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Starcraft 2 to be released

Guest JW Modestburns

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Ok, finished the campaign. Overall a positive experience. It's no art game, but Blizzard delivers anyway. Pushes the genre just a bit further, but of course, not that much. Also I love the in game animations made by some half life 2 software, they kinda hit the spot on needed atmosphere.


The biggest downside of it all is I'm too old for this. Nothing to relate to really. Ah well, more Go for me, now that that's over.

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has Blizzard made a game where the entire action of it does not revolve around 'point your mouse here click on these guys here and tell them to go attack over there' type of game play besides Blackthorne? nevermind internet is awesome, delivers information

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has Blizzard made a game where the entire action of it does not revolve around 'point your mouse here click on these guys here and tell them to go attack over there' type of game play besides Blackthorne? nevermind internet is awesome, delivers information


Yeah, no matter how you save the universe, you feel like a small child doing it :lol:

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just ended the campaigg, the ending could've use an epilogue or something. now how do you find people on b.net? with the profile name? the b.net account name?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

The Single Player is definitely more enjoyable than I thought it would be

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I was slightly dissapointed with the single player campaign, I expected more from a sequel to starcraft, but it's still good and fun, just nothing spectacular.

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Was the idea of three starcraft 2 releases false then? I heard it a while ago, that they would start with terran campaign and then for each race make another release.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

seems like a perfect sequel to me, they couldn't change the core gameplay that much or S. Korea would zerg rush Blizzard's SVC's, its all very polished and well made for what it is if you ask me (EDIT: typed me's cause I thought plural me would be delirious weird cool but it turns out its grammatically incorrect in all ways and just stupid)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Was the idea of three starcraft 2 releases false then? I heard it a while ago, that they would start with terran campaign and then for each race make another release.


that's still the case as far as I know btw the first SC had 30 missions (10 for each race) SC2 has 30 terran missions (with 30 each for the other 2 races in the upcoming expansions) (the SC1 expansion only added 10 missions right)

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Was the idea of three starcraft 2 releases false then? I heard it a while ago, that they would start with terran campaign and then for each race make another release.


that's still the case as far as I know btw the first SC had 30 missions (10 for each race) SC2 has 30 terran missions (with 30 each for the other 2 races in the upcoming expansions) (the SC1 expansion only added 10 missions right)


There's Wings of Liberty, the Zerg one is to be Heart of the Swarm, and the Protoss one has no announced name as of now.

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on b.net my nick is latan and the identifier code is 699, i hope this is enough to find poeple. the system they have is kinda fkuecd


Uhm, I'll check *checks IN REAL TIME*.


I don't know. Mine is 871, but I have no idea how to add someone via character code, I assume it can only be done through email.

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i couldn´t resist the hype and bought it. it looks like i´m too stupid, too slow and too old for these kind of games. most of the time i stare at the screen, have no idea what to do next and watch my army get owned. frustrating.

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this thread needs more profile names


My profile name is "keeper" though it's much easier to add people with their email since I have no other idea how to do it. If I see you added me, I'll gladly accept.


Panz0r, it takes a long time to learn. What race do you use? I can try to give you some basic information or play a few rounds while telling you what to start with maybe. I'm really bad at timing aggressive pushes except for after decimating my opponent's push.

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finished campaign


requested Xyrofen and GORDO. character name is VISCO if you seeit (code 892)


great! now we can lose some 3v3s to zerg rushes.


I need to 12 pool in 2v2 apparently. I don't much like 2v2 builds, though our match on Tempest was pretty sweet.

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