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remember that x-files episode where they were stuck underground being held by some huge mushroom that was using psilocybes to make them trip and think they were living their acutal lives, but it wasnt perfect so every now and then everything around them would go all trippy


yeah, that was cool


ha, i just watched this! it's "Field Trip" :emotawesomepm9: from season 6. pretty disturbing episode actually, reminded me of a bad experience i once had with 900mg dxm.


there's really a lot of esoteric drug references in this show, btw.

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lighter episode-spoilers ahead


my girlfriend loves twin peaks, what would be a good start for her on x-files?


From Season 1 until it starts getting bad.


I (am very glad I haven't seen all episodes yet, but I) think I prefer the middle seasons, in a way. Could be only due to the fact that the specific episodes I have seen from these seasons are so good. Maybe there are still some gems in Season 1 and 2 that will blow me away. But I find by the time they got to season 4 they dropped most the 'cheesy' 90's stuff and went even crazier with their ideas. Although there is one favorite episode of mine from Season 1, the one with the missing forest workers, I think it's called Darkness Falls. Scared the crap out of me when I saw only the trailer back when it came out, they showed the green stuff coming through the air vent inside the car and messing up the people, I must have been about 5-6, and I thought it was a documentary.


But anyway, if you want to get someone interested, I say pick any episode you find extraordinarily good, and make sure it's a Monster-Of-The-Week one (they're standalone, instead of following the whole main story with the aliens and all, they're marked on the wikipedia episodes list, but some of them might contain sort-of-spoilers nonetheless)


remember that x-files episode where they were stuck underground being held by some huge mushroom that was using psilocybes to make them trip and think they were living their acutal lives, but it wasnt perfect so every now and then everything around them would go all trippy


yeah, that was cool


ha, i just watched this! it's "Field Trip" :emotawesomepm9: from season 6. pretty disturbing episode actually, reminded me of a bad experience i once had with 900mg dxm.


there's really a lot of esoteric drug references in this show, btw.


I picked this episode to show my girlfriend, hoping she'd get into it. I don't know how she managed but she never watched the X-Files during the whole run. She watches mostly rubbish series for some reason, that whole Jerry Bruckheimer package, and she dislikes The Simpsons (how could you not like The Simpsons, I do mean oldschool Simpsons, King Size Homer and good stuff like that, not the new crap) - it's really odd as she's got a pretty good taste when it comes to movies. It just doesn't add up, but whatever.


We watched Field Trip and I thought she might get hooked by the idea of multiple realities, she's much into the Matrix and everything that deals with this topic, also I assumed she would have been at least somewhat impressed by the (imo) very high standard of writing/acting The X-Files have, much unlike all this new stuff like ... you name it.



So the episode is over, I notice she's just kind of sitting there not doing much, and I'm thinking, alright, another great series dismissed, I guess. I ask her "What's the matter?" - But then she tells me she didn't care much for the whole Fungus thing as the moment the alien showed up (which I didn't even remember being in the episode) got her so traumatized that she couldn't move. Turns out she is terrified of aliens, which I didn't know, and it's not just that she's terrified, she also tells me a disturbing story about how every once in a while she would have dreams about being abducted and aliens running tests on her, puncturing her skin with needles and doing random shit, and then she'd wake up in the morning and have the same body parts aching. What the...? :fear:

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  • 5 months later...

man, just started a rewatch of these guys.


the episode called Synchrony with the time-traveling old man....so underrated...and mark snow did an awesome theme to this one

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  • 1 year later...

I need to continue watching, I started it up on Netflix a while back and I think I had just finished Season 2,... I need to get through all of the ones until the point Duchovney left, fuck the Terminator guy. I love Gillian Anderson forever, and she's like even hotter now.

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also: a lot of girls I've met find x-files traumatizingly scary. wtf?


you're hanging out with the wrong types of girls. all the awesome ladies i know love the show...some of course find it scary sometimes, but they all love it.

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i made what i believe to be an excellent case as to why if you're an x-files fan, stopping at season 7 will leave you less frustrated and with fond memories of the x-files legacy

