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Lady Gaga - Alejandro


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Guest tht tne

i can't bring myself to watch an 8.5-minute lady gaga video right now, but i usually like her and i'm glad i saw her butt in the telephone video

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Guest tht tne

8 minutes and 44 seconds?


One thing pop always had was it was at least quick while painful. This sadly doesnt have that.


well long-form music videos were more popular in michael jackson's heyday... gaga may be trying to bring them back but she's no michael

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8 minutes and 44 seconds?


One thing pop always had was it was at least quick while painful. This sadly doesnt have that.


well long-form music videos were more popular in michael jackson's heyday... gaga may be trying to bring them back but she's no michael


No Michael indeed.


She might have a bigger penis though..... :cisfor:

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Guest analogue wings

i keep waiting for lady gaga to drop the classic pop song that justifies the hype


and it keeps not happening

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she should do something with Manson, the music video was defiinitley interesting... lots of stuff going on in it

Manson and her remixed love game. She's a huge manson fan and I think it shows. It's amazing how much influence he had on people (myself included). Asshole or not, the man has had a lot of great ideas, unfortunately he's pissed off some of his best collaborators (reznor, gacy, berkowitz). Tiwggy is really the music man behind the manson sound, and it really showed when he was gone. Sadly manson is too adamant abotu putting his vocals way too upfront in the mixes these days, and years of screaming have taken a horrible toll on his voice.


Anyways, I'd love to see them do an album together, but I highly doubt her management would let her or at least do their best to talk her out of it do to his negative PR and that he chooses to not sing very well that much anymore (he can still do the low tone stuff great, but when it comes to the shrieking it's just sometimes intolereable, and this is coming from a huge manson fan).


AW yes she def. has the madonna similarities in the video, but it's doing it her own way. Pretty much all (pop stars especially) artists have shown great homage's to their influences through the years. I know you are coming from the "she's ripping off madonna and she's unoriginal" stance (or at least I assume), but I don't think that's the case at all.


And yeah she looks just like manson, facial expression and pouty lips 100% towards the end with the dark sunglasses on. Kind of a Layne Staley, manson, bono mash up.


The dancing gays are fab as always, even though the hair is atrocious it works.


Again going back to the manson thing, she's really perfected intentionally making herself ugly and beautiful on and off all the time.

Those raw sexytime scenes on the bed are sexy as all get out! You can tell that's some raw emotion and energy going on in there, not forced at all. Which is good b/c her acting skill sin the telephone video certainly showed that she needed work, especially in contrast to beyonce' who is much more well versed in acting (ie: whether you are good at it or not, at least coming across in character and that you aren't forcing it).

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Guest analogue wings

You know I haven't dismissed her out of hand cos I hate pop or I hate trannies or I've seen pop cliché xyz before or whatever, because those things ain't true.


But all the influences she references, they all have those really killer timeless songs. Even Pink FFS. Still waiting for Gaga to bring it...

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song: mediocre, reeks of shakira and like a prayer. put-on accent is embarrassing.

gaga's ability to manipulate her image in an almost bowie-like way: scary awesome.

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You know I haven't dismissed her out of hand cos I hate pop or I hate trannies or I've seen pop cliché xyz before or whatever, because those things ain't true.


But all the influences she references, they all have those really killer timeless songs. Even Pink FFS. Still waiting for Gaga to bring it...

she may, or she may not. Perhaps she wants to remain medicore, or is infact only capable of simple stuff, or prefers it (ie" house, minimal, etc fans). WHo knows we shall see :) Regardless, one thing she does perfect is making some catchy hooks that you have to beat out of your head with a sledge hammer.

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Guest analogue wings

I'm thinking she can afford the good songwriters now so something has to give sooner or later

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Guest disparaissant

also to elaborate, it's my least favorite song from the fame monster, and probably her weakest song. it's just lazy. musically and lyrically. but the video is amazing, i can't help but love it. and that's really the thing about gaga, her music is VERY hit or miss, mostly miss, but her videos are great. i mean, just imagine! if mtv actually played videos, this would be on all the time! SHE IS CORRUPTIN ARE YOOTH!

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Guest Masonic Boom

i keep waiting for lady gaga to drop the classic pop song that justifies the hype


and it keeps not happening


Yeah, I keep wanting to like her, and I just feel endlessly kinda... disappointed.


I'm generally really pro-Pop and I love outrageous pop statements and Imperial Phases as much as the next poptimist.


But I've had huge amounts of goodwill towards Lady Gaga in the past and she keeps doing stuff that just somehow falls short of the mark. Big on spectacle, big on earworms, but short on anything resembling a classic pop tune.


I mean, for all Madonna's shock tactics and crotch grabbing and oiled gay dancers - if you put on a song like Holiday or Vogue or even Ray of bloody Light - the dance floor will fill up. They're great CHOONS even apart from the videos, even though her iconography is very obviously part of the appeal.


I keep trying to listen to Gaga songs without the videos, as anthems, and it just doesn't work for me. Yes, she's a competent musician, she's a competent songwriter, she certainly knows how to write a hook that will stick to your eardrums, but even when people go all "ooh, listen to the *weird* songs, listen to, like Teeth or something" - I haven't heard her write anything that really goes beyond the level of Agadoo or the Birdie Song, or the catchniess of a football chant.


One day Lady Gaga will make a record as exciting, innovative and off-its-rocker as her videos and our heads will explode. But until that happens, it's still just Marilyn Manson shock tactics with a bigger budget. Ultimately really rather boring.

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utter namechecking horseshit. she makes shit pop music and boring, drawn out videos that rival eurovision stage shows in flamboyant emptiness. hope her career dies soon, so i won't read more delusional garbage about how 'different' she is.


maybe that was a tad much, but you get my point :I

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lady madonna can thank her. britannay couldn't handle the tourch, gaga can, or so it seems. now she can finally retire. ....la isla bonita



but has this got anything to do with wattum? i think not! it's just another pop-act with a hybrid-gay twist. madonna brought the gay twist. gaga innovated by adding the hybrid twist. i'm seeing commercial boundaries being broken here. ...but it's still commercial though. (damn, i must have been watching too much mad men this weekend)

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