with questions, or require a critique, hop on over to

the Expert Knob Twiddlers section. Posts will be moved by moderators/administrators

if they feel something has been posted in the wrong place, with or sometimes

without a link from the original forum. The occasional announcement regarding a new

album or an event you'r involved with is alright, but if you make a regular habit of

it, then you'll be asked to take your spam elsewhere.







You will not violate anyone's privacy. This includes anything about people

on, or off the board. Violating this rule will result in the instant removal

of your account, without any prior warning. Posting of personal information

(whether publically available or not) is not allowed, as while you might not

stalk someone to their place of residence, the weirdo who never posts but is

always in threads just might, so keep that in mind.




Posting of personal information regarding any artists we cover on WATMM is

expressly forbidden, as we're here to admire their work, not hunt them down or

invade their privacy.




Multiple Accounts



No sir, we don't like it. We can detect it.

We know who you are.

We will remove extra accounts.

We occasionally audit the member records as well.





Post Pumping



Each member account has a post count, this is the number of threads you have

contributed to during your existence on this board. We do not give out prizes

for high post counts.





Cross Posting



Cross posting is when you post the same information in more than one

forum on this board. Violating this rule will result in a private message

and a warning and one of the posts removed.








This is a big no-no. Violate this rule and we'll send you a private message,

warn and or ban you from this board. Racial discussions tend to start off innocently,

but tend to degenerate into the wrong kind of talk. Please be respectful of

the fact that many people from many countries and nationalities visit the site.

Just because somebody doesn't "act" like a certain ethnic group doesn't mean

they are not part of one. Use of ethnic slurs or epiteths are also

frowned upon, even when used in a non-confrontational manner.







We couldn't give a flying fucking rats cunt if you

use any sort of profanity on this board. It's not the language you use,

it's the subject you're talking about that concerns us. However,

just like you don't curse like a sailor in front of your mother or in public,

those general rules of etiquitte apply here as well.

Think of profanity as seasoning - a dash here and there is fine

for spicing things up from time to time.





Warez (Illegal Software)



You cannot advertise, or discuss any type of warez (illegal software) on this

board. This includes requests for warez, gamez, appz, cracks or keygens. We tend

to frown on links to warez sites as well.




Digital Media Files/Links



Since this a website about music, it's natural to want to post stuff you find

off Soulseek, Kazaa, or the P2P de jour. If it's your own music, fine,

go ahead. We even suggest you get a Knob

Twiddler account to allow larger uploads and other handy features other

board members don't have. However, if the music is not yours, we kindly ask

that you respect the artist's wishes and not post entire soundfiles. 30 second

to 1 minute clips are fine, and this generally does not apply to bootleg concerts

or links to live performances or videos, assuming they are not commercially

available or are available online elsewhere. We reserve the right to remove

any digital files we feel are a violation of this policy.

Links to Bittorrents, YouSendIt, FileShare, etc. are also a

violation if linked to copyrighted or commercially available material.




Sharing Music



Along the same lines above, asking for copyrighted music in a thread is generally frowned upon, as it does infringe upon the rights of the copyright holder. There's always exceptions to the rule, and if for any reason you are unsure about whether something is suitable to posting on the board and you are not the copyright holder, it's best to either ask a Mod or Administrator for advice. Don't assume that if something is out of print that it's alright to post; the copyright on that music still exists, and should be respected. Of course, if it's your own music, then fine, go right ahead, as long as you're not overly spamming your music and it's done in the appropriate forum/subforum.




Asking for copyrighted music is generally a no-no as well, for the reasons stated above, as well as it's basically making the forum a P2P site or a links site, facilitating piracy of copyrighted material. Being slick about it and not directly asking for the music, but still obviously implying you'd like someone to send you a copy is also frowned upon. Keep such discussions to PMs (Private Messages) or outside the forums. We can't stop you pirating music, but we do need to ensure that the forums don't get shut down over the overt sharing of copyrighted material.







We don't like to see links to direct files on other sites, so please, if you

must direct your mates to something on the forum, post a link to the forum

thread instead. That goes the same for sites that host content. Respect their

content and link to the page whenever possible.







A lot of users of this board read posts at work, so please consider what you post - be sure to mark threads clearly with NSFW indicators. Additionally,

posting pornographic material in the forum in the spoiler tags will cause

those images to get cached on the user's machine even if he or she doesn't

open the spoiler tag - this can end up getting people in trouble at home or

work, so please consider before posting NSFW material in threads initially not marked NSFW. However, we do allow occasional links offsite, PROVIDING THE LINK


this rule will result in a private message and a warning.




