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E3 2010


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if they pull off that Star Wars game, it will be the killer app for Kinect as far as hardcore gamers go. i don't really need another motion control sports or fitness or fucking dance game, who does?

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There's still plenty of amazing games most of us still haven't fully enjoyed, I welcome new breeds of experimentation in entertainment even if they might end up sucking or fail. In the end we need to try new things 3D/motion control/different combination's of genre's to move forward into fresh new quality experiences


This is the same way I feel.

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Metal Gear Solid : Rising looks pretty fucking good .


Yeah, even though I'm no fan of the MGS series I was pretty impressed by the gameplay they showed.

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What impressed me the most (besides giving everyone in attendance a free 360Slimmer™) was the dance game for Kinect by Harmonix - I thought that was a pretty good use of the tech, as was the fitness game (I think Nintendo's shitting themselves right now because they know Sony and Microsoft have done their core experiences on Wii 10x better) for simply not needing to hold something while exercising.


What didn't surprise me was the general lack of 'BIG' announcements - no huge 'OMFG' game announced only for XBOX, etc. I think those days are coming to an end with the reality of developers needing to make as much return as possible on their development costs. What it will be about now is which platform delivers the best version of that experience, which is how it should be.


Nintendo supposedly is going to steal the show tomorrow with the 3DS - since it's glasses-free 3D, I guess we'll be able to see the effects ourselves via the video streams, right?


I expect Sony to come in and hit hard, hopefully with the announcement that Move is out next month and beats Kinect to the market first. Sony's biggest hurdle is convincing consumers who already have a Wii (and really, who doesn't these days) why Move is worth it. Kinect is unique enough that won't be as much as an issue, but Kinect's biggest hurdle will be price, if the rumoured 149.00 price tag is true.

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Well, kind of a yawnfest - I really had hoped that they wouldn't just try and make Natal a "casual" device and there would be a reveal of a few "hardcore" gamer style games - like, that fighting game for PS3 Move, or a FPS utilizing the tech. That being said, I do like the voice recognition and hands-free screen navigation . . . just not enough to buy a unit at launch. God damn, that pet game with the little asian girl and the tiger was pretty cute though. Not :pedobear: you dirty minded fucks.


No big game reveals worth noting - "slim" 360 with built in wifi + huge ass hard drive is cool, but also not going to be shelling out another 300 bucks anytime soon.


My penis was flaccid and remained so during the entire thing, except for a brief moment when I thought they were going to reveal that the developer that had signed to work with might be Itagaki.


Though, on that note, his new game looks fucking wicked.


edit: Joyrex, please feel free to combine our posts as everything you said is everything else I thought but couldn't be arsed to type all the way out.

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EA's Press Conference was actually a lot better than Microsoft's. Microsoft simply focused too much on the casual market even though they said that it would still be a hardcore peripheral. But in response to what Joyrex said about Nintendo shitting themselves I don't think Nintendo cares about their two competitor's motion controllers. The Wii is a 100% motion controller console whereas the motion controllers are accessories to two consoles that the casual gamers probably know very little about. Everyone knows Nintendo. They're the super happy, super friendly gaming company who has an Italian plumber as a mascot. The Wii might not be selling as well as it used to but they're releasing the Wii in some new colors and I'm sure that'll help them sell more copies - it worked with all their other products (all their GameBoys, DSs, N64 and so on). And even though Sony is (probably) announcing the PSP2 tomorrow they still have nothing to fear because the 3DS will steal the show. No doubt about it.



Btw now that EA's press conference is over I think it's safe to say that Mass Effect 3 was a GameSpot fuck-up. It wasn't shown at Microsoft's press conference and not at EA's.

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They're playing............Laser Tag............ :facepalm:


I had NO idea what was going on when they were running around on stage. I feel bad for the creator of the game.


And what's this now? Did Ubisoft just announce the Wii Ubisoft Vitality sensor?

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UbiSoft's press conferences always feel super erotic because of all the Frenchmen talking...


lol @ his hipster pants / hair combo.


lol @ the crappy game


lol indeed, also lol at the host guy shouting amazing, wooowww after every weak segment. Has to be terribly uncomfortable in front of a skeptic game journalist crowd.


Haha, yeah, and it didn't really help that the music was really low and sounded like it came from an old transistor radio

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

They're playing............Laser Tag............ :facepalm:


I had NO idea what was going on when they were running around on stage. I feel bad for the creator of the game.


And what's this now? Did Ubisoft just announce the Wii Ubisoft Vitality sensor?



Yeah, a lot of fail is going on right now . I'm forcing myself to watch this .




E3 was off to a good start , but now it's 08 all over again .

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

lol Indeed .


I missed Microsofts press conference . Sadly , everybody is saying it was terrible .

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