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Enter the Void


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Guest the anonymous forumite

I really liked the chakra pron idea, with flows of energy emanating from the navel chakra.

like a translinguistic psychofluid or something?


I'm not sure that's what Gaspard Noe meant but from the moment you consider this film to be ontologically psychedelic, then I guess it's possible. I think he just wanted to underline the power of sex (you'll see how it integrates in the movie)

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this movie sounds right up my alley.


the first 30 minutes to an hour of irreversible are some of the most well directed moments and most thrilling. going through the hallways, flashing lights, running around the streets, shouting, tilting camera, that droning sound in the club. so good. the rape scene was a bit much, i guess, but it fit.


this new one sounds very interesting.

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style over substance is a valid criticism when it comes to noe. he seems to want to (consciously or unconsciously) merge high art and exploitation.. an interesting concept, but hes not always successful.. kubrick seems to be a favorite of his i think that theres some similarity. the main criticism of kubrick is that he was all technical ability and no soul. i think you might be able to say something similar about noe.. although i might argue that (as with kubrick) meaning can be derived from the sheer amount of technical effort and ability (if that makes any sense). only time will tell if hes a serious artist or just simply the king of eurotrash.. at least his films are interesting to look at, which is more than i can say about most.. 'irreversible' wasnt as good as 'i stand alone'...



i was going to say - his style reminds me very much of kubrick.


kubrick is all about fucking rock and roll, high budget hardcore awesome "big" shit, you know what i mean? like the blood out of the elevator, the slow motion, just straight classic scenes.


the whole "enter" "the" "void" thing is very kubrick as well.


certainly a serious artist in my opinion. i find his work to create an awesome feeling when you watch it, like a rush, and an admiration for his ability to get your mind moving and your excitement flowing. cool stuff. also a bit too shocking at times, which is sort of a drawback for me with irreversible.


i would like to see i stand alone.



happycase, go rent irreversible. it is worth seeing in full quality.

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Guest happycase

just watched the rape scene, only thing i could find.


i think the point was made when he starts punching her


and it gets fucked up when he beats her forehead into the ground.


it was too much but i think without that shit it risks being sexy and not horrific.

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kubrick is all about fucking rock and roll, high budget hardcore awesome "big" shit, you know what i mean? like the blood out of the elevator, the slow motion, just straight classic scenes.



What the fuck are you on? no really, what the fuck? Kubrick a show off, throwing "big" shit at the screen? You mean fucking 30 seconds on 1 movie in his entire repertoire? What do you even know about cinema? Slow motion in Kubrick, there's like 1 out of each 500 shot that is one.


Have you ever even seen Barry Lyndon before spouting such non-sense? 2001 if you taking out the interstaller voyage, it's a great "awesome big shit2 high budget hard? Uh lol Spartacus? Dr. Strangelove? Paths of Glory? Eyes Wide Shut?

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I'm with you for the most part Mr Glass, but Kubrick, when he had the money, he would spend it... although not for reasons specified by Vamos, I believe, mostly just to poke fun back at the hilarity of hollywood/producers. The most vivid example being the $750,000 hamster wheel in 2001.

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Guest Z_B_Z

one things for sure, noes nowhere near as intelligent as kubrick. he seems really intuitive and kubrick was all icy intellect.

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kubrick is all about fucking rock and roll, high budget hardcore awesome "big" shit, you know what i mean? like the blood out of the elevator, the slow motion, just straight classic scenes.



What the fuck are you on? no really, what the fuck? Kubrick a show off, throwing "big" shit at the screen? You mean fucking 30 seconds on 1 movie in his entire repertoire? What do you even know about cinema? Slow motion in Kubrick, there's like 1 out of each 500 shot that is one.


Have you ever even seen Barry Lyndon before spouting such non-sense? 2001 if you taking out the interstaller voyage, it's a great "awesome big shit2 high budget hard? Uh lol Spartacus? Dr. Strangelove? Paths of Glory? Eyes Wide Shut?






i won't waste my time tearing you apart "Philip Glass," it is the passage of time which will reveal you as an ass.

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Guest ansgaria

Judging from the trailer, it looks as if the entire film is over-the-shoulder shots and first person perspectives. Interesting.

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Guest Z_B_Z


Vastly different visions and points of view


yeah, different visions but id say similar points of view. theyre both pretty nihilistic.

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  • 1 month later...

saw this tonight. holy. shit.



I got up from my seat feeling underwhelmed about this film as a whole, having built it up in my mind over the past few years. The acting and plot weren't amazing, but I feel like those things are usually tertiary to the meat of a Gaspar flick.


Cinematography is number one, which along with the editing were astounding. But the most amazing part of this movie kicked in as I took 2 steps out of the theater into the streets of NY. I legitimately felt high. I was completely sober (chemically) but I honestly felt like my head was hovering above my body. Vision felt slightly distorted. I couldn't feel my legs accurately - I felt almost completely dissociated from myself, just as Oscar is for the majority of the film. It was unreal, and lasted for at least an hour. My friend was experiencing the exact same thing as we walked home. It made the whole thing worthwhile, the thought that this was Gaspar's ultimate goal. 2 people stopped as they walked past us on the street because they thought we were tripping. We almost cabbed it to times square to capitalize on the effects of the film, whose visuals feature a lot of neon lighting effects, but unfortunately didn't have time before dinner plans.


I'd be very interested to hear if other people experienced the same sensation after watching this. Gaspar is an evil genius. This film must be seen in theaters. It will be a far less immersive experience on your tv - I'm pretty sure the after effects won't be possible unless you're forced to stare at this on a huge screen without deviation for 2.5 hrs.


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Amazingly, did you know Boll has a Doctorate in literature? Guy sure doesn't do much for the concept of the Ph.D as the highest and most honorable academic degree hahahaha!


Having a PhD in anything doesn't really mean that person is smart. There are tons of PhD's that are dumb as dirt.

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i saw this tonight. after seeing the trailer a while back it had not left my mind.


for people who haven't seen it but are well aware of it / looking forward to seeing it:

it is not quite what the trailers make it out to be. the previews we've seen make it seem like an intense pulsing acid/e trip that is "fast." i think it would be beneficial to expect something more like a droning, eternal acid trip.


read this after to share thoughts


the credits - holy fuck. i was thinking during the first 10 minutes - "this is a pivot upon which all film will tilt from here on out." and it is, in many ways. i do think it is comparable to something like 2001, some say not.


for most of the film i was quite underwhelmed. i think i was expecting something different. this was more like a current 93 album or nurse with wound album - i was expecting something with a fast beat - if you know what i mean. it droned. there were some elements that dragged me out of it.


i will watch it again - knowing what to expect - and i will enjoy it more. i really would like to see this in theaters. this is an example of a film that you truly benefit from having take up your entire field of vision, of being loud as fuck. this film could be a masterpiece of film, and at the least it is brilliant.


i look forward to a second viewing.


other things:

before i started getting critical - i was scared beyond anything ive ever felt watching a film. i think it is important to maintain the trance throughout the entire film to really understand it. i do think i might get pretty stoned and see it in the theatre next time. it is meant to put you into a trance, a hypnosis, and to take you into "the void."



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I got stoned, thought it was too long and drawn out. The story arch worked but it wasn't a whole movie's worth of story. I was happy when it ended. Then it started again. And that.



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