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Inception - Chris Nolan + Leo DiCaprio = best movie of the summer?

Rubin Farr

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i thought i understood it, but one of the posts up there raised a point that made me question that. i understand the movie, in general, as well as anyone, but i suppose there are some small arguable points that i didn't get. i originally thought the van woke them up, but now, thinking about it, there's nothing in the movie to show this. they swim out of the van and eames does his shapeshift thing so obviously he isn't awake yet. then cobb finds saito, then the next scene everyone is awake. it's very vague, and i understand how someone would take issue with this. again, i think it's rushed, bad writing. a movie like this needs to be specific.


there's no need to be a prick about it. you're acting like this isn't a 27 page thread about a movie where people required diagrams to understand what was happening.

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how is it i walked out of the theater without any confusion, and so many of you are getting hung up on obvious shit?


i suspect it's the same reason as to why you can play a piece of music for a buncha people and some will chat about the intricacies, some will enjoy it, some will say meh and go for beer+chips

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also, radiohead sucks.


TAKE IT BACK!!!! :emotawesomepm9:


@ Twiddlebot - yeah, that's how I figure it - maybe I'm just not smart enough to get it on the first go 'round, but, regardless, I certainly enjoy the post movie discussion (which, I guess, is why I'm posting here).

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Guest blicero

i thought i understood it, but one of the posts up there raised a point that made me question that. i understand the movie, in general, as well as anyone, but i suppose there are some small arguable points that i didn't get. i originally thought the van woke them up, but now, thinking about it, there's nothing in the movie to show this. they swim out of the van and eames does his shapeshift thing so obviously he isn't awake yet. then cobb finds saito, then the next scene everyone is awake. it's very vague, and i understand how someone would take issue with this. again, i think it's rushed, bad writing. a movie like this needs to be specific.


there's no need to be a prick about it. you're acting like this isn't a 27 page thread about a movie where people required diagrams to understand what was happening.


actually, i'm acting like this IS a 27 page thread, that should only be only about 7 pages. I enjoyed the film, and I thought it was well conceived and executed. i'm just confused why so many people are having trouble grasping the plot. maybe they all saw it when they were stoned, as i did.



how is it i walked out of the theater without any confusion, and so many of you are getting hung up on obvious shit?


i suspect it's the same reason as to why you can play a piece of music for a buncha people and some will chat about the intricacies, some will enjoy it, some will say meh and go for beer+chips




also, radiohead sucks.


TAKE IT BACK!!!! :emotawesomepm9:



i actually like radiohead. i was just trying to point out another topic that elitist watmm contrarians love to go off on.


"____ is popular. expressing dislike of ____ will surely make me appear to be credible, with discriminating taste."

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well i like radiohead a lot. what i don't like is when someone expresses a thought out criticism of something it's immediately taken as elitist or contrary. i couldn't give less of a fuck what a couple idm fans think of my tastes.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

oh remy. you're obsessed with inception. just buy the soundtrack get the t-shirt and change your name to christopher nolan

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Guest blicero

well i like radiohead a lot. what i don't like is when someone expresses a thought out criticism of something it's immediately taken as elitist or contrary. i couldn't give less of a fuck what a couple idm fans think of my tastes.


well, there was some seriously over the top hateration going on earlier in this thread. felt a lot more like contrarian rants and name-calling then thoughtful criticism. sorry if you feel that i've lumped you in with that lot. i didn't mean to.

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Guest Mirezzi

well i like radiohead a lot. what i don't like is when someone expresses a thought out criticism of something it's immediately taken as elitist or contrary. i couldn't give less of a fuck what a couple idm fans think of my tastes.


well, there was some seriously over the top hateration going on earlier in this thread. felt a lot more like contrarian rants and name-calling then thoughtful criticism. sorry if you feel that i've lumped you in with that lot. i didn't mean to.

You've been arguably the most belligerent prick in this thread, dude, so STFU and eat a dick.

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i actually like radiohead. i was just trying to point out another topic that elitist watmm contrarians love to go off on.


"____ is popular. expressing dislike of ____ will surely make me appear to be credible, with discriminating taste."


Oh yeah, I know m8 - it's all good. I just had to give you my best facsimile of Ateaser response - truncated, of course, as I didn't threaten to maul you with your own testicles and spew about how Johnny is classically trained and whatnot.


I agree, with the above madlib formula - it's an elitist mainstay wherever you go.

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Guest iamabe





this image actually confuses things AND get the final level wrong. it says "cobbs dream" but I believe limbo is shared dream space. so should say limbo. the fact that cobb built the world was because he was there before not that it was his dream.


Cobb's Dream IS the fourth level, and limbo is an entirely seperate affair (in the center of the triangle timeline) that Saito and Cobb shared in the first and last scene of the film. Cobb has been in limbo two times - the first was with Mal when they were stuck in Sim City for 50 years. That's why his dream, the fourth level, resembles his original limbo. But the limbo Saito and Cobb share is seperate; you can see how the lines that follow their characters drop off at different levels in the timeline into the limbo in the center.


It's actually a pretty sharp diagram. Did anyone else notice that Yusuf's silhouette has to pee?