It is also important to note that while we do hold forum members to the above rules, we cannot guarantee that none of the material an employer or spouse might find objectionable will not end up in your browser's cache - If a thread is entitled "Alien Sex Donkeys", then it's a safe assumption that the thread contains NSFW material and you should avoid it until after working hours or altogether. In some cases we cannot help if a thread devolves into NSFW discussion or material contained within, so use your best judgement in those cases, or use some browser's "Private Browsing" or "Incognito Mode" settings so that material doesn't get cached. Keep in mind though, your ISP/place of employment do have records of what gets transmitted to your browser, so that's not always a safe alternative.





One further thing to note, some websites, such as SomethingAwful.com

have a mechanism to stop people from directly linking images from their

site. These images clearly violate both the porn and also the gore rule

below. Please check this out before linking pictures from elsewhere.





Gore (Not Al)



The same rule for porn is to be applied to gore. Think before you post.





Blind links



Blind linking is where you hide the real destination of a link with a different

address. For example, linking to goatse.cx. Doing this will result

in a private message, a warning and the post being edited to correct the link.








We allow some advertising under certain conditions:




You are a posting bot from an established label, such as Warp, or Planet-mu

You are a well-known regular on this board, who posts often



If you advertise on this board by setting up an account with no intention

on joining the community (i.e., advertising is your first and only post) then

your post will be locked, and you will receive a private message.








Although some posters should see this coming (see flame-baiting), the general

rule is not to totally shoot someone down over a post. If the argument gets

out of control then the moderators and administrators will step in and provide

a more Draconian solution to the argument.





Flame Baiting



Don't do it. You will get warned. See the section on "The warning system" below.





Bumping/Resurrecting Dead Threads



This is the act of posting in a thread to simply keep the thread at the top

of the forum. We don't like it. If you do this often you will get warned.

Resurrecting dead/closed threads is also not allowed - if the thread was

closed by a Moderator or Admin, there was a reason behind it. DO NOT reopen

threads that were closed unless you have permission from a Moderator or Admin

first. Failure to do so can result in your thread locking/opening abilities

suspended or removed.








If you have committed a serious offense, we will ban your account from this board.

This means that we will remove your account from the system, record your IP address

and stop you from using it again, and we will add your e-mail address to the

list of banned addresses. There are only a couple of offenses that will immediately

get you banned without warning. Banning is permanent. If you decide to come back

under a different account and we find out, don't be surprised if you suddenly

can't log in anymore.




Those Who Have Been Banned



From time to time, people do get banned, usually due to their own actions, or being part of a larger issue that warrants their removal for the better of the community. When someone is banned, it's natural to start a "Why was [insert banned member's name here] banned?" thread - while this is not a violation of the rules, multiple threads of this nature (especially when either there is an existing thread already addressing the matter or an official thread from a Mod or Admin regarding the matter) are considered inflammatory and counterproductive, and will be removed. Willful re-posting of such threads may result in your warning, suspension, or banning if the severity warrants it. Any greviences you have with a member being banned should be PMed or emailed to Joyrex.




The Warning System



When posting, you will notice a small line underneath your information reading "Warn:

(0%)". This is the warning system on this board. It is used by moderators and

administrators to keep track of users actions. Everyone starts with 0%. Each

warning will step things up 10% at a time. Reaching 100% will result in your

account being banned. Please remember that more serious infractions may result

in instant banning or suspension.




What To I Do If I See Something/Someone That Breaks These Rules?



If you see something on this board that is questionable or violates the above

rules, you can report it using the "Report" button on each post. This will send

an alert to all moderators and administrators about where the violation occurs.

Please include a reason for why you're reporting it and if it's a specific member's

post, please mention who it is and/or the post # (located in the upper right

corner of each post). We will try to ensure your anonymity, as

nobody likes a snitch, but we appreciate it as we can't be everywhere at once.




Avatars And Signatures



Avatars are the little pictures underneath your member name in each post. There

is a fixed size for each avatar. The content of these avatars must comply with

the rules above, including the porn and gore rules. Same with the signatures.

The maximum size (in pixels) for avatars is 150x300. Anything smaller or irregularly

shaped should have the pixel values manually input on the page in your Control

Panel. If you use Flash avatars, please be mindful of CPU performance on other user's machines.




