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James Cameron's Avatar

Fred McGriff

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Guest Mirezzi

Because of where I live, I can't even watch it in 3D, let alone IMAX, so I'm hardly encouraged to watch the "normal" version of it.

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. there just isn't a story or characters to invest in. and i hate how it's being marketed like there's anything here beyond the technology. it's all about the technology.


I think there were some important leaps made but not on purely a technology level. The technology enables you to actually feel for a handful of totally CGI characters, you can react to their realistic facial expressions and actually care about them. I don't think this has been done quite like this before in a movie. Gollum in lord of the rings is the only other example i can think of , but this definitely tops that on multiple levels. Gollum was not purely an excericise in technology either, it was the first time in film history that a CGI character captured the emotions of a human actor and did it well. If you didn't experience this connection to the CGI characters than i don't know what to tell you but a shit load of people obviously did. So to sayy that the film only showcases technology and nothing else is a personal opinion you hold, not a fact.


i want to hear mini reviews from Takeshi and Kcinsu !

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i connected to gollum because it was a fully developed character with a whole lot of literary baggage attached to it. the navi were just simplistic cliches. make all the excuses you want, but the film was a cliche ridden snoozefest with regards to everything but the effects.


did anyone else notice all the reused jurassic park sounds? it got really annoying for me, because i recognized unchanged raptor and t rex sound effects being used on most of the animals in the movie. avatar actually seems pretty rushed, now that i think about it, at least for a movie "ten years in the making" or whatever.

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Guest Mr Salads

Because of where I live, I can't even watch it in 3D, let alone IMAX, so I'm hardly encouraged to watch the "normal" version of it.


Get the hell out of there.

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. there just isn't a story or characters to invest in. and i hate how it's being marketed like there's anything here beyond the technology. it's all about the technology.


I think there were some important leaps made but not on purely a technology level. The technology enables you to actually feel for a handful of totally CGI characters, you can react to their realistic facial expressions and actually care about them. I don't think this has been done quite like this before in a movie. Gollum in lord of the rings is the only other example i can think of , but this definitely tops that on multiple levels. Gollum was not purely an excericise in technology either, it was the first time in film history that a CGI character captured the emotions of a human actor and did it well. If you didn't experience this connection to the CGI characters than i don't know what to tell you but a shit load of people obviously did. So to sayy that the film only showcases technology and nothing else is a personal opinion you hold, not a fact.


i want to hear mini reviews from Takeshi and Kcinsu !


bullshit, who cares about faces captured properly? it's hollywood ffs.


and wall-e doesn't even have a face.

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Guest Mr Salads

i connected to gollum because it was a fully developed character with a whole lot of literary baggage attached to it. the navi were just simplistic cliches. make all the excuses you want, but the film was a cliche ridden snoozefest with regards to everything but the effects.


did anyone else notice all the reused jurassic park sounds? it got really annoying for me, because i recognized unchanged raptor and t rex sound effects being used on most of the animals in the movie. avatar actually seems pretty rushed, now that i think about it, at least for a movie "ten years in the making" or whatever.


I could not STAND the way those things screamed. There were a couple interesting vocalizations from that weird monkey creature. But the night dogs sounded like dogs.

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did anyone else notice all the reused jurassic park sounds? it got really annoying for me, because i recognized unchanged raptor and t rex sound effects being used on most of the animals in the movie.


lol, I still haven't seen the film but I noticed that in the trailer with the bird thing and thought wtf? Strange also considering most of the effects were weta - but did skywalker do the sound?

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i thought the sound design was great, i didn't recognize any jurassic park sounds.


skywalker ranch mainly did the sounds though not WETA



edit: i haven't heard a movie with an alien planet before work so hard on the environmental ambience sound , most of it seemed pretty earthbound but it was still exotic enough to be intriguing.

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OK, but there's only a finite amount of sounds that animals can make, even alien animals. They roar or chatter or screetch or tweet. Would it have been better if one of them roared breakcore or something?

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holy shit yeah it would have been better. if that retarded rhinosaur herd at the end all started roaring some venetian snares this would have been the film of the century.

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OK, but there's only a finite amount of sounds that animals can make, even alien animals. They roar or chatter or screetch or tweet. Would it have been better if one of them roared breakcore or something?

holy shit yeah it would have been better. if that retarded rhinosaur herd at the end all started roaring some venetian snares this would have been the film of the century.