I think Remy nailed it; Inception isn't science fiction or meta-fiction, but a heist movie with fantasy elements. Sadly it's sort of a cheap film that tries to say things about psychology, relationships and life but falls flat on most of them.


Also, what's with the Joseph Gordon-Levitt hate?

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i thought it was an awesome science fiction film, but put whatever label on it you like if it makes you feel better.

will emphasize again that all of the elements about things about psychology, relationships worked for me, i felt emotionally connected to them. .

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Guest blicero

well i like radiohead a lot. what i don't like is when someone expresses a thought out criticism of something it's immediately taken as elitist or contrary. i couldn't give less of a fuck what a couple idm fans think of my tastes.


well, there was some seriously over the top hateration going on earlier in this thread. felt a lot more like contrarian rants and name-calling then thoughtful criticism. sorry if you feel that i've lumped you in with that lot. i didn't mean to.

You've been arguably the most belligerent prick in this thread, dude, so STFU and eat a dick.


...and there it is. right on schedule.

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Ahhh, this film is great just in the fact that it polarizes viewers so heavily! At least it has people talking about art. Most film of recent memory doesn't have this much chatter. Fuck all of you! :emotawesomepm9:

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. i originally thought the van woke them up, but now, thinking about it, there's nothing in the movie to show this. they swim out of the van and eames does his shapeshift thing so obviously he isn't awake yet. then cobb finds saito, then the next scene everyone is awake. it's very vague,


yes i too was confused about this, you bring up a good point. If all the 'kicks' were supposed to be perfectly synchronized or relatively so, why did they all get out of the van and kind of ambiently sit there? What exactly 'kicked' them to wake up after that point, was it already timed so that the sedatives wore off perfectly on schedule? I get the idea that they needed to stay around for a little bit to make sure the idea was 'incepted' properly, which is why the guy sat with him for a second. However, what exactly enabled them to wake up at that point?

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This debate is nothing compared to that other movie's, what was it called Uthrar, Atavarar,... Avatar!


Of course Inception is better than Avatar :trashbear:

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This debate is nothing compared to that other movie's, what was it called Uthrar, Atavarar,... Avatar!


Of course Inception is better than Avatar :trashbear:

lol, no

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I liked this movie a decent amount. I liked the whole visual part of it; the Japanese dream setting, the Sci-fi noir look of it.


I didn't feel any emotional connection at all though, too much mechanical plot stuff being thrown your way. It was like appreciating an instruction manual for a video game. There was no SPACE to breathe or think about what was happening, to be absorbed in any atmosphere or to let it sink in. Comparisons to Kubrick got me excited, but now I don't know how or why anyone tried making that comparison. Maybe Chris Nolan will be that great one day, he's still pretty young and he's on the right track.

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Guest blicero

Avatar was shit.


Cameron is almost as bad a writer as Lucas. Nothing original but the 3d tech, which I just found to be distracting. Good popcorn movie, laughable as a best picture nom.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Avatar was shit.


Cameron is almost as bad a writer as Lucas. Nothing original but the 3d tech, which I just found to be distracting. Good popcorn movie, laughable as a best picture nom.


Opinions, isn't it great when one thinks they are facts lol.


This debate is nothing compared to that other movie's, what was it called Uthrar, Atavarar,... Avatar!


Of course Inception is better than Avatar :trashbear:



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This movie was more than I could ever have hoped for in a movie. It had a really mind-bending storyline and some crazy carnival funhouse type of special effects and even some half decent music. Hands down the best movie I've seen in '10 and probably '09 as well

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Avatar was shit.


Cameron is almost as bad a writer as Lucas. Nothing original but the 3d tech, which I just found to be distracting. Good popcorn movie, laughable as a best picture nom.

i completely agree. but, unfortunately, inception wasnt even that. it tries far too much to be taken as a serious movie. avatar didn't. predators neither. i would rate predators higher than inception, lower than avatar.



oh btw blicero - i dreamt about you last night. you came to visit me and we had a great time!

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Guest abusivegeorge

So have the days of just sitting down and enjoying a film gone out of the window? Because I am sorry but you cannot say that these films were really that fucking shit (as shit as you're making them out to be). You can only say that because what you've done is you've analyzed the film in depth whilst watching it, and I am assuming you must do this with all movies. It must be real hard to find a movie you sincerely enjoy. I can name some shit movies, and they really are shit, like you don't even need to analyze them to know they are shit, and Avatar does not enter that league of shittiness, which I'm getting from you both.


Go and watch "Borstal Boy" and then come back and tell me that avatar and inception are shit. The problem is when you're sitting watching a film and analyzing (and you must be, to give these films such bad cred) it like that, you can never fully enjoy it anyway, so it's a double negative.


Sit down, watch a movie, have no expectations, and try not to pick fault. Try it next time you watch something, and you might enjoy it a little more.


Not having a go at you guys at all, it just seems the days of watching a movie without being so fucking negatively critical are way out the window.


I mean you say it was shit, but then you say it's a good popcorn movie. Does not compute, a good popcorn movie is not shit.


Maybe I'm being really hypocritical here and just over analyzing you guys, but fuck me, it's 8 am and I've not been to bed yet and MY FUCKING NEIGHBOURS ARE CUNTS.

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