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fucking dog at my pizza


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my wife ordered a pizza for dinner tonight, but I had to work late so she and my daughters ate dinner and saved the rest for me. i got home, put the left over pizza on the table, poured myself a glass of water, and then went to answer the phone. when I came back, my fucking dog at all the pizza off the table. fucking asshole.


about 30 minutes later, the dog starts shitting all over my house, obviously sick from the pizza. I thought I stopped him doing it, put the leash on him and got him outside. however, in all the excitement, I didn't realize that I had stepped in the shit and tracked it all over my house. so i spent the last hour cleaning shit off my floors and off myself. asshole dog.

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Guest southside jim

so good. so fucking good. laughed my ass off once you mentioned the dog shittin all over the place.


also, did you slip a little bit when you stepped in the shit? y'all know what i'm talking about...whenever you step in a fresh pile o' dog shit outside, your foot always slips forward a bit

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Guest Franklin


sorry about your luck alzado.


somewhat on topic, I was at doing an assessment with a gentleman at his home a few months ago and witnessed something similar... the gentleman's dog took a few shits while I was there (seemed like it was sick with something). The gentleman was a bit upset and started cleaning it but didn't notice that he had stepped in another shit pile behind his chair as he got up to clean... I was watching him move to clean the the third shit-pile, unknowingly tracking shit behind him, before I mentioned that he may in fact be worsening the problem, pointing out the fresh shit-tracks. I could have loled but he was instantly pretty embarrassed/fucking pissed. So I tiptoed around the shit-piles/shit-tracks and we left it for his wife.

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haha that is great. way to go dog. do what you want to do. at the pizza then take a big ol shit.


i respectfully disagree my dog knows that my pizza is for me LOL A. you might need to train your dog

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as a non-dog owner, i make sure to encourage other people's dogs to shit where they please, rip up the furniture and eat everything in sight. i hope alzado's dog takes a massive shit in a hidden place. that would be the next move i would think. i'll have to send that dog an email when i come up with more ideas.

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