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steve jobs is a little bitch


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Guest Rambo

I'd love to spend the afternoon in bed with Steve. Just the two of us, bouncing ideas off each other. I'd bring up unusually large jug of milk for us to share and be extremely dismissive of everything he says. I'd keep him sweet with a thumbjob everytime he was on the verge of getting really pissed off with me. I'd like to drag this out for a week. I'd be like switch the phone off steve.

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I'd love to spend the afternoon in bed with Steve. Just the two of us, bouncing ideas off each other. I'd bring up unusually large jug of milk for us to share and be extremely dismissive of everything he says. I'd keep him sweet with a thumbjob everytime he was on the verge of getting really pissed off with me. I'd like to drag this out for a week. I'd be like switch the phone off steve.


this is the sort of genius that's missing from watmm these days.

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Guest Rambo

that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me kaini


plus do you think your avatar looks slightly like Jordan?


It's like she's 10 years older and has got a better haircut

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yolandi reminds me of an intense spanish heroin addict who used work in the same flower-sorting facility in holland as me. she would probably have fucked me if i hooked her up. she was missing half her little finger on her right hand, and was incredibly smart and well-read. file under 'wish i had sex with'.

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Guest bigs

the guy who wrote that article was a prick. apple's a company trying to make a product for an end user. that end user isn't necessarily tech savvy and (i'm sure) appreciates the sandboxing that ultimately makes their lives easier and their iPads run smoother. would i love a more open platform? sure! you can't expect a company like apple to give you one.

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i think there are a lot of apple users who experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance. they idealize apple as a company that's about innovation first and foremost. it's like people who are still into the democratic party

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lol is the author of that article for real?


my long-simmering worries about Apple's growing power to limit self expression through its lockdown on iPad apps;


Yes, because you can't program for the iPad, you are no longer allowed to express yourself.


Do I agree with Jobs about censorship? No. Do i realise the difference between one company's policies for its own device and freedom of expression as guaranteed by the constitution? Yes.


Also: am in full agreement with kaini about porn, you'll hit that edge someday, and you'll wake up the next morning saying "dear god, did I really knock one off to that?"


edit: if you can use the iPad to browse the internet, you can find porn.

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Kaini, from the way you presented the article it seemed as if you were the one who sent the email. But maybe I'm wrong.


Most of the technical jargon went over my head, but some of it didn't.




To be quite frank, I really do hate Apple. They claim to be this new exciting company but I really have yet to see some genuine ingenuitive. You took the mp3 player and made the battery longer, the memory bigger and the aesthetics more appealing whoop-de-doo. The only piece of ingenuity I've seen so far is refusing to use Adobe's piece of shit flash, the programme that is horrible and has now force other browsers to cope without it. (The only thing I hate more than Apple is Adobe)


Might be cause I'm drunk or it might because I hate mac. But it just seems like Apple took the PC and made it easy for retards to use.

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i think there are a lot of apple users who experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance. they idealize apple as a company that's about innovation first and foremost. it's like people who are still into the democratic party

so every one of these Apple users you speak of are, like, trapped in their very own Lost Highway?


i wonder how the whole "do you like pornos?" bit fits in.

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Guest hahathhat

i am a linux sort of nerd and i don't really appreciate apple's iron fist. but, i have to say i am with him on this one -- as i don't like it, i don't develop for it. the journalist is a hack for posting that email conversation; just wanted the web traffic. jobs' last line is particularly otm:


By the way, what have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or do you just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?
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Guest hahathhat

Pirate of Silicon Valley which i recommend everyone go out and read or watch the TV MOVIE immediately


i have only seen the movie!@ there is a book?

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Guest Bramsworth

i am a linux sort of nerd and i don't really appreciate apple's iron fist. but, i have to say i am with him on this one -- as i don't like it, i don't develop for it. the journalist is a hack for posting that email conversation; just wanted the web traffic. jobs' last line is particularly otm:


By the way, what have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or do you just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?


Not on the mark at all, in fact that's just the lamest comeback people always seem to pull. You don't have to have the skills in order to criticize something, that isn't playing fair and is a pretty cheap way to try to spite the person who's arguing with you IMO. The whole "I'd like to see YOU do better" argument is just so :facepalm: I'm surprised someone that high up would actually say that, it's just way too stupid. It's like I'm reading Youtube comments.


I agree about the guy being a hack for posting the email up though.

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Not on the mark at all, in fact that's just the lamest comeback people always seem to pull. You don't have to have the skills in order to criticize something, that isn't playing fair and is a pretty cheap way to try to spite the person who's arguing with you IMO. The whole "I'd like to see YOU do better" argument is just so :facepalm: I'm surprised someone that high up would actually say that, it's just way too stupid. It's like I'm reading Youtube comments.


I agree about the guy being a hack for posting the email up though.


He'd never said, nor implied, the other one to do better. That's your read. Don't fall for that "the critic is at least as important as the creator" crap.


Here's a quote which just about says it all, "the man in the arena":

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
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Guest Bramsworth



Here's a quote which just about says it all, "the man in the arena":

lots of words trying to sound smart and well read


To me if you're going to at all imply anyone that's a supporter can't give an opinion without having been there and done the same, it's just kicking them in the face as if you think you're superior. Doesn't matter if it's a competition for who does better or not, if you can't take any criticism without such a pointless refute then maybe you shouldn't do anything for anybody. Just makes you come off as an ass that can't take people's criticism, and criticism is one thing no one should take so seriously as to think they need to find a way for the person to fuck off. Just let them have their word and possibly take it to heart, but to come off as a dick with the "what are you doing besides trying to belittle my work" crap? Ugh.


If anything the guy in the arena would lose an audience member if I were there :emotawesomepm9:

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i think you've got a pretty diluted image of that whole discussion. if i read the whole exchange, i see a steve who takes criticism pretty well, if you ask me. there were enough mails before the "and what about you?" question. and all you do is pick on that last bit. you've got every right to do so, but to me that says more about you than about steve. his remarks had nothing to do with superiority or competition.

he was in an exchange with some random guy sending him critical mails (with some valid points, i might add). and he wants to know more of the guy. it's as simple as that. i can see those sentences come across as being direct or somewhat aggressive. but it seemed completely in the spirit of the previous exchanges, if you ask me. this has nothing to do with elitism.

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lets be honest here


apple is fine, they make simplified versions of pcs



err how is the mac any simpler than your windows machine? Not the iPad either.

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lets be honest here


apple is fine, they make simplified versions of pcs



err how is the mac any simpler than your windows machine? Not the iPad either.

because you're not allowed to upgrade anything other than hard drive, RAM, or maybe the odd one or two PCI cards.

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the mac tower is almost completely configurable, with the exception of the mainboard (which is part of the reason one would buy an apple anyways).

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the mac tower is almost completely configurable, with the exception of the mainboard (which is part of the reason one would buy an apple anyways).

you can't put whatever CPU you want in there either.


so vamos scorcho has a point - the Macintosh is simpler than a PC, even in terms of hardware. at least from the perspective of modularity.

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you can't always put whatever CPU you want on various other motherboards either.

AMD chips don't fit in Intel sockets, for example. Not even all Intel chips fit in all Intel sockets.


And are you saying that OS X is a "simpler" OS than Windows?

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