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I finally made voice contact with this girl I fell in love with

Guest happycase

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I didn't find your post especially offensive and I don't really get why people cringe at you in this thread. I only saw a young man sharing his hopes and fears(just wait a minute, I have to untwist my right ball(anticlockwise ! remember !). *relief*) and this is exactly the kind of threads i'm interested in : less "what's your favorite" threads, more writings about real life situation. Keep us posted about what's happening to you.

I'm all for diversity when it comes to freedom of speech - what's the point in reading the same opinion over and over - and I can testify you're a true original and i'm glad you joined watmm. In short, I understand you for the most part, but a question still tickles me.


so let me quote

We love women in so far as they are strangers to

us. To love intelligent women is a pleasure of the

pederast. Thus it follows that bestiality excludes


and ask you : are you bisexual ?


edit: *jots down 'in so far as'. classy*

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I don't really get it. Maybe someone here (or yourself) can explain.


What's the purpose of this treatise exactly? It seems to me that you wax philosophical to a group of anonymous men about various women you're attracted to in order to gain cachet and find some shred of acceptance because beyond the realm of anonymity (i.e. WATMM) you essentially are an outcast with no chance of acceptance with women or and to a lesser extent men. You desperately try to appear in control and high-handed by providing inflammatory remarks to the very people who are in fact in control of your goal: your acceptance and ultimate assimilation. You call the women you want to sleep with (one element of your desire for societal acceptance) "rigid cunts;" disrespecting them as people and instead treating them only as a necessary obstacle in the path to success. Then you disrespect the peoples' whose attention you are so pathetically vying for. "You're all virgins anyway," sadly sends the subtext of "If I act dismissive to them, it hopefully undercuts the seriousness, time and effort clearly evident in my pathetic post." Is that close to what you were thinking? You are a sadcase.



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If you just want to fuck girls, why not just get a pro? Surely that's the honest way to go about it. I mean really, you met the "asian" girl to ask her if she would sleep with you. You're being very dishonest with yourself. If all you desire out of a woman is to fuck, get a prostitute. There's no shame in that.

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Guest happycase

i feel like jawzus getting mauled by a bunch of 1200 pound tigers.


but your teeth are your testicles.


your claws are pink prenatal penis stubs of extremely sensitive flesh.




I have not "broken through" to bisexuality yet. I don't feel the same instinctual need to fuck a man as I do a woman.


For six hours about 2 weeks ago I experienced a total shift in my sexual polarity. I found all women repulsive, "soft," and alien to me as sexual creatures, and felt strongly attracted to all men.


I masturbated to a picture i found on google images (way easier than searching porn videos = +1 gay porn / +0 straight porn). otherwise, when i was in 7th grade i'd find my friend justin's naked butthole appearing in my imagination while i was trying to get off to fantasies about katie and meagan.


at the end of the rainbow


(+12 gay porn / + 88 straight porn)




also chen, i have no interest in fucking just any girl. in fact, i find it really difficult to fuck a woman i'm not sincerely feeling affection and admiration for. my "healer" instinct turns on as i see this dumb piece of pork beneath me uttering shit she thinks men like because of porn. i just want her to see that she's a big phony to the entire world. that she's hiding all her emotions. or that she's loud for attention. i want her to be free of her fear of the world. that becomes my priority. it's a desire that transcends and excludes even my sexuality. it is the penetrative healing light of truth beaming up the world through these eyes. to be false with the world is to be in pain. every layer of falseness contains an underlying fear that realness isn't good enough. if she's an actress from the start then all i really want is to see the actress behind the acting. it is a hell of a lot easier to see the actors behind the acting (men) for me because i don't make as many adjustments (acting) to my own behavior out of fear that i'll "freak them out" and lose "rapport" (which doesn't actually get established, imo, unless you're sharing enough of yourself as the artist behind the presentation and not as the presentation itself. i find the whole process of fucking ignorant girls (this is not a judgment, it's an interpretation and a description) to be taxing and insulting to my sexual prakriti. anyway, i lift a book off the table and realize i am all-powerful. i pump a ho on my cock and realize the same thing.

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Dude there's nothing wrong with coming out of the closet. If the tendency is there, don't disgruntle yourself further. It's become taboo to announce one's desires of the same sex, but that doesn't mean you should flagellate yourself over it.

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