I might make "retarded rhinosaur herd roaring venetian snares" be my new display name

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i want to hear mini reviews from Takeshi and Kcinsu !


Alright, so I consider myself an average movie goer. Most of you guy's take this way more seriously than I ever will. And by the way, this is solely because awepittance asked... I'm not going to even bother getting into a debate about it with anyone, so don't expect a reply even if you do decide to detail why I'm wrong on every point.


So, that being said, I found this highly enjoyable. Story-wise, it wasn't groundbreaking... I'm sure if you wrote down a formula for movie archs, it would fit in nicely... but who cares... you can easily write down formulas for any style of music... but there is still great music that fits a typical structure.


Yes, there were certainly badly delivered/written lines, but I really didn't care. I'd forgotten about them within a second. No worse than any other action film Cameron has made. It really didn't bother me.


The world itself, pulled me in. It had it's own character to it... I liked that world. The planet itself looked fantastic. The plants were stunning, especially some of the night shots. A lot of cool animals. I do think some of them looked a little too, but plasticy, but not horrible. I think I originally thought of those creatures as resembling furry animals, so that skin/shell vibe didn't register, but it was clear in the film, they werent mammalian.


It was funny actually... and I kind of wonder if this was intentional or not (probably not) but it seemed Pandora was more realistic than the sets of the humans. The human sets seemed very unexciting, like they were soulless... where as Pandora, like I said before, had lots of character. The reason I considered this as being intentional, was perhaps Cameron wanted us to relate and "feel" for the world of pandora, as it was obviously the protagonist. I'm not saying the human stuff was bad at all... just that whenever it cut back to pandora, there was a sense of excitement.


as far as the navi were concerned... i think they were done fantastically. i was kind of skeptical, based on stills, how id relate to them, but seeing them move, and emote, i was totally sold and sucked in. there were many occasions where I said outload "jesus" just because it was so believable. sure, some of the more distant/actiony shots seemed more cartoonish, but thats kind of standard (even in LOTR, if you pull out enough, and see the CGI from a distance... it seems more CGI than a closeup.... not sure what thats about.


i do think there navi could have been a little more dirty though, seeing as they lived in the jungle... they were pretty pristine... but again, didnt really bother me.


this was also the first 3d movie ive seen, so it was blowing my mind how much a depth of field sucks you in. even just a boring shot of sigourney weaver (if that's possible :wub: ) felt much more present and real than Ive seen before. 2d kind of has a detachment to it, but it felt like I was actually seeing how these people looked like in real life somehow.... like they were just some person over there, instead of in there.


the music was fine, and fitting. the sound design was also nice.


over all, it was just really enjoyable... it sucked me in, and that hasnt happen for me in a while. i didnt want it to end. so for me, it was a success.


was it "next level" stuff? I dont even know what that means.... but would I like to view all movies with this depth and detail from now on? absolutely... so if thats what you consider next level, then yes it is.


anyways, i recommend it... just dont go in expecting a religious, mind altering, landmark, clouds parting jesus beam type of film (and really, how many of those exist? Id love a list) and youll be fine.

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dude there were raptor calls from the kitchen scene in jurassic park all over that fucking movie.


Ah, thank you for noticing this as well.



Btw. am I the only who think that the bad guy seemed like some 80s bad guy from an Arnold movie?

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If you couldn't find enjoyment out of this movie, its pretty sad imo. I saw it again last night on RealD, this time a huge screen and booming sound, and the action sequences were no doubt the best action sequences I have ever seen in my entire life. (SPOILER) Seeing that mech with Quaritch fall from the ship with explosions booming around him, it was like it was falling onto the audience in front of me. The feeling is so surreal and it completely evaporates as you watch it cause the amount of information you are seeing simply can't be memorized. I would have liked more exploration with just Jake and his crew in the beginning and I think the characters could have been developed a bit more... seems like a good 30 minutes of it could have been cut. But in the end it doesn't really matter, cause the experience is unlike anything else. I am seeing it again tomorrow, this time on IMAX :spiteful:

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Guest beatfanatic

If you couldn't find enjoyment out of this movie, its pretty sad imo. :spiteful:


If you couldn't understand why people didnt enjoy this movie, its pretty sad imo.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

if you thought it was sad that he thought it was sad that he couldn't understand why people didn't enjoy this movie, that's pretty sad imo

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