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anyone able to legibly translate this review of my album from french for me?


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Des albums hiphop ou electro (l'album de Debmaster sorti sur Hiphop Core vaut aussi son coup d'oreille) qui trainent gratos sur le net, il y en a des tonnes. Mais du Post-rock progressif et ultra léché comme celui de Rooftop Access, ça ne court pas les rues. Le mec sait jouer avec les nerfs, maitrisant parfaitement ses compositions, et passant de guitares/nappes planantes aux soulèvement épiques ultra noisy (Jeff Graff, Ezra) avec un naturel désarmant. Mais le tout n'est pas qu'un clone de Mogwai, et teinte son post-rock d'elements ambiant de toute beauté, comme le superbe Usual Bridge III, où choeurs ecclésiastiques vont petit à petit se télescoper aux rythmes et grattes qui s'envolent. Rooftop Access pond même un sublime morceau Shoegaze cristallin (From The Rooftops, seul morceau faisant moins de 8minutes) et se permet d'inclure un passage electro-dance dans l'incroyable Dreamity, brisure electro-rock-noisy qui en renversera plus d'un (Mon dieu la deuxieme moitié du morceau, elle sort d'où ?). La qualité de la production étonne pour un truc amateur, et tout amateur de Post-rock electro qui prend son temps avant de tutoyer les nuages seront aux anges. Un des vrais beaux disques de l'année.


from here:


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Guest viscosity

Albums hiphop or electronica (the album released on Hiphop Debmaster Core is also his first ear) gratos lurking around on the net, there are tons. But the Post-rock progressive and ultra licked like Rooftop Access, it does not grow on trees. The guy knows how to play with the nerves, mastering his compositions perfectly, and from guitars / webs planing to uplift epic ultra noisy (Jeff Graff, Ezra) with disarming ease. But all is not a clone of Mogwai, and dyed his post-rock elements of ambient beauty as Usual superb III Bridge, where church choirs will gradually be telescoped to the rhythms and scrapers that s 'envolent. Rooftop Access pond even a sublime piece lens Shoegaze (From The Rooftops, one piece being less 8minutes) and allows a passage to include electro-dance in the incredible Dreamity, breaking electro-rock noisy that will reverse most of one (My god the second half of the piece, it comes from where?). The production quality for a surprise trick amateur and amateur all post-rock electronica that takes its time before tutoyer clouds are angels. One true best albums of the year.

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Des albums hiphop ou electro (l'album de Debmaster sorti sur Hiphop Core vaut aussi son coup d'oreille) qui trainent gratos sur le net, il y en a des tonnes. Mais du Post-rock progressif et ultra léché comme celui de Rooftop Access, ça ne court pas les rues. Le mec sait jouer avec les nerfs, maitrisant parfaitement ses compositions, et passant de guitares/nappes planantes aux soulèvement épiques ultra noisy (Jeff Graff, Ezra) avec un naturel désarmant. Mais le tout n'est pas qu'un clone de Mogwai, et teinte son post-rock d'elements ambiant de toute beauté, comme le superbe Usual Bridge III, où choeurs ecclésiastiques vont petit à petit se télescoper aux rythmes et grattes qui s'envolent. Rooftop Access pond même un sublime morceau Shoegaze cristallin (From The Rooftops, seul morceau faisant moins de 8minutes) et se permet d'inclure un passage electro-dance dans l'incroyable Dreamity, brisure electro-rock-noisy qui en renversera plus d'un (Mon dieu la deuxieme moitié du morceau, elle sort d'où ?). La qualité de la production étonne pour un truc amateur, et tout amateur de Post-rock electro qui prend son temps avant de tutoyer les nuages seront aux anges. Un des vrais beaux disques de l'année.


from here:


Electronic or hip-hop albums (Debmaster's album released on Hiphop Core is worth a listen too) that are free on the internet, there's a shitload of them. But post-rock as progressive and detailed as Rooftop Access, you don't hear it very often.The guy knows how to to play with his nerves, mastering his compositions perfectly, swapping from guitars to ultra noisy epic momentums (Jeff Graff, Ezra) so naturally. But overall it isn't a Mogwai ripoff, and covers his post-rock music with blissful ambient elements, like in Usual Bridge III, where ecclesiastical choirs will little-by-little stick to the rythms and flying chords. Rooftop Access even includes the sublime Shoegaze Cristalling track (From The Rooftops, only track lasting less than 8 minutes) and afforded to include an electro-dance part in incredible dreamity, electro-rock-noisy break that would impress more than one person (oh my god the second half, where is this from?). The quality of the production is impressive for an amateur musician, and every post-rock electro fan who takes his/her time before flying to the sky will be on cloud nine. One of the truly beautiful albums of the year.

