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Guest fiznuthian

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My Minecraft cycle:


*listening to music*

"I wish I had something non-distracting to keep me busy while I listen to this music"

"I know, I'll build an elaborate treefort in Minecraft"

*two hours later*

"looking pretty good, I'll come back to this the next time I listen to m-"

*green thing kills me & wrecks my treefort*

"Screw Minecraft"

*two months later*

"I wish I had something non-distracting to keep me busy while I listen to this music"

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noooooo not my almost done totally awesome glass house on two giant stilts :trashbear:

well at the end of the day i'm willing to go with the consensus


in the meantime i'm having quite a bit of fun in singleplayer... i journeyed to the nether, dismantled my portal and tunnelled up into the roof, and travelled fucking MILES. then i went back to reality - my epic journey home is at about twelve days and counting

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noooooo not my almost done totally awesome glass house on two giant stilts :trashbear:

well at the end of the day i'm willing to go with the consensus


in the meantime i'm having quite a bit of fun in singleplayer... i journeyed to the nether, dismantled my portal and tunnelled up into the roof, and travelled fucking MILES. then i went back to reality - my epic journey home is at about twelve days and counting


you should post some videos

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Guest futuregirlfriend

start fresh then build a courthouse straight away. what your town needs is laws and perhaps a thunderdome.

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I agree about finding out who did it, and I think we should have a whitelist. Although I will lose several days work, I'm in support of switching to the backed up version as others seem to want it. But let's just do it quickly please.

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Guest Franklin

I'm for whatever. It'll be sad to have lost my brand new place that I've been building for about 5 hours now but I'll make another one!


wtf about the damage. It was me and lump on last night. looked like he was just lagging like crazy and not even able to play. i was out building my

new place.

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yep, I keep trying to log on as I'm a junkie but I usually time out - I tried to say hi to you but I'm not even sure it went through. My only window of active time, for whatever reason, is before 9 am Shanghai time, so I usually get in only a few hours per day. The rest of the time I'm just unsuccessfully trying to connect for more than a few minutes. I didn't see anyone else except for the two of us, but Minecraft must keep a log of who is on at any given time, right?

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Yeah the lag is so bad for me that I will slash a pig and at least 3 seconds later it dies. It's no fun to face an enemy in that situation, especially with a sword. But yeah I checked out the damage today and it seems pretty bad, I can't remember what everything looked like before but it seems not good. My house's are fine but they are made of stone anyways.

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ok, we're reverting back to January 31.


we also have other options:

- start a new world (could be interesting, especially for the watmmers this server was their first minecraft experience and a new world would give them a chance to fresh start)

- reset this world (similar)

- move the spawn point FAR away (similar to both previous options, but i think this is a very good idea)

- shut down the server (there are other servers out there)



in any case, if we decide to keep it going:

1) i'll find out how to do a friggin whitelist asap, but until then...

2) ...i'll change the server address and communicate it only via personal messages

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Here are my thoughts:


1) definitely whitelist and PM the server address to people

2) don't want to reset this world

3) I don't think this world is played out yet, I'm not that far away from the spawn and I still have new stuff to explore and nobody bothers me. Maybe in a while, but not yet

4) a new world would be ok (I've always felt you guys chose some boring-ass topology lol) but I'm sure everyone is sort of attached to what they have built now. I'd only want a new world if it was run in parallel with this one

5) I actually wouldn't mind if we started hosting on a server that had a better connection for me, I don't know how others feel but I might even be willing to pay a small monthly fee for a smooth-as-silk server connection.

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in any case, if we decide to keep it going:

1) i'll find out how to do a friggin whitelist asap, but until then...

use bukkit. They've recently been in touch with the guys from mojang : i guess it'll be the "standard" server program.

Lots of plugins.


I don't like the way you guys are playing minecraft: building stuffs for the sake of it, putting fancy but totally unuseful blocks such as bookshelves here and there, then maybe have a virtual tea in your virtual home, and getting satisfaction from owning as much as iron/gold/diamond as possible : no thanks.

I'd prefer a server where two opposite sides are at war. We could shut down coolville for one night and play this way for a few hours. i'm pretty sure lot of fun would ensue. Maybe we'd need more robust blocks, able to resist to a tnt blast so that we can build fortifications. I think this is an easily implementable feature, and a class designed for the client would only require a few lines to be changed in order to work with the server (anyway the standalone/single player version of minecraft is supposed to use an internal server in a near future).





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Guest Pennywise

in any case, if we decide to keep it going:

1) i'll find out how to do a friggin whitelist asap, but until then...

use bukkit. They've recently been in touch with the guys from mojang : i guess it'll be the "standard" server program.

Lots of plugins.


I don't like the way you guys are playing minecraft: building stuffs for the sake of it, putting fancy but totally unuseful blocks such as bookshelves here and there, then maybe have a virtual tea in your virtual home, and getting satisfaction from owning as much as iron/gold/diamond as possible : no thanks.

I'd prefer a server where two opposite sides are at war. We could shut down coolville for one night and play this way for a few hours. i'm pretty sure lot of fun would ensue. Maybe we'd need more robust blocks, able to resist to a tnt blast so that we can build fortifications. I think this is an easily implementable feature, and a class designed for the client would only require a few lines to be changed in order to work with the server (anyway the standalone/single player version of minecraft is supposed to use an internal server in a near future).





There are only ever like two people on the server at a time. How the fuck would a war work?

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Guest AcrossCanyons



i didn't do it. He did. Obvious post is obvious

Obvious joke post is obvious, I rarely log in any more and if I do it's never near ever time to make tnt and blow shit up.


Saying that if there was a new server (or) world I might start playing again. Got bored of the current one I think.

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