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Apple and AT&T about to take it in the butt

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank



A federal court has granted class action status to a case against both Apple and AT&T. Class action means that anyone in a designated category (in this case, buyers of an iPhone with a two-year AT&T deal since 2007, an estimated 20 million people) can be covered by a single case.


As a result of the ruling, the class action status will cover two claims that the companies breached competition laws:


that Apple unlawfully prevents iPhone users from installing their own applications; and

that Apple made a secret five-year exclusivity deal with AT&T, thus meaning customers on a two-year service agreement were effectively locked-in to AT&T as a provider for those five years if they wanted to continue using the phone.

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Guest pulsewarrior
Whether or not you like Apple’s restrictive policies, they are hardly a secret, and even though people might not approve of the way the iPhone works, nobody is forced to buy one.


While it’s certainly possible some buyers didn’t understand that the phone was locked to AT&T or that apps were under Apple control, it seems unlikely that those bringing the case will be able to prove this was such a widespread situation as to justify a ruling against the companies in a class action situation.

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Guest Fishtank

I'm hoping it does, as consumers we should demand better products, demand freedom of choice


The forced AT&T carrier thing should be a deal breaker

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oh believe me, i fucking hate apple. i just wish these news stories would crop up with more insightful detail and be on a more reputable site than "geeksaresexy.net" :facepalm:

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Guest hahathhat

i got $5.00 of free skype credit becaused they zorched my $0.21 due to inactivity four years ago. god bless america

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I'm hoping it does, as consumers we should demand better products, demand freedom of choice


The forced AT&T carrier thing should be a deal breaker



Apple buys a lot of guns, forces consumers to buy iPhones!

Film at 11!

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i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.

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Guest Fishtank

do you really think an iphone on tmobile is going to be better?

I wouldn't know but I think the choice should be there

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Guest Fishtank

I'm hoping it does, as consumers we should demand better products, demand freedom of choice


The forced AT&T carrier thing should be a deal breaker



Apple buys a lot of guns, forces consumers to buy iPhones!

Film at 11!

way to misconstrue


i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.

yes, because all engines are capable of running on diesel

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They won't win, but it would be cool to see apple lose at least over locking out application designers to stifle competition or to censor. There have been a lot of developers screwed by apple and i think this matters more than what carrier they have.. as this is generally kind of an important issue for consumer rights, not just with apple.

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do you really think an iphone on tmobile is going to be better?

I wouldn't know but I think the choice should be there



you could always jailbreak it.


the choice will be there soon enough. i thin this is more a fault of the cell phone industry than apple at this point. every company has tried to entice consumers with this phone or that phonne. early on apple said they wanted to be the first one where you bought the phone and picked the service that was right for you. they will get there very soon.



this is a lot like the arguement with cable tv companies here. i have no choice but to get dog shit service from a company i hate. my only other option is satellite tv but my condo association doesnt allow dishes on the bldg.




i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.

yes, because all engines are capable of running on diesel



are you suggesting i go put diesel in my car?

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Guest blicero

i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.


wow. this is fucking weak. argument FAIL.


thing is, every handheld device manufacturer strikes "secret" exclusivity deals with carriers, do they not?

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you can jailbreak your device but apple in it's desire to protect the rights of consumers was running around last year trying to declare jailbreaking their device a violation of the DMCA and make it illegal. people are sheeple. please walk on me with your hard-ass boots because you look soo sexy..

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i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.


wow. this is fucking weak. argument FAIL.


thing is, every handheld device manufacturer strikes "secret" exclusivity deals with carriers, do they not?



when you bought your iphone you knew it was with at&t. how is that weak? you cant change the product you bought. wtf.

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I'm hoping it does, as consumers we should demand better products, demand freedom of choice


The forced AT&T carrier thing should be a deal breaker



Apple buys a lot of guns, forces consumers to buy iPhones!

Film at 11!

way to misconstrue









During production of the initial iPhone - Apple went to a variety of cellphone service providers,all of whom but AT&T refused Apple's terms or just rebutted them completely.

You do have freedom of choice - nobody is forcing you to buy an iPhone.

And you do have a better product, the iPhone 4 is actually better than previous models at not dropping calls.



But yeah - Apple - they're out to get you! They're coming. Be afraid.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

variety of cellphone service providers,all of whom but AT&T refused Apple's terms or just rebutted them completely.

You do have freedom of choice - nobody is forcing you to buy an iPhone.

And you do have a better product, the iPhone 4 is actually better than previous models at not dropping calls.



But yeah - Apple - they're out to get you! They're coming. Be afraid.


i read in consumer reports yesterday that the iPhone 4 drops way more calls...particularly when held a certain way with the left hand. im left-handed...so im gonna sue apple!!!!

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Guest blicero

i was thinking i may sue nissan. ive had this car for awhile but i decided i want it to run on diesel fuel now. i bought my car knowing it runs on regular gas but its mine now and i should be able to put whatever i want in the car. so yea, its nissans fault and they should give me money now.


wow. this is fucking weak. argument FAIL.


thing is, every handheld device manufacturer strikes "secret" exclusivity deals with carriers, do they not?



when you bought your iphone you knew it was with at&t. how is that weak? you cant change the product you bought. wtf.


yes, but i didn't know how long I would be forced to pay at&t in order to use it. it would be analogous to buying a nissan and agreeing to only fill it with fuel from BP stations for the first 2 years, yet there exists an undisclosed exclusivity deal between nissan & BP that means that your car won't run on fuel from anywhere else, even after the 2 years you agreed to. you're indirectly locked into buying gas from BP for an unknown/undisclosed amount of time.

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Consumer Reports doesn't show their data, and doesn't test against other phones.

the anandtech article I linked to does. anandtech is a highly respected tech site just in case you don't know the site.


Blicero - it was widely reported that AT&T would have a 5 year exclusive contract with Apple, when the phone went on sale in June 2007.

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at&t coverage sucks, compared to verizon which I had before buying an iphone... In my area, at least. Hopefully, I will be allowed to choose which company to buy a plan with.


*beats self*

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