Signature Size



You can edit your own signature for your posts through the "My Controls" section

of the board. The signature should be no taller than 200 pixels, and no wider

than 500 pixels. Taller or wider signatures will result in a private message

requesting it to be cut down. Failure to comply will result in your signature

being edited or removed outright. Any sort of scripting code that, innocently or not inserted into your signature that causes any manner of board performance issues or disruption, will result in immediate suspension and/or banning from the forums.




Member Status



Underneath your member name on each post is a brief description of who you are.





Member Powers



You can post in both the General Forum and the Expert Knob Twiddlers Forum and their various subforums.

You can search all forums

You can send private message other members of the forum

You can report posts to moderators and administrators

You can reply to other posts

You can edit your post within a certain time after you posted it

You can view other members public profiles

Moderator Powers



The ability to close threads

The ability to warn members

The ability to manage parts of the forums

The ability to track members IP addresses

The ability to edit certain members information

Administrator Powers



Anything and everything. We also reserve the right to bend or modify the rules

on a case-by-case basis. You want a democracy, go run for President.




Kicking Yo' Ass



This comes in different forms, from warning you in a thread, posting you a

private message, increasing your warning percentage, placing your account on

hold or banning your account outright.





Sound In Avatars



This board allows you to use Flash animations within your avatars. Flash also

allows the avatars to make sounds. This sounds nice, but it's damn annoying

every time a page loads. Don't do it, otherwise someone will edit your account.





Posting Polls



Moderators and members of the subscription-only Knob Twiddlers group can post

polls. If this privilege is abused, it will be revoked, possibly on a permanent

basis. For information on how to join the Knob Twiddlers group and the other

benefits that come with it, see this





IP Addresses/Email Addresses



We track IP addresses. We know where you are.




Spoofing of IPs, if found, will result in account removal.




Don't bother using a fake email address for registering - you won't get the

validation email. Also, changing your email to a nonexistant one after successfully

registering only prevents people from contacting you - you can choose to have your

email private via your Control Panel if you are concerned about your privacy.




'Hello' Posts



It seems to be natural to post something to announce who you are when you

join the board. This is fine. However, you should be treating your audience

with a little respect first. Making a first post like "hello you fuckers" will

be treated as flame-baiting (see above). Don't be surprised if you get repeated "read

the rules" comments. Just our way of saying "hi".




Acting Like An AOL Child (aka AOLHole™)



Not really a rule, but it'll make a dent in your respect-o-meter if you start

posting "asl?"...




You don't need to use "1337 5P34K" (elite speak, or "hacker speak") excessively.

A few 'OMG" and "WTF" and "LOLs" are OK, but like salt or pepper, too much

just ruins the whole experience.







Use common sense. Anything that you say or do carries consequences with it. If you find yourself questioning the nature of what you’re going to post, then it’s probably not safe to post it. Save yourself trouble and ourselves time, think before you post.

Always be civil and courteous. This forum is visited by people from all over the world of different ages, genders, and races. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, see Flaming, Privacy, and Racism.

Make sure that your message topics fit the topic description of the forum that you are posting in. This is for your own benefit.

Use the search function before posting.

Make sure that you have followed #1 and #4 before posting

Read the sticky threads at the top of each forum - they are there for a reason, and generally contain information relevant to the forum that they are in.

Don't quote the entire message that you're responding to, only the pertinent passage. This makes it easier to read for other users.






If you feel that this list of rules is missing something. Let us know.





The "Mad-Dogs And Englishmen" Clause



Glad you've read this far. As a knock-over from the previous rules of this board,

there is a way to 'stop the world, I want to get off', or in other words, a way

to get your account suspended if you feel you've had enough. We do not remove accounts,

as your posts then have a non-registered user attached to them, and it gives people

the potential to come back and impersonate someone who's left. Ask a moderator/administrator

if you'd like to leave.

We can also suspend your account for a period of time if you wish to take a break

but not lose your hard-earned post count, member number, etc.



AKA: Utter Wank.


ban this guy!


That's a nice mugwump!

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Welcome to the Dark Side, young watmmwan.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to *suffering.

Peace is a lie.

There is no peace, only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, I break my chains.


Also: Cookies.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

Every newb thread has 'read the rules' 100 times over


How about use common sense and realize you're talking on a public forum anyone can read?

Use some humility and poise and you wont get banned.

Oh, and don't forget about grammer nazi's.

Does that sum up the rules?

Do I get a cookie or a facepalm?






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