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how do i cure myself of paranoid delusions

vamos scorcho

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i am possibly so delusional that i fear sharing what exactly the fear is for fear of danger to my being


so how would i conquer this fear? i am starting to think every day that i'm actually seriously just delusional and that i should go at the fear


obviously asking for help on a forum is ... ridiculous but i thought id give it a try because you guys are a lot like me and i respect / trust you


so when you say "third: doom" what do you mean? are you joking? i think you are, but it would help to have clarification

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talk to someone, that you trust and you know won't think badly of you, about the delusion or problem....


try to find out where you first learned of the ideas behind the problem.....


once you think you have found the source or the beginning of the problem, face it head on til you are not afraid of it, til it is no longer bothering you....


then proceed to next problem...


a good therapist could help...


drugs can help but will only mask it...


you have to face it, no matter how frightening it may seem...


and remember that we create our own paranoia....


phobias have a center of origin(an event that spawned the fear) and to eradicate them you must face them....



this is all my own opinion but it is how I have dealt with fear in my life...


and it has helped me


didn't learn this from a book either(from life experience), it just makes sense to me :ok:



edit: don't listen to anyone who says you will fail, in other words saying the word doom in this thread...he was joking and it wasn't funny


2nd edit: anti-anxiety meds have helped me in the past but they are addictive, anti-depressants made me feel unemotional/detached from reality and not like myself so I stopped taking those after a month

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I have anxiety issues and panic attacks are very difficult to stop after they start....


I usually have to be alone and take deep breathes while focusing one something that makes me happy....


sometimes saying to not fear it isn't good enough, especially if you don't know what 'it' is...

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Please seek professional help. I urge you to do this for the sake of your family and friends around you.

One friend committed suicide because he didn't seek help, another found himself in a mental health facility because he waited too long to seek professional help. He later made a full recovery from his psychosis, and now teaches guitar.


So please find professional help, one who seems committed to helping you face up to your problems and is not just going to prescribe meds and shuffle you around in the system.

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Atop and Chen speaking truth...


Thing about being mentally ill is it's hard to grasp when you're inside it. In my experience that's what meds do, not cure but help you to step outside a thought pattern and see it for what it is. Meds do their own little number on your psyche though, too. I think the standard line is "meds plus therapy", the one-two punch, as has already been said here.


I also got panic attacks (and had depression and some pretty crazy thought patterns). Meds allowed me to climb out of the hole, and some good old fashioned epiphanies helped me get to the bottom of some long-standing issues (was seeing a therapist at the time, but it's hard to say if anything he did caused the epiphanies; like meds therapy seems more about creating a space that allows for reflection, rather than the therapist imparting any "a-ha" kind of insight, but it depends on the school of thought I guess).


I was never paranoid though. Paranoia/schizophrenia seems like a tricky beast, best of luck.

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i already seek help for sure, i used to take antipsychotics but went off of them. i think drug use is the most pressing issue for me personally, when it comes to long term mental health status.


so i'm going to go ahead and...stop wasting my brain away on highs. it's not for me. i am likely to go schizophrenic full on if i don't stop.


so that's it.



also ATOP thanks for the advice, i talked to my very close friend and shared a step by step analysis of one of my delusions and he helped me see the irrationality behind it, while at the same time being real with me. good shit.


thanks guys!


when it comes to prescription drugs - they don't do long term help, antidepressants are like painkillers for mental anguish.


and i support the prescribing of them 100%, people who are overly skeptical kind of piss me off

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Please seek professional help. I urge you to do this for the sake of your family and friends around you.

One friend committed suicide because he didn't seek help, another found himself in a mental health facility because he waited too long to seek professional help. He later made a full recovery from his psychosis, and now teaches guitar.


So please find professional help, one who seems committed to helping you face up to your problems and is not just going to prescribe meds and shuffle you around in the system.

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its funny how many people post threads like these and dont realize that their problem stems from drugs.

et made a thread just like this a while back and he refused to quit. anyone know what happened to him?

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also ATOP thanks for the advice, i talked to my very close friend and shared a step by step analysis of one of my delusions and he helped me see the irrationality behind it, while at the same time being real with me. good shit.


you are very welcome!



edit: your thread hits close to home and made me worried for you......I recently stopped smoking weed and it has helped tremendously.....as much as I enjoy it, it was having negative effects on my life....

