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is the new world order nearly in place?

vamos scorcho

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from a blog


BP is not the owner of the Gulf of Mexico! Where are the governments? Where are our scientists? It is almost a month since this spill began and I do not hear about water samples, and fish or mollusk examinations. Why isn’t the U.S. Government taking charge? Doesn’t the Navy have underwater capabilities? How much oil has actually been leaked into the Gulf? Do we have a chemical analysis of this particular oil? Why haven’t all the world’s oil companies come to help BP?


There is a scandalous lack of responsibility and scientific evaluation on display in this disaster.

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Considering that it's potentially large enough to threaten full ecosystemic collapse in crucial fisheries and in some of the only remaining wetlands in the continental US, the only rational response for a concerned citizen is clearly:


"duuurr duuurrrr the market will sort it out."

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that's a defeatist attitude


yours is egotistical



ok a muchhhh better way of looking at it is that yours is analytical and based on logic and mine is holistic and based on passion


the two mind types of ours need to learn to communicate better over the next few months

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vamos you have a lot of anxiety issues/neuroses.


I would just relax, stop drinking caffeine and energy drinks, and not worry about facebook and holistic/passionate outlooks on life.


just fucking read the tao te ching and move on to something thats more important and interesting than whining about how society sucks.

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vamos you have a lot of anxiety issues/neuroses.


I would just relax, stop drinking caffeine and energy drinks, and not worry about facebook and holistic/passionate outlooks on life.


just fucking read the tao te ching and move on to something thats more important and interesting than whining about how society sucks.


just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you :emotawesomepm9:


while there are a lot of insane people out there who are riddled with paranoia and fear of government takeover, i think they are far outnumbered by people who are extremely apathetic and mostly acquiescent to any draconian measure the government wants to implement on them and completely willing to give up their civil liberties.

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dr lopez is right, entirely, and thanks for the reference to the tao


awepittance is also right in that there are many who are experiencing learned helplessness in the face of the authorities of the world


all i'm saying is there are a lot of forward thinking people here it would be cool to brainstorm ideas for an alternate future

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Guest Z_B_Z

this "new world order" thing is a bunch of bullshit. the world is run by a bunch of rich people looking out for their own self interests. most of said self interests conflict with the greater good so the rich tell the rest of the population to go fuck themselves because they have all the power. end of story.

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Guest Z_B_Z

i was commenting on the conspiracy theorists "new world order". the one run by a shadowy cabal of reptilian freemasons bent on taking over the world doctor evil style.


i cant bring myself to watch more than a few minutes of that douchebag kissenger.

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Guest Ominous

I just read an interesting paragraph in a book I stumbled upon in the library:


"Differences between Russia and the Western Powers, whether they be ideological, political, social or religious, need not and must not destroy the "Grand Design" for peace and a decent world."


Just another one in the dozens of daily reminders that most of us aren't in control of this place, etc...

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Guest hahathhat

there is a certain excitement to believing we are about to reach a new world order, that money is going to become obsolete, that our generation has been chosen for some sort of mass psychic event. really, though, people think this shit every generation. i feel it has a lot to do with narcissism, wanting your life to matter (or presuming it does). finally, if you want an actual revolution, you'll have to work for it. it's not going to happen because the mayans said it would.


edit: p.s. vamos, no hard feelings. i just used to feel the same way, and now i feel kind of embarassed about it.....

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drink more coca cola......



and I hope hatahataht's name is changed to something I can say before it is etched into anything...



more snickers. more coke!

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Guest spraaaa

I think there's an aspect of denial because reality is so depressing... You go outside anywhere in the USA and you'll see 10-20 times more cars than people, all feeding this kind of oil related nonsense, and you know that this kind of tragedy isn't going to spark any kind of revolution or change in the way we react to the environment, it's just gonna adaptation, businesses selling different stuff, people eating more synthetic foods as more animals die off. Just like 9/11, people didn't suddenly decide war is terrible, they turned around and killed some more people. This whole past decade, for me and probably a lot of people my age, it's this feeling of being a kid with 90s idealism and energy, and suddenly you're a young adult and all that stuff that doesn't seem to affect the way anything works. It's really easy to feel powerless and just go fuck, who wants to work with improving this reality, let it end.


But anyway, agreeing with dr hat... work at it! Do what you're into, act the way you wish people would, stay excited about something better... it's way less depressing than reading conspiracy theories all day.

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just fucking read the tao te ching and move on to something thats more important and interesting than whining about how society sucks.

or.. better still.. talk about the problems and propose an alternative solution

it should be common place that if you discuss a problem, you must come up with a solution at the same time otherwise it's a pointless conversation.

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