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how to survive work hungover as sin

Guest AcrossCanyons

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Guest Dirty Protest

Is saying I dont like Bloody Marys coz I dont like tomato juice not a bit like saying I dont like onion on my burger coz I dont like raw onions. Looking forward to the celery at the end is one of the few joys of a hangover.

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First of all, while you get drunk you pee a lot so water and sodium is obviously important. That being said I think the best hang over remedy is a bowl of Pho. Next best thing would be to drink a ton of water and eat something greasy with lots of salt. Greasyness will help your stomach.


Second of all, you are still probably drunk, hence being hung over, so I'd imagine your whole body is confused at the moment. As such I wouldn't move around a ton, i'd stay as immobile and out of the sun as much as possible. You can't force the alcohol to leave any quicker but trying to force yourself to go to the bathroom is pretty helpful.


If you are in a bind and need a solution fast, i don't think there is a better hangover remedy personally then a large jamba juice. You get your daily fix of vitamins, fruits, vegetables all with blended ice which helps cool you down (cuz you are probably sweating like a pig already) and hydrates you.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

They are all different, you have to look inside yourself for hangover cures. Sometimes caffeine helps and other times not. I have a lot of faith in the 'have a pint' approach but it's not always appropriate and can lead to sleepiness which might be part of the problem anyway. Whether to eat or not also really depends, quite often a big shit and a good try at throwing up can resolve stomach based difficulties. Usually nothing to lose with those techniques. Any amount of sleep available is probably a winner too.

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Guest placidburp

Today I had a pint of coke with ice, and a bag of Beef flavoured 'Space Raiders', then I had a packet of the dirtiest, hard as fuck Pork Scratchings. They didn't make me feel any better at all. Oh and for breakfast I had my roast dinner that I didn't eat last night! MMMM meat for breakfast!


Yeah so I still feel like shit and I'm making myself fatter.

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Today I had a pint of coke with ice, and a bag of Beef flavoured 'Space Raiders', then I had a packet of the dirtiest, hard as fuck Pork Scratchings.


This statement is 100% English.

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help me :(


i feel about ready to vomit blood and proceed to pass out into it. ive had about half an hour sleep and im wearing last nights clothes.


how do i get through the day?

You don't. Sounds like you are actually sick, no matter the cause, and you should go home.

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Guest uptown devil

i don't think there are too many worse feelings than being extremely hung over at work. a few years ago i had to go into work in pretty much the same condition as you, and somehow managed to find an empty dark room that i proceeded to lay down on the carpet and go to sleep for three hours in. i somehow managed not to get caught and felt much better after the nap. this is my suggestion to you.

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