- Season 7's finale ends with Mulder being abducted by aliens, Scully then finds out she is pregnant afterwards presumably (although never made clear) with Mulder's child
- Season 8 starts with Scully teamed up with the t-100 from Terminator 2, except he is fatter and has a shitty fake boston accent.
he is a 'skeptic' like Scully was in the beginning, so now the dynamic is the opposite, Scully believes in aliens and supernatural events where as Dogget does not.
- Skinner is now fully on board as a Mulder supporter and works with Scully behind the scenes to try and find him
- towards the last 3rd of the season eventually Mulder turns up dead... yes he is dead, but not to fear! It's actually just a dead 'shell' of his former body and there is a new mulder underneath the skin. At the same time he appears dead, so does Billy, the teen who was abducted in the very first episode of the X-files, and then re-abducted in the season 7 finale of the x-files along with mulder. He re-appears the same way Mulder does and his outer shell is dead, but his new body is no longer that of a human. He's a 'super soldier' an unclear origin metallic skeleton humanoid. We presume it's a new type of alien, but as we later find out that's not the case
- Mulder along with Skinner try to stop the super-soldier billy from killing off all the alien abductees who remain alive.
Crychek comes along from the ride and is trying to stop Mulder. Crycheck gets shot in the head and dies in a shoot out with mulder and skinner
- the whole time behind the scenes Dogget is getting inside information from a military colonel (sort of like his Mr. X or deep throat) but we find out quickly he's actually an alien because he has that weird mark on the back of his neck
- eventually his contact turns out to be a 'super soldier'. Mulder and Scully get contacted by a renegade 'super soldier' played by Xena the warrior princess who explains to them in a retcon fashion that super soldiers are actually not alien in origin at all, but modified humans with super powers. This episode sort of erases the fact that Billy was adducted by a UFO and dropped off and grew a new body
- Scully has the baby and the super soldiers track her down, she thinks they want to kill her but they actually just want to watch her have the baby (in a really weird but poorly done rosemary's baby-esque scene)
*zero memory of season 8 finale*
- for some reason that i totally forgot, Mulder goes missing again and does not appear for the rest of the show we find out that he's dying of some kind of incurable brain cancer that he inherited from the smoking man (his dad) during the Season 6 2-parter where he does some kind of brain cell transfusion with his dad in order to save his dad's life
- In Season 9 scully has to take care of the baby who has subtle psychic and telekinetic abilities that are barely shown, there are allusions to him being Christ reborn that are never followed up on
- While scully takes care of the baby in a bland dark apartment for almost every episode, Dogget gets a new parter, Monica Reyes
she takes over the Mulder role, she is heavily into the super natural and Dogget is the skeptic.
- A 'super soldier' tricks Scully into trying to get her to contact Mulder, when she finds out he is a 'super soldier' she leads him to a canyon that has magnetite in it killing him instantly. We find out magnetite is deadly to super soldiers (wtf, i know right? )
- In the meantime a man appears to Skinner who might be mulder, hes horribly burned but a DNA test reveals him to share Mulder's dna. He then reveals that he is Jeffery Spender, the brother of mulder. His father sent him away for human experimentation and he escaped but not only after being disfigured. He comes over to Scully's house and injects her son with a needle to her surprise. She thinks its a virus, but he actually 'cures' the child of it's powers (wtf?)
- in the final episode of the whole show, Mulder comes out of hiding, but only because we find out that he knows the date of the real apocalypse that he learned at a secret military base, as soon as he finds out he accidentally kills by knocking off a balcony a super soldier (who were previously indestructible from anything but magnetite) posing as a soldier.
-Because of the murder, Mulder must undergo a military tribunal.
The psychic kid from the end of Season 5 comes back, we also find out he has been experimented on but is now halfway through puberty and serves absolutely no purpose to the story. The final episode is like an even shittier version of the Seinfeld finale, offering flashbacks to previous alien mythology episodes. Scully plays the defense attorney, and she uses the psychic kid as evidence that aliens are real.
At the end of the episode we find out that the smoking man is not dead, but he actually lives like a mountain shaman in the dessert of north america hiding in a mountain made of magnetite to try and live out his days during the impending alien apocalypse. then he gets shot with a missile from a helicopter
end of show


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i made what i believe to be an excellent case as to why if you're an x-files fan, stopping at season 7 will leave you less frustrated and with fond memories of the x-files legacy




- Season 7's finale ends with Mulder being abducted by aliens, Scully then finds out she is pregnant afterwards presumably (although never made clear) with Mulder's child

- Season 8 starts with Scully teamed up with the t-100 from Terminator 2, except he is fatter and has a shitty fake boston accent.

he is a 'skeptic' like Scully was in the beginning, so now the dynamic is the opposite, Scully believes in aliens and supernatural events where as Dogget does not.

- Skinner is now fully on board as a Mulder supporter and works with Scully behind the scenes to try and find him

- towards the last 3rd of the season eventually Mulder turns up dead... yes he is dead, but not to fear! It's actually just a dead 'shell' of his former body and there is a new mulder underneath the skin. At the same time he appears dead, so does Billy, the teen who was abducted in the very first episode of the X-files, and then re-abducted in the season 7 finale of the x-files along with mulder. He re-appears the same way Mulder does and his outer shell is dead, but his new body is no longer that of a human. He's a 'super soldier' an unclear origin metallic skeleton humanoid. We presume it's a new type of alien, but as we later find out that's not the case

- Mulder along with Skinner try to stop the super-soldier billy from killing off all the alien abductees who remain alive.

