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what is life?

Guest Helper ET

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i love your threads ET

you are a very interesting watmm member ...one of the reasons i am still around.


and as if this wasnt hard enough, now ive got to go be a slave to elitist globalists, and spend the rest of my life paying for a small wooden box to live in and some food, so i dont starve, freeze, or get murdered

would you rather work the field and hunt and live in a hut ?



yes i would. one has to be of a certain state of mind to understand what this means and

it's not just fields (fields actually wouldn't exist is we were growing food correctly) and it's not just huts.


then why are you still sitting at your computer? gtfo and go live in the forest.


the time for that is coming, right now we are rounding up the people of like mind and spirit

and developing our lost understanding of who we truly are. it is not all about me, it is about the big picture.

there is much work to be done still while existing in this false version of the world, while in the

lie that obscures the truth, the obstructing layer that distracts us from the real work we are to be doing

on the first layer. we can't even see from here, we are asleep and dreaming.


there will come a time when we will leave and this horrid human creation will be lifted off, it will all be destroyed.

then we will be able to see the subtleties of what is beneath more clearly and enter the next stage

of our understanding in truth. as it is now the callus of this fallen world consumes us and

completely overwhelms most of us. we are unable to see what truth is while we are so

covered in falseness.


troon works out, or so he keeps pming me. He has the wrists of an OCD car mechanic.



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You know it's this exact mindset that isn't too dissimilar from, say, a cult. Add some guns and anybody that seriously considers this shit could be dangerous.


Just drink your complimentary cup of punch and shut the fuck up.

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the time for that is coming, right now we are rounding up the people of like mind and spirit

and developing our lost understanding of who we truly are. it is not all about me, it is about the big picture.

there is much work to be done still while existing in this false version of the world, while in the

lie that obscures the truth, the obstructing layer that distracts us from the real work we are to be doing

on the first layer. we can't even see from here, we are asleep and dreaming.


there will come a time when we will leave and this horrid human creation will be lifted off, it will all be destroyed.

then we will be able to see the subtleties of what is beneath more clearly and enter the next stage

of our understanding in truth. as it is now the callus of this fallen world consumes us and

completely overwhelms most of us. we are unable to see what truth is while we are so

covered in falseness.



youre too vague and convoluted for me to take you seriously. what do you mean by "we". you waste too much time on this board for me to think youre actually living in a commune like environment

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the time for that is coming, right now we are rounding up the people of like mind and spirit

and developing our lost understanding of who we truly are. it is not all about me, it is about the big picture.

there is much work to be done still while existing in this false version of the world, while in the

lie that obscures the truth, the obstructing layer that distracts us from the real work we are to be doing

on the first layer. we can't even see from here, we are asleep and dreaming.


there will come a time when we will leave and this horrid human creation will be lifted off, it will all be destroyed.

then we will be able to see the subtleties of what is beneath more clearly and enter the next stage

of our understanding in truth. as it is now the callus of this fallen world consumes us and

completely overwhelms most of us. we are unable to see what truth is while we are so

covered in falseness.



youre too vague and convoluted for me to take you seriously. what do you mean by "we". you waste too much time on this board for me to think youre actually living in a commune like environment


'we' is a group of us and we are in preparation. i spend most of my days planting fruit trees and roaming the hills while talking with people.

there are times when i am at home more (like the rains we just had out here), but things are going exactly according to schedule.

i am vague because most people do not understand these types of things (obviously). most people only equate organization of human beings

under a specific structure or law with more current examples of cults gone wrong and dark mind control groups. yes those types of things

do exist, but this is quite different and it is not just me, we are waking to action all around the world, hundreds of thousands of



it's a fight club kind of thing, but instead of fighting our groups are centered around truth and thinking and feeling ....knowing.


i've already broken the first rule of fight club, but in doing that, at least at first, talking about it must remain vague.

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well until youre willing to be less vague and.. preachy, i wouldnt expect too many converts around here


how to you pay for your internet connection?

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Guest Masonic Boom

Troon is one of the few people I've encountered on the internets lately that I find genuinely intriguing.


Most people turn out to be exactly who you think they are within five minutes of meeting them - be that student, bored office worker, wanna be popstar or tin-hatted nutter.


Troon doesn't seem to fit any of those easy categories. Which makes me curious and willing to entertain the idea of learning more.

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Most people turn out to be exactly who you think they are within five minutes of meeting them - be that student, bored office worker, wanna be popstar or tin-hatted nutter.




see i couldnt disagree with this more. people constantly surprise me. i think people are more than what they do

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Guest Masonic Boom


Most people turn out to be exactly who you think they are within five minutes of meeting them - be that student, bored office worker, wanna be popstar or tin-hatted nutter.




see i couldnt disagree with this more. people constantly surprise me. i think people are more than what they do


Ah, maybe I'm a cynic then. But I meant mostly on the internet, rather than in face to face interactions. I swing back and forth on this - but in general, I think that the internet brings out the worst in people, reduces them to the lowest and most basic level of interaction. You don't get the layers of fine difference that you do in other settings that lead you to be surprised. They are what they present themselves as. And most people are not particularly imaginative in their presentation.


I'm probably not expressing myself very well, I'm almost half dead with exhaustion at the moment.

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Guest Masonic Boom

The surprise, I suppose, comes when you actually meet them IRL and suddenly they leap out of their limited interaction box from being a 2 dimensional cartoon to being a fully developed human being with all those added layers and quirks and individuality that isn't apparent on the interweb.

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