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steve jobs is a little bitch


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you can't always put whatever CPU you want on various other motherboards either.

AMD chips don't fit in Intel sockets, for example. Not even all Intel chips fit in all Intel sockets.


And are you saying that OS X is a "simpler" OS than Windows?

but you can't put an AMD motherboard in there. and therein is the point.


and OS X has a "simpler" GUI.


and for the record, i used to be a very rabid Mac fanboy, until i had a rude awakening.

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Yes but you buy a Mac because you want a Mac motherboard.

I am not a rabid fanboy, but could you please explain to me how OS X's GUI is simpler than Windows?

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Yes but you buy a Mac because you want a Mac motherboard.

I am not a rabid fanboy, but could you please explain to me how OS X's GUI is simpler than Windows?

why would you buy a Macintosh for a Macintosh motherboard? every single Macintosh i've owned (5) have died from "logic board failures" (fancy word Apple use for their motherboards). i would go as far as to say that 70% of modern Macintosh purchases are done so not because the purchaser "wants a Mac motherboard" but due to the street cred.


one example of how the Macintosh GUI is simpler : Document windows

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Yes but you buy a Mac because you want a Mac motherboard.

I am not a rabid fanboy, but could you please explain to me how OS X's GUI is simpler than Windows?

why would you buy a Macintosh for a Macintosh motherboard? every single Macintosh i've owned (5) have died from "logic board failures" (fancy word Apple use for their motherboards).


i'd definitely second this point—i've lost two laptops from this, though i guess everythings hard-mounted on the logicboard in macbooks anyway, so not the strongest argument.


and you don't think the mac GUI is simpler than the windows GUI? wat

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i've been a mac user since 1998. but i've recently made the transition to pc only because i can't keep up with all the new os upgrades and i'm starting to get fed up with them coming out with new models every like year or so. the last mac i bought was back in 2002. i still use the iMac model that looks like a lamp with the versions of adobe before the CSs came out.


i got CS4 for my new PC and now CS5 comes out... adobe is pissing me off too. but i can still make due with what i have. abunch of friends i have that use PCs are happy that i made the transition because they now can share their music making applications with me.

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Hmm well I've used Mac since the very start, and I've had one logicboard go bad on a MBP, which was covered by Applecare. I've also used plenty of windows machines where the motherboard has died.

Anecdotal evidence is wonderful.


Clarify how document windows makes OS X simpler.

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Hmm well I've used Mac since the very start, and I've had one logicboard go bad on a MBP, which was covered by Applecare. I've also used plenty of windows machines where the motherboard has died.

Anecdotal evidence is wonderful.


Clarify how document windows makes OS X simpler.

yep anecdotal evidence is great. i've never had a PC motherboard die on me. also something to note, the "logic boards" in my Macintosh computers would all die within 8 months of purchasing. and i wasn't pushing them :rolleyes:


Macintosh document windows are all encapsulated inside one instance of the program, perfect example being TextEdit and Notepad.


on the Macintosh, you open two text files and they appear as one instance of the application with two document windows.


in Windows, you open two text files and they appear as two instances of the application, each instance holding each respective document window.


from a GUI perspective, the Macintosh solution is simpler to the user.

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The only piece of ingenuity I've seen so far is refusing to use Adobe's piece of shit flash, the programme that is horrible and has now force other browsers to cope without it. (The only thing I hate more than Apple is Adobe)


Besides the technic difficulties flash has, I think the main reason for apple to get rid of adobe is that flash can be used on all platforms. They need something to offer so people buy macs/ipads/iphones instead of pcs/other devices.

Imho, in the future its gonna be all about mobile Internet and less about home-pcs and such. Thats possibly one of the reason why apple recently is concentrating more on small devices like iPad/iPhones than on his mac books etc

Flash has almost a monopole when it comes to online-presentation and lets say is essential for a (mobile) internet experience, people wont have to choose between an MacOS or Windows, Android, Linux... and the hardware they are running on. And if the internet hopefully grows faster and faster the hardware becomes less important. So if apple manages to develop an alternative for flash and leave the other platforms behind its all gonna be MacOS in 5-10 years

and the end of microsoft :cisfor:


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So...anecdotal evidence is not data


And omg they mad it easier for the end user.

This does not imply the technology behind the OS is "simpler".

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So...anecdotal evidence is not data


And omg they mad it easier for the end user.

This does not imply the technology behind the OS is "simpler".

i didn't say the technology behind the OS, i said the GUI.

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Guest hahathhat

apple clamps down on what you can do with their hardware/software. this results in a) fewer technical glitches b) fewer options for the consumer. the stuff they do allow, they vet pretty heavily (see apps store). for all this babysitting, they charge you a bit more.


for some people, this is a blessing. for others, it's like steve jobs coming into your house and leaving a steamer in your toilet, no flush.


these days, my only genuine problem with macs is how many arguments they cause! but i can't resist putting in my 0.02 because i am veteran at this point :facepalm:

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Sorry. lunch with my kid trumps internet argument. So you win!



