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watmm member interviews: Fatcaesar

Guest tht tne

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I would like to ask Fatcaesar what his favourite braindance/IDM albums/who his favourite such musicians are. And how he came to know of the genre and the site. :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Fatcaesar

I would like to ask Fatcaesar what his favourite braindance/IDM albums/who his favourite such musicians are. And how he came to know of the genre and the site. :emotawesomepm9:



That's a hard question..

These are some of my absolute favorites:


Clark - Body Riddle



Chris Clark - Clarence Park



The Flashbulb - Arboreal





Everything by Boards of Canada




Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy



Secede - Vega Libre



I guess these are my favorites, however i got hundreds of albums and most of them has something special really =/

About my favorite musicians you can check that at my last.fm page (check my sig), there are many many i love :)


And i think it was because i was passionate about Boards of Canada's mystery past about their release and so and of course i love the song Watmm ;)

And about the music genre... uhm it was because of i found Boards of Canada many many years ago.. i can't remember how that happened but i think the story goes kinda like this..


When i was young i loved Classical music, listened to it while i got to bed. i was young then.. like 7 years old or so, and that got me interested into other calm music and i found www.di.fm the Ambient channel and i fell in love with Pete Namlook's music and from there on the search began and so it's been for like 10 years or so, i'm 23 now.

And i'm quite sure i'm not a lone with a HUGE library of music so i can't possibly list everything i like haha

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tht! tne interviews Fatcaesar:


  • is there story
  • do you like gothenburg metal or are you reacting against by creating lame 80s ripoffs like mitch murder
  • do you understand that kaen is the man, no ifs ands or buts
  • if i win the lottery i'm gonna open a thread pledging equal shares of $1,000,000 for any takers, stay up
  • Yegg/Glass Plate doesn't post hardly at all anymore, whaddupwidat


what i know about Fatcaesar already:


  • he needs to read the rules
  • rule #1: read the rules


what i hope to accomplish with this interview:


  • reattract Fred McGriff to gen ban
  • exclude abusivegeorge vamos scorcho and happycase
  • n/p: underworld - sola sistim


edit: corrected spelling in title


You need an outlet other than WATMM.

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Guest abusivegeorge

or another tht tne :emotawesomepm9:


i was possibly misconstruable as a troll when i first joined but i got acclimated; however i feel the lifetime member forum is purely to escape from me :crazy:


Shut the fuck up you dumb as mother fucking cunt. You don't know jack fucking shit, fuck I have never met someone so fucking stupid in my life.


tht! tne interviews Fatcaesar:


  • is there story
  • do you like gothenburg metal or are you reacting against by creating lame 80s ripoffs like mitch murder
  • do you understand that kaen is the man, no ifs ands or buts
  • if i win the lottery i'm gonna open a thread pledging equal shares of $1,000,000 for any takers, stay up
  • Yegg/Glass Plate doesn't post hardly at all anymore, whaddupwidat


what i know about Fatcaesar already:


  • he needs to read the rules
  • rule #1: read the rules


what i hope to accomplish with this interview:


  • reattract Fred McGriff to gen ban
  • exclude abusivegeorge vamos scorcho and happycase
  • n/p: underworld - sola sistim


edit: corrected spelling in title


You need an outlet other than WATMM.




Fatcaeser, don't reply to this fucking cunt he's a troll and he just wants to make you feel a fool, you'll hear him talk about the lifetime member forum a lot (as above) because everyone there hates his fucking guts and he wishes he could get in unnnoticed and pretend to be someone else. Such a thick ass mother fucker.


Stop trying to make other people look stupid Irari you fucking twat. Fuck off and suck your Dads dick, I'm fed up with doing it but he says your just not good enough. Can't even suck a cock properly.


You fucking wanker.

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have you ever taken a train and eaten it, piece by piece, AFTER you just derailed it with your penis?

Good to know I'm among fellow Mr. Show fans here on watmm, man! :happy:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Can't even suck a cock properly.


You fucking wanker.


Same can't be said for his bunghole massaging skills. The analingus was amazing

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Guest Fatcaesar

abusivegeorge your talking about tht tne right?


Well the thing is.. he obviously things he my puppet master right now but seriously.. what's the harm in playing along and perhaps not give him what he wants.. to ridicule me :spiteful:


Thanks though you never know what kind of twats you'll meet online :whistling:



Anyhow at least you know my favorite albums, gotta be worth something right? hahahaha

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Guest happycase

abusivegeorge your talking about tht tne right?


Well the thing is.. he obviously things he my puppet master right now but seriously.. what's the harm in playing along and perhaps not give him what he wants.. to ridicule me :spiteful:


Thanks though you never know what kind of twats you'll meet online :whistling:



Anyhow at least you know my favorite albums, gotta be worth something right? hahahaha


It's really nice to have you, man. Finally a watmmer with some integrity and wit.



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watmm is full of great people, happycase! you can't let the people who have mean shit to say get you down, even if they're incredibly harsh, half the time they're joking and the other half they're "on that other shit," aka "trippin."




xxx is a witty bastard, thats for certain.

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Guest happycase

i know vamos, i'm trying not to let them keep the rest of us down. they don't get to me anymore, i feel like i've toughened up and am a better watmmer because of it. fatcaesar is really going to be a good addition to the real spirit. it's a few of those "powerhouse" guys who are going to go for him, for sure. they play rough, but don't we all sometimes? anyway fat, you'll know whose side to take soon, which is to say no side but the music. we are here for the beats.

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Guest tht tne

abusivegeorge your talking about tht tne right?


Well the thing is.. he obviously things he my puppet master right now but seriously.. what's the harm in playing along and perhaps not give him what he wants.. to ridicule me :spiteful:


Thanks though you never know what kind of twats you'll meet online :whistling:



Anyhow at least you know my favorite albums, gotta be worth something right? hahahaha


i think you've completely misjudged me; everyone around here tells newbs to read the rules, it's actually an important part of contributing to watmm... i like you, chill

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Guest abusivegeorge

abusivegeorge your talking about tht tne right?


Well the thing is.. he obviously things he my puppet master right now but seriously.. what's the harm in playing along and perhaps not give him what he wants.. to ridicule me :spiteful:


Thanks though you never know what kind of twats you'll meet online :whistling:



Anyhow at least you know my favorite albums, gotta be worth something right? hahahaha


I certainly am mate, good post btw lol.

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Guest tht tne

Atop were you trying to scare that first-time lsd-er with that pic? or did you suspect that he had some homophobic tendencies that needed ironing out?

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