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i already seek help for sure, i used to take antipsychotics but went off of them. i think drug use is the most pressing issue for me personally, when it comes to long term mental health status.


so i'm going to go ahead and...stop wasting my brain away on highs. it's not for me. i am likely to go schizophrenic full on if i don't stop.


so that's it.



also ATOP thanks for the advice, i talked to my very close friend and shared a step by step analysis of one of my delusions and he helped me see the irrationality behind it, while at the same time being real with me. good shit.


thanks guys!


when it comes to prescription drugs - they don't do long term help, antidepressants are like painkillers for mental anguish.


and i support the prescribing of them 100%, people who are overly skeptical kind of piss me off


Good to realize that drugs are a hindrance for you.

re: prescribe meds - I meant that would just prescribe drugs and not provide any other sort of additional care. I know that prescription drugs are effective for people.


Good luck to you in your path to recovery.

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Guest Bramsworth

TRhe fact you're aware of your own delusions already puts you a few steps ahead. If you're able to be rational enough to realize how ridiculous they are, take the next step and just tell yourself to stop it.


That or more drugs :P I honestly see no other way than to just stop, since anything else either requires magic drugs or a bunch of therapy that will go nowhere.


I don't know what I'm talking about btw.

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its funny how many people post threads like these and dont realize that their problem stems from drugs.



a not uncommon trajectory seems to be:

- feelin' pretty normal, let's take some drugs to get fucked up

- at some point drugs trigger some latent issue, leading to a persistent problem that lasts long after the high has faded

- take more drugs to mask discomfort from lingering mental issues, perpetuating the cycle


that was mine anyway, took drugs until a particularly nasty trip left me fucked up, took a while to recover, but got some good help and am thankfully better now.

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i am possibly so delusional that i fear sharing what exactly the fear is for fear of danger to my being


so how would i conquer this fear? i am starting to think every day that i'm actually seriously just delusional and that i should go at the fear


obviously asking for help on a forum is ... ridiculous but i thought id give it a try because you guys are a lot like me and i respect / trust you


so when you say "third: doom" what do you mean? are you joking? i think you are, but it would help to have clarification


Okay sorry, yeah that was a joke(in bad taste). When I started writing I realized i didn't know what I was talking about and abruptly ended it. But in all seriousness, if sharing the fear makes you feel endangered in your well being, then you are truly being delusional. Talk to somebody you trust about it, as others have said. I used to toy with the idea that everybody besides me is really a robot, all trying to fool me into thinking they were like me. As I grew up(this was when I was very young), and learned to relate to people and trust them more, I pulled myself out of my delusion and realized everyone is like me, more or less. Now this wasn't anything extreme, I didn't truly believe, but it carried a slight plausibility in my mind. Is this something that is causing you pain? Or holding you back in some way, inhibiting you from doing vital things in your life? Don't be afraid to take risks in asking for help or confronting your fear.


PS- thought this thread was going to be about fear of huge throbbing breasts. Or is it? you tell me.


PPS- that was also a joke

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Seek help , my son


And leave the drugs alone....unless it weed ( which shouldn't be considered a drug ) But yeah...talk to somebody




Sorry for the vague advice .

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yeah, weed is possibly what dug me so far into the hole. weed can be incredibly harmful to certain people. (though using it throughout life sometimes did benefit me in incredible ways)


i think i'm definitely going to be fine, and i appreciate the replies GUYS! the plan is that tonight is the last night i smoke weed for a long time. and no more pills.


and also, to be a little more open to my close friends about whats going through my head, because it seems every time i share this stuff people are very shocked.

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Eh , well it works for me in an iffy state of mind . I get together with a bunch of friends and air out .


But yeah , if you're smoking in an awful state of mind, and you're BY YOURSELF...then yes...it will be a bad experience .



I just don't think weed is the main root of the problem, but...oh well .

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weed can be benign but like anything it's a matter of dosage and sensitivity...the trip I took so long to recover from was a super-potent pot brownie...I had smoked for years with no problem, but that experience hyper-sensitized me and now if I smoke weed I just about have a psychotic break. I think a lot of people underestimate weed.

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give me an example of someone with a delusion and what you would do to make them stop fearing that


you. ban you from watmm.

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