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School secretly enables laptop webcams to spy on students at home.


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the need for privacy is an unwanted product of how we interact with each other.


the end of privacy could mean the end of the need for it and a change of this social dynamics for the good, i'm all up for it.

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the need for privacy is an unwanted product of how we interact with each other.


the end of privacy could mean the end of the need for it and a change of this social dynamics for the good, i'm all up for it.


really? I think privacy is a very important essential right. Here is a really interesting talk by a constitutional lawyer, Jon Turley




he goes on to say something very interesting about how he watched his children (might not be in this first part though) at a very early age organically desire privacy and that most humans whether they realize it or not need privacy.

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the need for privacy is an unwanted product of how we interact with each other.


the end of privacy could mean the end of the need for it and a change of this social dynamics for the good, i'm all up for it.


really? I think privacy is a very important essential right. Here is a really interesting talk by a constitutional lawyer, Jon Turley




he goes on to say something very interesting about how he watched his children (might not be in this first part though) at a very early age organically desire privacy and that most humans whether they realize it or not need privacy.


I understand that. what i'm saying is that the ideal situation would be a world where we shouldn't have to worry about it.


whether it is a natural (as in biological or whatever) thing to desire is an interesting mater but i would say it's more of a social byproduct.

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privacy is absolutely essential. There are levels of information that I choose to reveal about myself to others.


Awepittance - i find it a lot scarier to know that people in any position of authority often have the hubris to spy on people unlawfully.

You probably should read this article then.... I think that's pretty damn scary right there.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

What's hilarious to me is that the school thought there was nothing wrong with using the camera to report "inappropriate behavior" happening in a kids bedroom!! I mean they could be on the hook for child porn if they caught some 14 year old jacking off in his room!

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Guest JW Modestburns

What's hilarious to me is that the school thought there was nothing wrong with using the camera to report "inappropriate behavior" happening in a kids bedroom!! I mean they could be on the hook for child porn if they caught some 14 year old jacking off in his room!


That would have been a fantastic LOL

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What's hilarious to me is that the school thought there was nothing wrong with using the camera to report "inappropriate behavior" happening in a kids bedroom!! I mean they could be on the hook for child porn if they caught some 14 year old jacking off in his room!


That would have been a fantastic LOL


that's so meta

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

I'm serious though -- they didn't specify what the "inappropriate behavior" was. If it was drugs or alcohol, they would have stated that. I think it's obvious that they caught a kid masturbating!


I wonder if principals or superintendents even consult lawyers before coming up with this crap. They're exposing themselves to civil liability in the best case, criminal charges in the worst case. Federal wiretap laws anyone?

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I often look at my built in camera

on my laptop, and it makes me uncomfortable. A little green light comes on when it's active, but then I figure, if someone could hack it to view it remotely, they could also bypass the green light.


And yes I am absolutely aware that this is irrational, as there is absolutely no one in the world that would actually give a shit about spying on me. But, it's not called paranoia because it's rational...




this is one of my favorite exchanges i've seen on a message board


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i'm going to start using those stickers. should have a long time ago


just think... you infiltrate and are about to pull the trigger on some gigantic powerful corporation and then they contact you like "hey buddy, uh, we got 5 hours worth of video of you orgasming, you sure you want to do this?"


or something

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how would the abolition of privacy improve the social construct whatsoever?


think about it:


privacy dies


with that, everyone knows everything about you


therefore, there is no need to communicate.


am i right on this?

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i think in a total sense that's right, if you're including private thoughts and things like that under the umbrella of privacy.


in the video above there is a great part where he talks about how much people take privacy for granted but you can always do a simple test to see how privacy effects someone

for example, at a private dinner table with you and a few friends or acquaintances in the middle of the dinner during a conversation put a tape recorder that is set for recording down in front of you. assure your friends that no one will be listening to the conversations besides you, even with that admission you will notice a change in their behavior or demeanor. When people know they are being recorded they are more careful about what they say and censor themselves whether they realize it or not


there is a chilling effect that people who are raised/indoctrinated into a surveillance heavy society don't even realize they are being effected by.


A lot of the time surveillance cameras don't even record, they serve the purpose of being a deterrent, to scare people away.

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I may be wrong of this but i have this notion that the concept of privacy is only a western culture thing.



I think you might mean, entitlement to privacy. I'm fairly sure every other culture has privacy.

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i don't know of any asians in history that enjoyed or benefited from time alone.


:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


privacy is essential to me. i just like to hang out alone and not have anyone fucking bother me sometimes. so fuck you.

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depends on what you'd consider "bother" to mean. i don't care if other people play loud music, but if it's late when i'm trying to sleep you bet i'll be bothered and knocking on their door. not sure if it's an invasion of privacy persay, but it's rude and inconsiderate and those are the reasons why i don't like most people.

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