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lately i been having some pretty rad dreams, but just recently i woke up from a zombie dream where i was in a mall, and everything was closed, so i had no way of breaking through any glass cuz it was all chain gates. so my only hope was to make a phone call to anyone before the outbreak got serious, all i had on me was a pool stick, it came time for me to kinda encounter a zombie so i started hitting it with the pool stick and nothing was happening ,i was fucked.


i woke myself up, first rad nightmare i have had in a long time.

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For the last few months, I've been pissed that it seems like I can't remember any of my dreams when I wake up. The last few days, however, I've been having lots of wierd dreams, too. The other night, I had one where I was part of a commune of head-hunters on some deserted island. We had some veluptuous babe roasting on a spit. Then, some outsider arrived with gifts of chocolate (some were half eaten) we didn't trust him and were thinking about eating him and then my fiancee's alarm woke me up.

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Guest theSun

i've been sick with a bad cold/virus something and taking nyquil to sleep. had some ffffffffffffffffffffffucked up dreams. cept i can't remember any of them now. i think one of them involved being inside WoW

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I have two cats in my house.


The other night I dreamed that I was one of them, and that the evil villain geezer from the SAW movies was in my house, making his way up the stairs to make evil death to me.


I was all shitting myself with cat feelings and pacing about, hiding under desks and prowling around chair legs desperate to understand and deal with the situation [like a pet in a thunderstorm or on bonfire night]. . .

Next thing, SAW geezer is at the bedroom door, my owners have presumably locked it to protect me so he can't get in. I'm still acting like a fucking feline in trouble and watch in total, immersive fear.

He has a nailgun and starts shooting the outline of a body into the wooden door [kind of like the trace around a body that police draw with chalk at a crime scene].


Eventually, he completes the outline, and punches through the shape, cartoon style. . .


I'm some cat, and I finally jump up on the windowsill, in some genuine stroke of cat-adrenalin genius and escape into the street, where I stare up at the window, relieved like fucking O M G.


Then, dreamlike, I appear in the head of my other cat. Who, unbeknownst to whoever, had been dreamily napping under a duvet [this is where this cat hides, I'll search for her everywhere but she's somehow snuck right to the bottom of the duvet and is maintaining a really flush hidden snooze] . . .


SAW geezer rips me from the bed, flays me of my fur and skin, and hangs me from a noose made of yellow plastic wire looped around the ceiling frame.


I finally see my silhouette, from the other cats POV, outside in the street, hanging there, a small catty corpse, hopeless in the window.


I think then I had some human emotion - that I had to go up there and save the day - but that woke me straight up.




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i never remembered my dreams until i got to college. a few months ago, i started a dream journal because i wanted to remember them on a regular basis. well, it worked, but it turns out 95% of my dreams are nightmares. now i have the pleasure of remembering 1-3 nightmares pretty much every morning! on the upside, one of my nightmares involved christopher walken as a super-villain...


basically the atmosphere wore thin and oxygen was escaping so everyone had to take refuge in the hospitals which had special sealed rooms. oxygen supplies in the u.s. were low so the government was systematically killing off groups of people without telling them. all the sudden all of the military officials in my hospital-camp left the room and the doors sealed shut -- we knew it was the end. everyone was panicking, thinking the oxygen was being drained, but a few guys and i knew it wasn't out yet. once i started to get light headed, i, in typical movie fashion, ripped the hand scanner off the door and tore out all the wires, magically opening the door. turns out the bastards had kept the hallways vacuumed too so the air just rushed out faster! i took a huge breath and set off running. eventually i found a girl who looked like a med school student -- she was holding a clipboard and had a rebreather. i begged her to help me, as she looked like she felt guilty for our plight, and she pointed me towards a supply closet filled with rows and rows of bags of air (which were just volcano vaporizer bags -- hilarious). i dove in and started sucking down air like it was... well... yeah. unfortunately, i took the pure oxygen too fast and started getting high as shit -- totally incapacitated. i looked up to find a guard standing over me. he yelled for backup and a group of officers lead by christopher walken, head bad guy, came over. i made a long ass speech about how this was inhumane and how they needed to let us all work together to find a solution for everyone. walken, appearing to be moved by my speech, smiled and said, "you know what, you're right -- let's do this together!" he stretched out his arm, offering me a rebreather. as i reached up to take it and revel in my salvation, he withdrew his arm, smacked me over the head with the oxygen tank attached to the rebreather, put it on himself and shouted, "CUT THE AIR!". all the air rushed out, everything went white and i woke up!


you can't make this shit up! hilarious ass dream. i haven't met anyone else that dies in their dreams...

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i had a pretty fucked up dream the other night where i was in my childhood home looking out the window (on the 5th floor), and suddenly there was a super bright light and a shockwave that smashed the windows and threw me back into the wall in the next room behind me, i looked up, and saw this huge mushroom cloud several kilometers away, and my first thought was that i had to go check on my brother in the other room, so i did, and saw him lying there with his eyes open, and thought "he's ok!", but then realized that his eyelids had been burnt off, and he wasn't ok at all, so i reached down to pick him up but my arms were all burnt, then a song came on on the radio, and i sat there behind a mattress leaning against the wall, listening to the song, thinking "there's no way this can be a dream, i recognize this song and can hear and understand every word they're singing clearly" (which made sense in the dream).


then the phone rang and woke me up.

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last night i was in class and the teacher was in love with me and it was an Insane Clown Posse lecture and a nuclear bomb went off in the distance and killed all of us and I woke up


Why is it that nobody ever cares to hear about other people's dreams?

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i had a pretty fucked up dream the other night where i was in my childhood home looking out the window (on the 5th floor), and suddenly there was a super bright light and a shockwave that smashed the windows and threw me back into the wall in the next room behind me, i looked up, and saw this huge mushroom cloud several kilometers away, and my first thought was that i had to go check on my brother in the other room, so i did, and saw him lying there with his eyes open, and thought "he's ok!", but then realized that his eyelids had been burnt off, and he wasn't ok at all, so i reached down to pick him up but my arms were all burnt, then a song came on on the radio...



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i haven't met anyone else that dies in their dreams...



i died in a dream once, i fell off a cliff and didn't wake up (even though while falling i thought i would), so i hit the ground and everything went black.

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Guest theSun


i haven't met anyone else that dies in their dreams...



i died in a dream once, i fell off a cliff and didn't wake up (even though while falling i thought i would), so i hit the ground and everything went black.



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i like hearing about other people's dreams. coming from an external perspective, you can learn things about people they're unsure of, themselves! i think data's was particularly interesting!

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Guest Rambo

i died in a dream once, i fell off a cliff and didn't wake up (even though while falling i thought i would), so i hit the ground and everything went black.


That happened to me too. Cant remember how i died though.

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Guest Bramsworth

No joke, I literally had a dream a few nights ago where Aphex and the actor who plays Hurley on LOST were friends. For some reason Richard suddenly went all over Hurley and was making out with him :facepalm:


I have no idea why the fuck I dreamed it, but it was creepy.

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