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quitting smoking

Guest disparaissant

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The trick is this................if you focus on how "deprived" you feel , as if you are being forced against your will to quit , you'll fail.


If you focus on things like , how your body is recovering daily , how much money you're saving , how much healthier you feel etc........you'll beat it.




this is what the allen carr book pushes... you're not "giving up smoking" cos that suggests you're missing out on something... you're "stopping smoking" or even better "escaping smoking"

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i can't 'escape smoking' for the life of me. what am i suppose to do with my hands? pray? play synths in public? i hate chewing gum and can't simply eat it out because i'm already fat as fuck. the only person i know who quit forever was my dad, but he got out easy with the brain surgery and all. maybe they accidentally cut out the part with the addiction. i don't know. i would love to quit but hell. i alreay quit everything fun in my life.


maybe if i got that android app.. or android in general. a new career in a new town. i just don't know.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i think that was what made the difference this time around. that and not being able to sing along to bikini kill all of the sudden! don't wanna sound like a smoker when i'm old, ugh.


also THIS time around, at least when im sober, cigarettes are GROSS to me. i had two during finals week because i was stressed out of my gourd and it was just grosssssssss.

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i managed to quit smoking cigs cold turkey a couple years back and got hooked on black and milds wine flavored for another 6 months or so.. smoked 2 of those a day until i managed to quit those and now i'm tobacco free :D .. my main motivation to quit both was a bad cough

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D. please dont quit smoking. you crabby old aunt. grow a bigger pair and give us some love.


post scriptum.. i'm smoking a lot in spliffs, tobacco joints, make em last longer right..


should quit, need to have cardio endurance

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Guest disparaissant

TOO LATE maybe that's why im extra crabby lately


@chassis i dunno i caved and got some patches the last time and it is the only time i have ever actually stayed quit for more than a month! only needed a few of them. REALLY took the edge off. and yes, night terrors. oh my god.

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joints only :fear:


even then with extremely low amounts of tobacco, smoking something without actual cannabis in it I just can't do. Can't stand the taste of cigarettes anymore.


I really ought to get myself a magic box....

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OMGZ guyz look what jsut happen!




Smoking marijuana has just got to be bad for the lungs, since it's been made abundantly clear that cigarettes wreak havoc. Or so it would seem.

But the record on marijuana and lung health has been confusing at best. The latest study is typical: It shows that pot smokers' lung function actually improves, at least if they're not smoking a lot.

Smoking a joint a week for up to seven years doesn't hurt lung function, according to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco. They came up with that number after following more than 5,000 people for 20 years. The results were just published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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OMGZ guyz look what jsut happen!




Smoking marijuana has just got to be bad for the lungs, since it's been made abundantly clear that cigarettes wreak havoc. Or so it would seem.

But the record on marijuana and lung health has been confusing at best. The latest study is typical: It shows that pot smokers' lung function actually improves, at least if they're not smoking a lot.

Smoking a joint a week for up to seven years doesn't hurt lung function, according to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco. They came up with that number after following more than 5,000 people for 20 years. The results were just published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Well, when you think about having one a week, compare that to having one cigarette a week. I think the problem with that is any regular cigarette smoker (probably the vast majority) will, and does, smoke way more than just one a week. The body is pretty resilient too.

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i can't 'escape smoking' for the life of me. what am i suppose to do with my hands? pray? play synths in public? i hate chewing gum and can't simply eat it out because i'm already fat as fuck. the only person i know who quit forever was my dad, but he got out easy with the brain surgery and all. maybe they accidentally cut out the part with the addiction. i don't know. i would love to quit but hell. i alreay quit everything fun in my life.


maybe if i got that android app.. or android in general. a new career in a new town. i just don't know.


bulllllshit, sissy. quit making excuses.

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Guest disparaissant

i've figured as much for years.

it's like when people talk about arsenic in apple juice and how its got TEN TIMES the amount of arsenic as drinking water.

and its like

if you are drinking as much apple juice as you are water, i think you'll die of diabetes before you die of arsenic poisoning.

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i've read that book and it was pretty repetitive.. but i guess it's supposed to be


aye it's repetitive as fuck. and equally condescending. we all know why we should stop but it kind of helps to have it relentlessly drummed into you. at least it seems to be helping me so far build some healthy disdain for smoking, although i've known for a while i'm done with it anyway. we'll see...


i watched 'the smoking years' the other night...




very interesting doc on the human condition, especially on smoking at its most popular in the uk (50's -70's) when something like 60% of the population smoked(if i remember rightly)... bars, cafes, public transport and places of work all constantly filled with blue smog... and the big tobacco companies actively campaigning to rubbish medical claims as scaremongering instead of taking heed of the warnings.

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i smoke about 10 a day. so if i go a week without that's 70 i haven't smoked. 3640 cigarettes in a year i will not have smoked and £1200 not gone up in smoke.


then i will become a professional athlete and i will have the mightiest erections! people will travel great distances to see them and gaze upon them in wonder.

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i can never get past the first week!


alcohol, easy.


cigarette's, very hard. i get really short tempered and twitchy and frustrated.

but i'm sure it does get easier after the first week as you get more used to it.

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in that case you should prepare for it. Sacrifice a 2 week vacation to quitting. It might seem like a waste of vacation, but it's worth it in the long term.

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Guest Xenblake

Been smokefree (bar one drunken cig that i didn't enjoy much anyway) since 1st Jan 2012.


After meals is hardest time for me.


I find having a sweet snack when wanting a cig helps


Rumbo, your avatar keeps reminding me of a cigarette.

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