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Bioshock Infinite

Rubin Farr

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Guest Iain C


Seems shooter-fatigue is pretty widespread among gamers these days.


think it's gaming fatigue. nobody designing games seems to imagine they're not really managing to design the elements that would set them apart, and they manage to dress up a certain kind of structure which was designed by someone at some point, but has been taken as convention. oddest thing is that there's loads of lessons as to how to do a game well, but massive outlays from companies mean they don't really risk redesigning what seems to be the wheel that should be left alone.


I think that's a good point. The whole "AAA" section of the industry is creatively bankrupt, but FPS games typify it more than any other genre. The only games I'm really playing these days are niche titles - roguelikes, grand strategy games and sims.

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Guest Gary C

I'm about 8 hours through. I don't know exactly.


Spoilered only because I don't know how little you might want to know. I haven't played anything that felt significant yet.



It's a really good game, so good that time is just sinking away when I play it. It's very well paced and has a great back-story. But I can see why people might be fed up that it's so linear in its storytelling. It's very almost a game-on-rails. There are a few decisions and potential plot-changers, but I've yet to see any consequences as yet. I've encountered some almost-open-areas, but they only really serve the purpose of hiding ammo and secrets.


I'm not a fan of FPS' particularly. I stay away from war games and only got into Mass Effect with the hype around 3. In fact, I haven't played Bioshock 1 and 2.


But the action pieces are exciting. At least at this stage in the game. Ammo, health and special-powers are just limited enough to keep things interesting. The AI isn't particularly smart, but on a visual (and musical) level, the action is thrilling.


Saying that, the sky-rail thing is visually interesting, but not particularly a good way to battle enemies. Equally, at least at this stage of the game, the alternate-reality-tear aspect is pretty stupid.


Visually, I really like this game (even on Xbox). I think retaining the cartoony Pixar style has enabled the graphics to be really confident. Particularly the fairy-tale elements of the early plot, the music and colour pallettes reminded me of great Disney and Pixar films.


I don't want to simply list of complaints and flaws in it though, because I have very happily sank hours into Infinite. I very happily explore every stage and area. I'm becoming more invested in the characters and plot. It's a thrilling and rich experience, but if you're expecting something revolutionary or ground-breaking (and I'm not sure why you would be), but it's not that.


It's shaping up to be a great story and experience. I'll probably replay it at least once. Maybe go through three times in total.


I'm consistently reminded of my first experiences playing Fallout 3. It's most a result of the alt-history/future dystopia theme, but it feels just as exciting. Whereas Fallout is very much an open-world, Infinite is a linear stage-level-boss affair. But it pulls it off because the story keeps you brimming along and the visual-style is so enjoyable.


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it's a genre game that doesn't revel in it. if i was watching a genre film, i'd expect it to be a honest one, hopefully with no pretentions beyond that unless kind of ironic, accidental, somewhat tongue in cheek. i think max payne 3 relished the shoot em up genre and went over the top with it, and i had more fun with it as a result. bioshock, in fact the whole trophy-oriented turn that gaming took with the current generation, towards autistic levels of necessity (money, health, tools & weapons) being morphed into obsessive collecting on an inconsequential and completely dismantled range of items & objects scattered in huge quantities across the game really urks me as it's grinding gameplay out. it's the most visible major-money part of the industry, and it's now making what are essentially self-indulgent wannabe filmmaker ideas, badly-written, overstretched and impossibly thin on filmic levels of ideas as it's only keen on SF / war and other such famous franchises, and only really asking you to fulfil the necessary role of triggering it's own preplanned events rather than for you to create an experience in your own mind that doesn't require a script.

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It's still a shooter yes, but I think this game is a fine example of a shooter done right, and it's the story and atmosphere it creates that set it apart from the standard "run and guns"... WATMM can be so jaded and cynical sometimes. It's a good game.

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Guest Gary C

Agreed. Good game. I'd recommend that everyone plays it. There's a lot of love in it, and a lot to love. But if you're not interested right now, then wait 'til it's cheaper.

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but it's not really a game though, there's this incredible world and interesting story and setting, and then you have those painstakingly planned stages where you shoot stuff plopped in in various locations for some reason, and that's where actual gameplay ends basically. there's almost no organic connection between those two elements, sure, they try to make it seem like there is but it just doesn't work. it's the opposite of something like fallout nv, for example, where you are completely inside the gameworld, where choices matter and you make your own story.

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I'm only two hours in, but I have to say that I'm really disappointed so far.


Sure it's pretty, but It lacks the same kind of atmosphere and creepiness from the original. And it doens't have that same kind of mindblowing intro. Plus the gameplay is doing nothing for me.


It's not bad, but I was hoping for something more. Maybe it will get better.

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but it's not really a game though...it's the opposite of something like fallout nv, for example, where you are completely inside the gameworld, where choices matter and you make your own story.

Of course it's a game, however It's not trying to be that type of game, it's not an RPG that much should have been clear from the development stages... You are playing as a character with a set story to make it through. Yeah it's linear but that's not always bad... It seems people have gotten overly used to sandbox style and open-ended games in recent years. I think the jump between the story-driven and gameplay moments has happened pretty well so far.

