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Caprica - Galactica prequel series

Rubin Farr

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It's only 2 episodes into the first season, but so far I think it's an excellent show. The budget is definitely there, some of the CG is better than Galactica. Several very cool themes running thru the plot, religious conflict that was referred to in Galactica, the rise of AI and virtuality via a global network, and even an organized crime element ala Sopranos. The only real downside is it took so long between the pilot and the series, the child actors have noticeably aged, especially the boy playing young Adama. Otherwise, this should become a tentpole of the new Syfy schedule.

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Guest underscore

i'm obsessed. the pilot was pretty fuckin awesome. i loved the dark tone of the whole thing. its pretty cheese, but as someone who has seen all the seasons/movies for the re-envisioned bsg series (..and firefly), i can tolerate a fair share of cheese. also loving mccreary's music work here.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest underscore

yeah the music is awesome





also, for those with comcast, it looks like they fucked up and have next weeks episode on on-demand right now (at least for me!)

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Guest underscore

i watched like two episodes, didnt jive with me. worth actually giving a fair go? i did love BSG.


i'd say if the pilot didn't do it for you then don't bother. it did a pretty epic job of setting the tone for the rest of the series imo.

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I unno, I'm actually getting to the point where I like Caprica moar than the last season of BSG. The first season, I think, escalated in tension quite a bit as it went on, and I didn't love the first few episodes.


It's also really subtly filling in and "materializing" some of the glaring holes/uneasy mystical Glenn Larson-mormon BS that started to pile up at the end of Galactica. But it's doing it in a way that can fly under the radar a bit, by exploring the origin of cylon consciousness:




some messy thoughts:


So, for instance, you have the first essentially cylon consciousness in the form of Zoe, or a fusion of Zoe's memories and personality and (military-purposed) AI. Zoe and her mother seem especially susceptible to indoctrination. Zoe's mother also seems to have some kind of lucid-dreaming ability which needs to be explored a bit more, but when brought up in S1 it seems to have echoes of Cylon "projection". There are further echoes of this in the cyberpunkish VR world of the holoband; Zoe's consciousness can exist in the physical world but she's also a part of--and has internalized--that VR world (to the extent she's basically immortal in the projections).


When Zoe becomes Zoe-cylon, she's also already internalized the "One True God" meme. Season 2, so far, appears to be exploring the meme-ness of this explicitly; see discussions over building up the monotheistic religion over the idea of an "afterlife" -- one based on the "reality" of the VR projection world and the ability of an intelligence to inhabit that realm post-physical death. Also, the militant wing of the monotheistic cult is explicitly indoctrinating via the holoband projection world [there's some serious echos of the Hashshashin there].


The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if Caprica explores the orgin of the "Cylon God" as an explicit cyclically recurring bit of Artificial Intelligence at some point.



Don't actually know where any of that will end up, but it's been interesting so far in a way saying "starbuck's an angel" and having her vanish into thin air wasn't.

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I don't think I wrote "explicit" nearly enough in that post. :facepalm:



It's also entirely possible that I like this more than I should because of




:is only human:



:trashbear: :trashbear: :trashbear:

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Guest underscore

but it's been interesting so far in a way saying "starbuck's an angel" and having her vanish into thin air wasn't.

so fuckin true!

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  • 3 weeks later...

the show has been cancelled, and the remaining episodes won't air until next year. way to fuck up, Syfy. instead, we get yet another Galactica prequel about the young fighter pilot Adama, which we already saw in Razor.



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SyFy is such a piece of shit channel.



Edit: can't wait for the six hours of Ghost Hunters fart-in-mic "EVP" phenomenon that'll replace this before the bang-bang hero Adama Cylon-Boom No-Terrorism-Depicted YEAH AMERICA replacement series.

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fuckyousyfy! seriously.


we had to wait the summer to get the end of season 1, which we now have to wait to get the end of the end of season 1.




my girlfriend and I watch this together... we both love it, and now it's been ripped away from us. i hate you syfy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been watching it on Hulu and honestly, the pilot and first season were pretty cool, but this new season kinda blows. I'm basically just watching it now in hopes that it'll get cool again. I refuse to lose hope.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The meandering start was what was killed this show. The last couple of episodes were a marked improvement over them but then it was too late. The cylons at the stadium was great and the epilogue was well done and tied it up pretty well. Nice music too.


I wonder if the new BSG spin-off, Blood & Chrome will be any good. It's about Adama's days in the Cylon war. Lots of CGI scenery stuff. BSG was pretty much the only worthwhile franchise for SyFy and they are going to milk it for all it's worth.

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