Crychek comes along from the ride and is trying to stop Mulder. Crycheck gets shot in the head and dies in a shoot out with mulder and skinner

- the whole time behind the scenes Dogget is getting inside information from a military colonel (sort of like his Mr. X or deep throat) but we find out quickly he's actually an alien because he has that weird mark on the back of his neck

- eventually his contact turns out to be a 'super soldier'. Mulder and Scully get contacted by a renegade 'super soldier' played by Xena the warrior princess who explains to them in a retcon fashion that super soldiers are actually not alien in origin at all, but modified humans with super powers. This episode sort of erases the fact that Billy was adducted by a UFO and dropped off and grew a new body

- Scully has the baby and the super soldiers track her down, she thinks they want to kill her but they actually just want to watch her have the baby (in a really weird but poorly done rosemary's baby-esque scene)

*zero memory of season 8 finale*

- for some reason that i totally forgot, Mulder goes missing again and does not appear for the rest of the show we find out that he's dying of some kind of incurable brain cancer that he inherited from the smoking man (his dad) during the Season 6 2-parter where he does some kind of brain cell transfusion with his dad in order to save his dad's life

- In Season 9 scully has to take care of the baby who has subtle psychic and telekinetic abilities that are barely shown, there are allusions to him being Christ reborn that are never followed up on

- While scully takes care of the baby in a bland dark apartment for almost every episode, Dogget gets a new parter, Monica Reyes

she takes over the Mulder role, she is heavily into the super natural and Dogget is the skeptic.

- A 'super soldier' tricks Scully into trying to get her to contact Mulder, when she finds out he is a 'super soldier' she leads him to a canyon that has magnetite in it killing him instantly. We find out magnetite is deadly to super soldiers (wtf, i know right? )

- In the meantime a man appears to Skinner who might be mulder, hes horribly burned but a DNA test reveals him to share Mulder's dna. He then reveals that he is Jeffery Spender, the brother of mulder. His father sent him away for human experimentation and he escaped but not only after being disfigured. He comes over to Scully's house and injects her son with a needle to her surprise. She thinks its a virus, but he actually 'cures' the child of it's powers (wtf?)

- in the final episode of the whole show, Mulder comes out of hiding, but only because we find out that he knows the date of the real apocalypse that he learned at a secret military base, as soon as he finds out he accidentally kills by knocking off a balcony a super soldier (who were previously indestructible from anything but magnetite) posing as a soldier.

-Because of the murder, Mulder must undergo a military tribunal.

The psychic kid from the end of Season 5 comes back, we also find out he has been experimented on but is now halfway through puberty and serves absolutely no purpose to the story. The final episode is like an even shittier version of the Seinfeld finale, offering flashbacks to previous alien mythology episodes. Scully plays the defense attorney, and she uses the psychic kid as evidence that aliens are real.

At the end of the episode we find out that the smoking man is not dead, but he actually lives like a mountain shaman in the dessert of north america hiding in a mountain made of magnetite to try and live out his days during the impending alien apocalypse. then he gets shot with a missile from a helicopter

end of show





yeah pretty much... there's a few monster of the week episodes in the final seasons that are OK, but yeah, this sums it up nicely, and I'm a pretty hardcore fan...

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the monster episodes are worth the last two seasons, IMHO.



Daemonicus was pretty cool....the "4d" Killer was a mindfuck...a few others I can't really think of now.



Oh yeah, and what about the episode with Burt Reynolds? One of my all-time favorites for how ridiculous it is.

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have you seen/or do you remember the Season 9 episode 'jump the shark' ? It's extremely strange in the sense that the entire episode seems to be a parody or self-aware joke about how dumb it was to shift from UFO/aliens to 'super soldiers'. IF you haven't seen it just watch the opening scene to see what i'm talking about. It was also written by Vince Gilligan, so at the very least the writers of the show seemed to know how shitty it had become.

its on hulu


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have you seen/or do you remember the Season 9 episode 'jump the shark' ? It's extremely strange in the sense that the entire episode seems to be a parody or self-aware joke about how dumb it was to shift from UFO/aliens to 'super soldiers'. IF you haven't seen it just watch the opening scene to see what i'm talking about. It was also written by Vince Gilligan, so at the very least the writers of the show seemed to know how shitty it had become.


lol yeah i was gunna mention that actually.

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