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jesus christ peoples expectations on watmm are weird. Of course it's a shooter. What were you expecting? The new Super Mario Bros on Wii U is just another 2D Platformer but from what I have seen and heard it's one of the best designed 2D mario games. Doesn't matter that the formula has been used before or that its linear with a start point and end point. If the details are tuned and thought over in such a way that it evokes emotions or adds versatility to ways you can tackle problems, that is good game design and is what game design is all about. Minecraft is a different kind of game experience than Bioshock, so if you don't like shooting stuff then yeah, you probably won't like Bioshock. But the same kind of argument could be made against the new Super Mario Bros, that its just another 2D platformer with nothing new. It's a bullshit argument.


To demand some kind of organic open world experience is to demand 2D mario games be open world and organic. It's ridiculous.

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I like the combat when I have to do crowd control and some decision making in the larger open areas where you can rail around. But the tougher enemies that just require tons of damage to go down aren't much fun to fight. It's just kiting them around and putting in a few shots every time you can reach a bit of distance.


The lack of quicksave and quickload is a choice I hated at first but it seems like a good idea because it forces a penalty for dying. They should just save the game state when you're exiting though.


Apart from that I'm really enjoying the game. The story certainly has my attention.

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just finished the game and... holy shit. i don't want to spoil anything, so i'm just gonna say that they took a big risk in an age where video game storylines are watered down pieces of crap for the most part so the "average gamer" can understand them. bravo, irrational games, bravo.

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just finished the game and... holy shit. i don't want to spoil anything, so i'm just gonna say that they took a big risk in an age where video game storylines are watered down pieces of crap for the most part so the "average gamer" can understand them. bravo, irrational games, bravo.


Done already? Damn, you're quick!


Now I'm worried that the game is gonna end up being too short :P

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and there's always playthroughs on harder settings.


I've never done those, it doesn't really do anything for me to play on hard mode other than frustrate me now and then.

Although some games have a well designed hard mode that forces you to lay down some more strategy, that I understand. The old Devil May Cry had some unique enemy types that would only show up on higher difficulty settings, that was a good motivator!

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and there's always playthroughs on harder settings.


I've never done those, it doesn't really do anything for me to play on hard mode other than frustrate me now and then.

Although some games have a well designed hard mode that forces you to lay down some more strategy, that I understand. The old Devil May Cry had some unique enemy types that would only show up on higher difficulty settings, that was a good motivator!


I like becoming more competent with weapons and against enemy tactics. In first person shooters that is. The last devil may cry i quit after i reached a stage that kept slicing the character in two, forcing me to restart from the beginning of the level. I was rather unimpressed, spose i could have gone online for a workaround, but fuck that, it's devil may cry. I don't know what mental delusion caused me to be playing the game in the first place.

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something i don't understand about the ending:


why would main booker's death (drowning) affect (their disappearance) elizabeths/annes from other dimensions ? perhaps those 5 (if i remember correctly) that appeared in the scene are interrelated ?


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something i don't understand about the ending:


why would main booker's death (drowning) affect (their disappearance) elizabeths/annes from other dimensions ? perhaps those 5 (if i remember correctly) that appeared in the scene are interrelated ?



nm, i think i get it actually, the elizabeths kill the booker that's about to become comstock and create this inter-dimensional mess



something i don't understand about the ending:


why would main booker's death (drowning) affect (their disappearance) elizabeths/annes from other dimensions ? perhaps those 5 (if i remember correctly) that appeared in the scene are interrelated ?



nm, i think i get it actually, the elizabeths kill the booker that's about to become comstock and create this inter-dimensional mess


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I don't wan't to sound all down on the game, because it's pretty good. And I'm starting to enjoy it a whole lot more.


But I don't understand how this game can receive almost perfect review scores everywhere. It's nowhere near that good, and It's one of the rare cases where the original is way better than the sequel from a gameplay perspective. I think some people that have reviewed this, might have been caught up in the hype a little too much .


And am I supposed to feel anything for this Elizabeth character?.. Because I don't. And I prefer it when the protagonist don't talk in first person games.

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couldn't get through the first Bioshock because of how artificial and forced all the cut scene boring story elements were shoehorned into the game, is this one the same? I just like actually playing, rather than being interrupted by horrible cringe worthy phoned in voice acting

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couldn't get through the first Bioshock because of how artificial and forced all the cut scene boring story elements were shoehorned into the game, is this one the same? I just like actually playing, rather than being interrupted by horrible cringe worthy phoned in voice acting


There were no major cutscenes in Bioshock that I remember and the voice over audio files you found throughout were just bonuses. I dont think the game forces you to listen to very much dialogue.

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couldn't get through the first Bioshock because of how artificial and forced all the cut scene boring story elements were shoehorned into the game, is this one the same? I just like actually playing, rather than being interrupted by horrible cringe worthy phoned in voice acting

seems like the opposite here, the story and the voice acting is good, the gameplay is boring

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