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Parker's first real tackle at 11:00 or so was the one where he lunged into Fellaini's back... then his yellow card...lol the man has the subtlety of an ox.

Sure Mertens' push was not cool, but I didn't see much the Belgians did which England didn't match - and not all of it retaliatory.


Anyways - it's still a man's game (barely). If it gets much softer (especially at the international level) you might as well give them all some frilly tutus.


edit: and yes - if England lost Hart they'd be proper fucked.

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thing is right now i'm starting to think we can go to at least the semis' just because Woys track record when it comes to getting things dont whilst being the under-dog..


Switzerland, fulham, wba.


we'll see how the pressure is when we play france. i think its an ideal team to start with, test out the waters with a (on paper) solid france team.


Also im totally pleased he didnt pick rio. and equally pleased rio started to cry about it. if he kicks up a ruck anymore his interntional career will be over, it should be over.. he was injured most of last season, i think i only saw 1 game he played on tv. still, i dont rate him, never have done.

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I don't rate Rio now, but to say you never rated him is some pretty good denial. When he was in his prime he was one of the best CBs in the world.

Also after watching the Belgium match, I have come to the conclusion that a) glen johnson is a useless tit and b) england are proper fucked anyways*. Did anyone else see the Netherlands v. Northern Ireland friendly? The Dutch look primed. As long as they don't have to bring Kuyt on they'll be in with a real shot.


*When there's talk of Ashley Young being your #10, you know you're proper fucked.

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i've never rated rio even when he played for bournemouth/westham/leeds/united. ive never seen him do anything noteworthy, i guess you could say thats a sign of a good CB.. but look at terry as much as everyone hates him, me included, he gets stuck in, and, lets face it, is a good player to watch.


i guess the only thing worse then not having rio in the squad is having more liverpool players. hmm.

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You'll never see River Ferdinand do this, specially with that crocked back of his.





In the lead up to that, Terry was completely mugged. That situation wouldn't have happened to a better CB.


My issue with the situation is:


- the Terry trial should have already happened. If he was found guilty then he wouldn't be in the squad. If innocent then he'd be free to play. His legal team delayed the trial until after the Euro's, so IMO he should have been suspended from England duties.


- Rio is coming towards the end of his career, however in the last few months has played constantly for Man Utd and he's played really well. We need a bit of experience in the team and personally I'd pick Rio over Terry. Plus the fact that our right sided RB's are injured and so either Lescott or Terry is going to be (a bit) out of position. Lescott and Rio is IMO a very decent partnership.


- The FA/Hodgson haven't come out and explained why he hasn't been picked. "Footballing reasons" is too vague.

Edited by jhonny
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I don't rate Rio now, but to say you never rated him is some pretty good denial. When he was in his prime he was one of the best CBs in the world.

Also after watching the Belgium match, I have come to the conclusion that a) glen johnson is a useless tit and b) england are proper fucked anyways*. Did anyone else see the Netherlands v. Northern Ireland friendly? The Dutch look primed. As long as they don't have to bring Kuyt on they'll be in with a real shot.


*When there's talk of Ashley Young being your #10, you know you're proper fucked.

Ashley Young may line up as a #10 but he plays as a central winger. I think that will help Gerrard (but sadly not Lampard) in making late unmarked runs/attacks into the box because Young will move to either flank. I think it's an intelligent move from Roy.

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Young should stay on the wings and give up the notion that he's a playmaker - he isn't (and I say this as a long time united fan). That's what I meant when I said England is proper fucked if Young is being touted as the #10 (regardless of if he plays it in a traditional manner or as a winger who moves in).

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Pacheo is Spanish though.


If the tweet where Pacheo says that the term can be use in un-derogatory context is true and Johnson doesnt care, then the story is just shitty English tabloid news. People like to blow whistles.

Edited by chassis
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He's spanish?? lol i thought he was argentinian or something. Negro has a whole different meaning in Spain, unlike Argentinians or Uruguayans the Spanish never use the word Negro in a friendly way .. never.


Maybe that's Glenn Johnson's nickname ... Glenn "Negrito" Johnson. This is so wrong lol.

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@Chen - No they are not. In most spanish-speaking south american countries (specially in Uruguay and Argentina) calling someone of colour "negro" in a friendly manner is extremely common. In that part of the region people often use a physical charateristic to give like a friendly nickname to someone (example - to a fat person they would say "Hola gordo" meaning "Hi fat boy"). Spain in the other hand they don't do that, they don't have friendly nicknames like that.


It's weird to hear a spanish person to use the word negro in a friendly manner (it never happens), specially with their history of racism.

Edited by YO303
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I've asked Mexicans, Colombians, Venezuelans and yes even Spaniards about this - and they all agree while it depends largely on context, negrito is commonly used in a friendly or jocular manner.

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I hate to use wikipedia for this but i think it says what i tried to say more eloquently ..



In Spain, Mexico and almost all of Latin-America, negro (note that ethnonyms, names of nationalities, etc. are generally not capitalized in Romance languages) means "black person" in colloquial situations, but it can be considered to be derogatory in other situations (as in English, "black" is often used to mean irregular or undesirable, as in "black market/mercado negro"). However, in Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay where there are few people of African origin and appearance, negro (negra for females) is commonly used to refer to partners, close friends[13] or people in general independent of skin color. In Venezuela the word negro is similarly used, despite its large African descent population.


You should visit Spain and see how they treat black people there, the nation in general would never use the word negro in a friendly matter.


(I know i'm repeating myself but i'm 100 percent right about this)

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Who cares if it's friendly thing or not.


Haven't they learned that they shouldn't be saying it by now. It's gonna to cause a media shitstorm. Are they really that stupid?

Edited by Npoess
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So what you're saying is, they should completely alter their natural way of talking and their ingrained cultural habits so that some people who don't understand the world is a multicultural place, and that people have different expressions won't get offended?

I understand and recognize your point of view, my XY chromosome carrying individual with whom I am casually acquainted.

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Who cares if it's friendly thing or not.


Haven't they learned that they shouldn't be saying it by now. It's gonna to cause a media shitstorm. Are they really that stupid?


I am the biggest fan of PC. But this is a retarded comment, people shouldnt have to change their culture because they think the English tabloids will jump all over them. The truth remains to be proven to me, but the stuff you're talking about I cannot tolerate.

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It's okay for Pacheco to call Johnson a negrito. But I'm retarded for saying it's stupid to post something like that on twitter? hm..


Pacheco know that negrito is a offensive word to some. He should have that learned from the Suarez incident.

Edited by Npoess
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