I'm not sure if you're equating "simple" with "ease of use" or "simple" with "stupid". I would argue that a product that is easier to use is better though.

hathathat. App store applies to iPod/Phone/Pad though, not to the computers


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Guest hahathhat

# of types of shit that can go down: option1 * option2 * option3 * ... * optionN


Mac options < PC Options


Less ways for it to break. How often does your oven mitt malfunction? it is SIMPLE


edit: my point is, i am not going to buy a mac, but i do not feel right shitting on them either. they have a place, just not in my home.

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i was gonna say, absolutely when it comes to ease of use is what i meant by simpler. as someone who doesn't care to / have time to get into figuring out file extensions and the intricacies of a computer, a mac is really good because it kind of hides all that stuff to a certain extent.

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Sorry. lunch with my kid trumps internet argument. So you win!



I'm not sure if you're equating "simple" with "ease of use" or "simple" with "stupid". I would argue that a product that is easier to use is better though.

hathathat. App store applies to iPod/Phone/Pad though, not to the computers


oh i'm not equating it with stupid. i loved using OS X, and i miss it quite a bit sometimes. or maybe i miss the programs i used to use (i really miss Peak, if only for the Harmonic Rotation you could do on audio). i just meant that the GUI in Mac OS X is factually simpler than Windows

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Guest hahathhat

macs are still as complicated as any PC underneath the hood. apple has just done a lot of streamlining. stuff like, "this option would be nice but it makes the menu confusing to new users, so let's just remove it."


jobs seems to be all about "user experience." i have heard, for the original ipod, he carried the prototype around with him, using it, and yelling at the engineers for anything that was too hard to use -- little details like how the menus work, and how loud the volume goes (he's a bit of a deaf old hippie).


i have to say, the ipods are great. the first time i got one it was like i already knew how to use it -- i'd just guess at how to do something, and the guess would be correct. i was impressed; i bought an ipod. i often call my Akai MPC 1000 "the ipod of drum machines" because it had that similar sort of natural feel.


i never felt quite that charmed using a mac, but it was more charming than a PC.


i am a total computer nerd and i like to be neck-deep in the guts of the comp. this is not something i want in a music player i use for highway driving.

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jobs seems to be all about "user experience." i have heard, for the original ipod, he carried the prototype around with him, using it, and yelling at the engineers for anything that was too hard to use -- little details like how the menus work, and how loud the volume goes (he's a bit of a deaf old hippie).

unfortunately if you're in the EU you're crippled by the French's volume law. with the older hard drive based iPods you could get around it, but i'm not sure if you can on the iPhone / iPod touch / newer hard drive iPods.


i have to say, the ipods are great.

depends on what you class as "great". the sound output on my Hi-MD recorder is vastly superior to every iPod i've heard. the only iPods i haven't heard are the 1st and 2nd gen, and the new talking one.


user interface on them is great for what they do.

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dunno, i feel like i can dig quite deep enough in OS X? the under the hood stuff works actually pretty elegantly, BSD and all…


not the case with iPhone OS though. is a toy?

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Guest hahathhat

depends on what you class as "great". the sound output on my Hi-MD recorder is vastly superior to every iPod i've heard. the only iPods i haven't heard are the 1st and 2nd gen, and the new talking one.


user interface on them is great for what they do.


i use a MD in the studio. would never want to deal with that fiddly bastard as i hurtle down the freeway at illegal speeds.


i have what appears to be a 4G -- one of these

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chenGod.... just stop man.... :facepalm:


Any who, being a PC/Linux guy, I don't have any issues with Apple; I just have issues with the community of arrogant, awkwardly self-righteous stargazers that think somehow their Apple product is the savior of mankind. Their marketing campaign gets to me as well, as it only seems to feed these Apple folk more cream of mushroom which in turn gets regurgitated all over my lap on a daily basis.


Good for Steve Jobs though, he was the clear winnier of that :facepalm: of an article.

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chenGod.... just stop man.... :facepalm:


Any who, being a PC/Linux guy, I don't have any issues with Apple; I just have issues with the community of arrogant, awkwardly self-righteous stargazers that think somehow their Apple product is the savior of mankind. Their marketing campaign gets to me as well, as it only seems to feed these Apple folk more cream of mushroom which in turn gets regurgitated all over my lap on a daily basis.


Good for Steve Jobs though, he was the clear winnier of that :facepalm: of an article.



stop what? I don't consider myself a fanboy, I've been using Macs and Apple products since 1985, but I've also used plenty of Windows OSes, and even a few Linux distros.

I don't think any computer brand is the saviour of mankind, and at a

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