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Definitely -- nice, smooth translation, as classic and readable as the original! :-D


(I have these kinds of praises in mind from reading the back of my Augustine's Confessions translation. But I do mean it -- it sounds like there was a lot of idiom in that blog post, were you familiar with it all?)

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Electronic or hip-hop albums (Debmaster's album released on Hiphop Core is worth a listen too) that are free on the internet, there's a shitload of them. But post-rock as progressive and detailed as Rooftop Access, you don't hear it very often.The guy knows how to to play with his nerves, mastering his compositions perfectly, swapping from guitars to ultra noisy epic momentums (Jeff Graff, Ezra) so naturally. But overall it isn't a Mogwai ripoff, and covers his post-rock music with blissful ambient elements, like in Usual Bridge III, where ecclesiastical choirs will little-by-little stick to the rythms and flying chords. Rooftop Access even includes the sublime Shoegaze Cristalling track (From The Rooftops, only track lasting less than 8 minutes) and afforded to include an electro-dance part in incredible dreamity, electro-rock-noisy break that would impress more than one person (oh my god the second half, where is this from?). The quality of the production is impressive for an amateur musician, and every post-rock electro fan who takes his/her time before flying to the sky will be on cloud nine. One of the truly beautiful albums of the year.


You should have said "one of the nicest albums i've heard today" just to watch modey trying not to correct you would have been a joy to behold.

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Des albums hiphop ou electro (l'album de Debmaster sorti sur Hiphop Core vaut aussi son coup d'oreille) qui trainent gratos sur le net, il y en a des tonnes. Mais du Post-rock progressif et ultra léché comme celui de Rooftop Access, ça ne court pas les rues. Le mec sait jouer avec les nerfs, maitrisant parfaitement ses compositions, et passant de guitares/nappes planantes aux soulèvement épiques ultra noisy (Jeff Graff, Ezra) avec un naturel désarmant. Mais le tout n'est pas qu'un clone de Mogwai, et teinte son post-rock d'elements ambiant de toute beauté, comme le superbe Usual Bridge III, où choeurs ecclésiastiques vont petit à petit se télescoper aux rythmes et grattes qui s'envolent. Rooftop Access pond même un sublime morceau Shoegaze cristallin (From The Rooftops, seul morceau faisant moins de 8minutes) et se permet d'inclure un passage electro-dance dans l'incroyable Dreamity, brisure electro-rock-noisy qui en renversera plus d'un (Mon dieu la deuxieme moitié du morceau, elle sort d'où ?). La qualité de la production étonne pour un truc amateur, et tout amateur de Post-rock electro qui prend son temps avant de tutoyer les nuages seront aux anges. Un des vrais beaux disques de l'année.


from here:



Quite good.
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thanks for the praise! i just realised that clicking the cover art on the rooftopaccess.net blog post won't actually download the album - i need to change that. should just be a link to bandcamp.


Electronic or hip-hop albums (Debmaster's album released on Hiphop Core is worth a listen too) that are free on the internet, there's a shitload of them. But post-rock as progressive and detailed as Rooftop Access, you don't hear it very often.The guy knows how to to play with his nerves, mastering his compositions perfectly, swapping from guitars to ultra noisy epic momentums (Jeff Graff, Ezra) so naturally. But overall it isn't a Mogwai ripoff, and covers his post-rock music with blissful ambient elements, like in Usual Bridge III, where ecclesiastical choirs will little-by-little stick to the rythms and flying chords. Rooftop Access even includes the sublime Shoegaze Cristalling track (From The Rooftops, only track lasting less than 8 minutes) and afforded to include an electro-dance part in incredible dreamity, electro-rock-noisy break that would impress more than one person (oh my god the second half, where is this from?). The quality of the production is impressive for an amateur musician, and every post-rock electro fan who takes his/her time before flying to the sky will be on cloud nine. One of the truly beautiful albums of the year.

ah, great, much more readable than google, thanks!


fucking lol, modey probably knew what it said!

well, i don't know french, and google translate was rather hard to understand (besides the general positive comments), i wanted something a bit more clear! if i wanted to re-promote this album i would have just bumped the thread.

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Guest analogue wings

It bothers me when Americans see a French word spelled like an English word and assume it has identical meaning and connotation






I'd translate "amateur" here as "unsigned"

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