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Sucker Punch (2011) - trailer

Rubin Farr

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goddammit, this looks awful. fuck 300. and fuck the watchmen adaptation, now that i think about it. what good has zack snyder done for the movie industry? a remake of dawn of the dead?

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Guest drukqs

I can't stand how plastic the actresses look. I'm sorry, but since when was looking like a mannequin accepted as "hot"? And don't get me wrong, this movie is filled with unrealistic shit, but girls that look like that do not go to insane asylums. They should have some average, malnourished looking girls with bags under their eyes, possibly with frizzy hair. The oversexualizatipn just kills this for me.


But goddamn, we need more movies with 10 ft tall Samurais. That is fucking awesome.

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Guest drukqs

At least it looks to be an honest trashfest and doesn't pretend to be deep like Inception


Are you seriously implying Inception was a trashfest?

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No, I don't think it was a trashfest, but it was a bit of a showcase for cool effects and crazy ideas, which is actually fine by me, but it's not like it had a huge message or something. Yet some people I know think it's really clever and meaningful cause they felt it was all complicated, which is actually wasn't all that much. I still enjoyed it - you're right, I should have said Avatar instead - THAT was a pile of shit. Inception was alright, although it was a waste of potential regarding its theme.

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okay well wait a minute


I'm sorry, but since when was looking like a mannequin accepted as "hot"?


since emily browning appeared before my very eyes

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Guest analogue wings

I would love to see Zack direct a music video hmm-1.gif


if you mean instead of directing a feature film ever again then i agree

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Saw this movie yesterday, it sucked shit.


After the film my friend was all like, "What the fuck was that", and I was like, "A shit-fest with decent action scenes?" and he was like, "No, I thought I was watching a trailer, but then it kept going and at first I knew what was going on, except I didn't, and then it just sucked".


Sums it up, really.

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Seems like no-one saw the "Legends of the Guardians" animated kids film that Zack Snyder directed. Visually it was stunning. The guy is a certain kind of prodigy for sure. All he needs to do is calm down and learn how to pace himself and tell a story properly. Not sure if that'll ever happen, but I'm certain I'd rather watch his next flick, than the next David Fincher movie. Still haven't got around to watching the Social Network, it seems so turgid...and Benjamin Button was unwatchable...

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Guest analogue wings

Seems like no-one saw the "Legends of the Guardians" animated kids film that Zack Snyder directed. Visually it was stunning. The guy is a certain kind of prodigy for sure. All he needs to do is calm down and learn how to pace himself and tell a story properly. Not sure if that'll ever happen, but I'm certain I'd rather watch his next flick, than the next David Fincher movie. Still haven't got around to watching the Social Network, it seems so turgid...and Benjamin Button was unwatchable...



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Guest Z_B_Z

the problem with zack snyder is that he is completely lost when dealing with anything approaching a human emotion. everything has to be a glitzy, bloated, action packed spectacle.

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I never liked Superman. There's Spiderman, Batman, Invisible-Raccoon-Throwing-Man, but what's Superman's specialty exactly? He's just super, that's all. Don't like him.


superman is really, really fucking badass. The problem is nobody has ever approached his story and supernatural vibe correctly since the comics and older animated cartoons. Just watch some of the old cartoons.




oh heres the first one:



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