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Guest Babar

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Guest Babar

Can't find the topics I created about it in the past, so here's a third one.


This guy's theory states gravity is not a force of attraction but a force of pressure. Objects are not attracted toward each other. they're rather pushed by a flux of particles :



To put it simple universons are going from everywhere in the universe. When two objects are next to each other, there is a deficit of universons - a shadow - that settles between them. Consequently










Since 2007 this guy is able to artificially produce a beam of universons aka antigravity beam. He uses a special ceramic he invented that delivers a beam when exposed to a high voltage. His personnal record is around 5000N/tons. At the same time, he has been working on generating electricity from universons. It's a very interesting prospect because there is potentially an unlimited quantity of universons at disposal. He calculated that a universon emitter using a quantity x of energy is potentially able to deliver x^2 energy. You're gonna think it's impossible because of the law of conservation of energy. Actually what does the piece of ceramic is only reorienting the universons around into one beam.

Possible applications are : terrestrial UFOs, anaesthesia , power plants, going on mars within hours, incision-less surgery, sextoys.


^this is the remainder. Now, the news.


Around a year ago, he started writing a scientific paper. He sent it to a review around october.

A couples week ago he's been asked about some details by the review committee.

and now :



We(he uses 'we' although he's the only guy working on the project, that's a french thing) modified several illustrations and details of presentation in our last submitted paper, as requested by a referee. May be this is an encouraging sign. Wait and see ...



LOOKS SERIOUS. i'm getting wet.

besides the guy's name is Poher, and you can visit his site at : http://universons.com/.

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Guest Lube Saibot

Hey quantum physics-literate wattumers, is this bullshit? I mean, is there any scientific basis to this, or is it technobabble?


"Divert repulsor capacitance to transient-flux transmogrifier!", any of this shit? "Universons" is pretty off-putting in this regard.

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You think they would be looking for them in the Large Hadron Collider if it mattered. Since they are looking for extra dimensions and trying to prove string theory you think they would be looking for this.



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Guest Babar

He works on his own, with his own money.

He's not really thinking outside the box as he explains his theory with quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

Personally, i can't understand it, but (almost) everything his on his website.


Scientifically speaking i'm sure of nothing, but i still believe poher. He's a retired space engineer (phD. in electronics and astrophysics) and the french nasa gave him a silver medal or something, so it looks like he's someone serious.

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Guest theSun

I like what this guy is doing , thinking outside the box is something science has been suppressing for years ..


GOOD JOB ! (Even if he is just another crazy theorists)


lol nub

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He works on his own, with his own money.

He's not really thinking outside the box as he explains his theory with quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

Personally, i can't understand it, but (almost) everything his on his website.


Scientifically speaking i'm sure of nothing, but i still believe poher. He's a retired space engineer (phD. in electronics and astrophysics) and the french nasa gave him a silver medal or something, so it looks like he's someone serious.

So he's just applying quantum mechanics to areas that were considered classical up until now? Seen like I good idea to me.


I mean nobody has answer my question yet which is: WHY THE FUCK IS GRAVITY THERE?!!!

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Guest theSun

that question is silly. the real question is: what physical entity causes the phenomena that we understand as gravity?


one of the greatest mysteries of recent history

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that question is silly. the real question is: what physical entity causes the phenomena that we understand as gravity?


one of the greatest mysteries of recent history

Thats still my question you A-hole. Just kidding, you have an answer yet?

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If you're caught in the middle of the Space Station and you're absolutely motionless, you can gyrate yourself around like a cat in flight that flips - its front and then its back and it ends up feet down to land. You can pivot yourself in space, but the only way to start motion, is to inhale one direction and exhale the other direction, and that way you can get at least a little bit of propulsion going. We've even taken vacuum cleaners up there and wrapped our legs around it to see if we could ride the vacuum cleaner and if it would blow us around, but it's extremely ineffective. And I think the type of propulsion you're talking about is even less effective. So if you're trapped in the middle of space ... you need help."

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.

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"Over three hundred years ago, Isaac Newton published his laws of motion. His third law, which he called the law of reciprocal actions is more commonly stated as "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"


So, yes, certainly, a fart would propel you forward very slightly. Considering, however, the small volume of gas and its low velocity compared to the inertia of your body, to notice this effect you would probably have to be in a space station, with no breeze, perfectly still, naked, and holding your breath.

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There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.

What about proving string theory? Or that what you meant by measurement?


Then yes.


edit: lol @ Lord Kelvin.

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For the most part, the existence of "Normal" behavior is a good

thing for those who require nothing more. But for people who care about

things or think about things, who examine their lives and their place in

the world, acting "Normal" is insanity, a trap which leads to constant

dissatisfaction and eventual destruction. Acting "Normal" for such people

is hating, complaining, finding fault, holding grudges, being afraid, and

limiting themselves to the small world of everyday existence, the world

even "Normal" people pay most of their money to escape from by buying

distractions, or getting loaded and laid as much as they can before they



When it is possible to choose not to live in the small world of

reaction to stimulus, to act by choice and to choose the good, to see

beauty and find enjoyment anywhere, there is no need to escape, no place

or person to escape from. When emotional and physical states are seen as

temporary and subject to will and choice, when the past is seen only as a

picture in the mind and the future as a dream not yet dreamed, to live and

to enjoy living become, not "Normal" but NATURAL, essential, a part of

each individual nature.

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He works on his own, with his own money.

He's not really thinking outside the box as he explains his theory with quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

Personally, i can't understand it, but (almost) everything his on his website.


Scientifically speaking i'm sure of nothing, but i still believe poher. He's a retired space engineer (phD. in electronics and astrophysics) and the french nasa gave him a silver medal or something, so it looks like he's someone serious.


didn't you promote this guy a couple of years ago ??

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Guest Babar

yes I did. Now it looks like we're really close to know if this is bullshits or not.


About UFOs.

-Poher created the GEIPAN back in the 70s. It's the branch of the CNES that studies UFOs (cnes = french nasa).

-He then started to think about how UFOs are propelled. One of the most common hypothesis is that they use MHD (magnetohydrodynamics, ie getting a plane or a submarine propelled by moving the air/water around him by using utlra high voltage.). This requires a lot of energy, more than an UFO could ever contain. Poher's guess was that UFOs use gravity to 1. get propelled, 2. produce energy. Then he came up with the universon theory.


It can explain some strange characteristics of UFOs.

-They don't cause sonic booms although they are flying really really fast.

-They can have accelerations/decelerations that would turn any man into a blob of bloody flesh. Actually a universon-propelled spacecraft would be entirely propelled. When you're into a plane, you can feel the Gs because you're not directly propelled. You're pushed by your seat. But a plane using universons would also propel you so that you wouldn't feel any acceleration.




Think about how awesome that would be. Someone would post a topic into the gen ban. It would read as "Guys, let's meet up in tokyo tonight. Sushis are fantastic there.". Everyone would get into their UFOs, and silently land in ueno a few minutes later (some of us would be blasting the last autechre on quantum speakers though). We'd eat some delicious sushis somewhere in Ginza, then at the end of the meal someone would tell a joke about aphex loosing his false teeth because we would be in our 40s-60s by the time UFOs are commercially available. :emotawesomepm9:

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