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Lohan going to Jail

Guest El_Chemso

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What she needs to do is get shoved on a plane and get sent to Yorkshire and go work on a farm for 6 months. Feed and milk cattle at 4am every morning, repair stone walls, mix with people who live hard lives and get no thanks in return, shit weather, where people will judge you on what kind of charachter you are not on your obviously empty, souless celebrity life.


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guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man

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guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man


papier-mache strap-on man... papier-mache strap-on

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guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man


papier-mache strap-on man... papier-mache strap-on


^^ They actually do make those in prison.

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guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man


papier-mache strap-on man... papier-mache strap-on


^^ They actually do make those in prison.


it's not a stretch

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guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man


papier-mache strap-on man... papier-mache strap-on


^^ They actually do make those in prison.

experience ?

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Guest pulsewarrior

fuck that bitch i'd see jail on my first dui. and if i paid a lawyer a ton of money and didn't have to go to jail on the first, then i would no doubt be locked up for the second. i love watching movie stars fall apart when they are dealing with something millions of other scum bags deal with daily. and of course in the movie star cases, they've fucked up 4 or 5 (or 8) times more than any common man could get away with.


wrong, unless there are victims involved or other special circumstances, you're not usually going to see jailtime on a 1st or 2nd conviction in most places


i have a friend that just got his 2nd, and had a .40 BAC...stiff penalties and enhancements but no jailtime.

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Guest analogue wings

I love her. Not sure why. What she really needs is a long program under the care of good councilers that aide in changing her behavior instead of just talking about it. Though talking is good too. She really needs to hash out her issues and rebuild from the ground up. It should also be a place she can't leave. There's a lot of these places around and in particular a really good one in chicago I myself looked into when I was stuck in a rut of drinking, pills, and bad friends. Too expensive though.

She also needs better mentors and to get away from her insane parents that have a very toxic post divorce relationship. Sadly the tabloids will still do interviews with her dad and I'm sure its hard to ignore. If she does need to serve jail time to appease courts then she needs to get it over with aand serve just like martha stewart. I think it will help turn her career around b.c the general public doesn't like people that are above the law.


she's fucked unless she stops blaming the rest of the universe for her own shit.


after her sentencing, she twittered some tweets comparing herself to muslim women getting stoned to death or something. YEAH LINDSAY YOU'RE THE VICTIM :facepalm:


and if seeing a hundred photos of yourself looking 50 doesnt scare you straight, it's going to take some doing.


but yeah if she ever accepts that she has a problem and she needs to change then she has a million options


you should open a "discrete" rehab clinic, Brandi :sorcerer:

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Guest pulsewarrior

she'll probably do less than 2 weeks in county and come out prison-scarred for life and write a book.

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we've all seen her go through some shit. i feel close to her in a way. my prayers are with her. nobody deserves the life she is living right now, pure hell most of the time.


i have a soft spot for her for some reason, because i saw mean girls and liked it a long time ago before all this.


oh well.


good luck lohan, get through this shit and live your life! retire. just chill out with all the crazy shit! you'll be fine!

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Guest analogue wings

Remember when she looked like this?





Yeah, neither do I.




is that her granddaughter?

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Guest El_Chemso

12x8 Cell, and she will be in solitary cause she's a celeb. Has to get up at 5am and eat 2 boiled eggs and a PBJ sandwich for lunch.


Hilton had to do her Jail time even thou it looked like she might get away with house arrest. Best place for them in jail I think.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

guys females can't rape other females.



an acquaintance just told me that.



he was serious.



:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


that said i hope lohan gets the bball bat

fisting man... fisting man


papier-mache strap-on man... papier-mache strap-on


^^ They actually do make those in prison.


it's not a stretch


it is if it's big enough

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